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Номинаций премии BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии

BAFTA в области кино
Best Children's & Family Film Лучший фильм Лучший британский фильм Лучший неанглоязычный фильм Лучший короткометражный фильм Лучший анимационный короткометражный фильм Лучший анимационный полнометражный фильм Лучший документальный фильм Лучшая мужская роль Лучшая женская роль Лучшая режиссёрская работа Лучшая мужская роль второго плана Лучшая женская роль второго плана Лучшая операторская работа Лучший звук Лучшая музыка к фильму Премия BAFTA за лучший дизайн производства: с 1969 года Лучший дизайн костюмов Лучший монтаж Лучший дебют британского сценариста, режиссёра или продюсера Лучшие визуальные эффекты Лучший грим и причёски Лучший оригинальный сценарий Лучший адаптированный сценарий Best Achievement in Special Effects Best Animated Featured Film Best Animated Film Best Animation Best Art Direction Best British Actor Best British Actress Best British Art Direction (B/W) Best British Art Direction (Colour) Best British Costume (B/W) Best British Costume (Colour) Best British Film 1947 Best British Film Editing Best British Screenplay Best Direction Best Documentary Film Best Documentary Film 1947 Best Factual Film Best Film Editing Best Film from any Source Best Film from any Source 1947 Best Foreign Actor Best Foreign Actress Best Foreign Language Film Best Make Up Artist Best Make Up/Hair Best Makeup and Hair Best Original Television Music Best Original Music Best Original Song Best Score Best Screenplay Best Short Factual Film Best Short Fictional Film Best Sound Track Best Special Effects Best Special Visual Effects Best Specialised Film Best Supporting Artist Current Affairs John Grierson Award Most Outstanding Newcomer to Film Most Outstanding Newcomer to Leading Film Roles Most Promising Newcomer to Film Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Role Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Roles Original Music Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer Special Award Лучшая работа художника-постановщика Лучший кастинг
BAFTA в области телевидения
Factual Entertainment Limited Drama Live Event Coverage Reality Soap Sports Coverage Лучшая односерийная теледрама Лучший драматический телесериал Лучшая мыльная опера или продолжающая теледрама Лучшая телекомедия или комедийная развлекательная телепрограмм Best Scripted Comedy Лучшая односерийная документальная телепрограмма Лучший документальный телесериал Лучшая развлекательная телепрограмма Лучший актер Лучшая актриса Лучший комедийный актёр Лучшая комедийная актриса Лучшая мужская роль второго плана Лучшая женская роль второго плана Лучшая международная программа 'Flame of Knowledge' 'Harlequin' 'Harlequin' (Documentary/Factual) 'Harlequin' (Drama/Light Entertainment) Alan Clarke Award Audience Award (TV) Best Actor Best Actress Best Actuality Coverage Best Animated Film Best Arts Programme Best Children's Programme (Documentary/Educational) Best Children's Programme (Entertainment/Drama) Best Children's Programme (Factual) Best Children's Programme (Fiction) Best Children's Programme (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Comedy (Programme or Series) Best Comedy Entertainment Programme Best Comedy Performance Best Comedy Programme Best Comedy Programme or Series Best Comedy Series Best Continuing Drama Best Costume Design Best Current Affairs Best Design Best Digital Creativity Best Director Best Director - Factual Best Director - Fiction/Entertainment Best Director Factual Best Director Fiction/Entertainment Best Director: Factual Best Director: Fiction Best Director: Multi-Camera Best Documentary Programme Best Drama Plays Best Drama Production Best Drama Serial Best Drama Series/Serial Best Dramatic Series Best Editing (Factual) Best Editing (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Editing - Factual Best Editing - Fiction/Entertainment Best Editing Factual Best Editing Fiction Entertainment Best Editing Fiction/Entertainment Best Editing: Factual Best Editing: Fiction Best Entertainment (Programme or Series) Best Entertainment Craft Team Best Entertainment Performance Best Entertainment Perfromance Best Entertainment Programme or Series Best Factual Production Best Factual Programme Best Factual: Current Affairs Best Factual: Documentary Best Features Best Features (Programme or Series) Best Film Cameraman Best Film Editor Best Film Sound Best Film or Video Editor (Factual) Best Film or Video Editor (Fiction) Best Film or Video Editor (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Film or Video Photography (Factual) Best Film or Video Photography (Fiction) Best Film or Video Photography (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Film/Video Editor (Factual) Best Film/Video Editor (Fiction) Best Film/Video Photography (Factual) Best Film/Video Photography (Fiction) Best Foreign Programme Best Foreign TV Programme Best Graphic Design Best Graphics Best Innovation Best Interactivity Best International Best International Series Best Light Entertainment Best Light Entertainment (Programme or Series) Best Light Entertainment Performance Best Light Entertainment Personality Best Light Entertainment Production Best Light Entertainment Programme Best Light Entertainment Programme/Series Best Lighting Best Live Event Best Live Outside Broadcast Coverage Best Make Up Best Make Up & Hair Design Best Make Up/Hair Best Make-Up & Hair Design Best New Director (Factual) Best New Director (Fiction) Best New Writer Best News Coverage Best News and Current Affairs Journalism Best News or Outside Broadcast Coverage Best News/Actuality Coverage Best Original Music Best Original Programme/Series Best Original Television Music Best Outside Broadcast Programme Best Personality Best Photography & Lighting Fiction/Entertainment Best Photography & Lighting: Fiction Best Photography (Factual) Best Photography - Factual Best Photography Factual Best Photography and Lighting (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Photography and Lighting - Fiction/Entertainment Best Photography and Lighting: Fiction Best Photography: Factual Best Production Design Best Programme/Series Without Category Best Reality & Constructed Factual Best Reality & Constructed Factual Series Best Reality and Constructed Factual Best Script Best Scripted Comedy Programme Best Scripted Comedy in 2016 Best Short Animated Film Best Short Form Programme Best Single Play Best Situation Comedy Best Situation Comedy Series Best Soap Best Sound (Factual) Best Sound (Fiction) Best Sound (Fiction/Entertainment) Best Sound Factual Best Sound Fiction/Entertainment Best Sound Supervisor Best Sound: Factual Best Sound: Fiction Best Special Lighting Effects Best Special, Visual and Graphic Effects Best Special/s Best Specialised Production Best Specialised Programme Best Specialised Series Best Specialist Factual Best Specialist Factual Programme Best Specialist Factual in 2016 Best Sport Best Sport and Live Event Best Sports/Events Coverage in Real Time Best TV Cameraman Best Talk Show Best Television Cameraman Best Television Lighting Best Titles Best Titles & Graphic Identity Best VTR Editor Best Video Cameraman Best Video Lighting Best Visual Effects Best Visual Effects & Graphic Design Best Writer Best Writer: Comedy Best Writer: Drama Break-Through Talent Breakthrough Talent Comedy Entertainment Programme Comedy Programme or Series Award Costume Design Current Affairs Daytime Director, Factual Director, Fiction Director, Multi-Camera Drama Series Editing, Factual Editing, Fiction Emerging Talent, Factual Emerging Talent, Fiction Entertainment Craft Team Entertainment Performance Entertainment Programme Features Film Editor General General Category Huw Wheldon Award Huw Wheldon Award for Factual Series or Strand Huw Wheldon Award for Specialised Programme or Series (Arts, History, Religion and Science) Huw Wheldon Award for Specialist Factual Huw Wheldon Award for the Best Arts Programme Huw Wheldon Award for the Best Arts Programme or Series Innovation Interactivity International Light Entertainment Live Event Make Up & Hair Design Most Original Programme/Series New Media New Media Developer News Coverage Original Music Original Music, Factual Original Music, Fiction Originality Outstanding Comedy Entertainment Programme Outstanding Current Affairs Feature Outstanding Drama Series Outstanding Entertainment Performance Outstanding Entertainment Programme P&O Cruises Memorable Moment Performance in Documentary Photography & Lighting, Fiction Photography, Factual Production Design Reality & Constructed Factual Richard Dimbleby Award Richard Dimbleby Award for the Best Presenter (Factual, Features and News) Scripted Casting Scripted Comedy Short Form Programme Situation Comedy Award Sound, Factual Sound, Fiction Special Award Special, Visual & Graphic Effects Specialist Factual Sport Titles & Graphic Identity Virgin Media's Must-See Moment Virgin TV's Must-See Moment Writer, Comedy Writer, Drama Лучшая женская роль Лучшая комедийная актриса Лучшая мужская роль Лучшая мыльная опера или продолжающая теледрама Лучшая односерийная документальная телепрограмма Лучшая односерийная теледрама Лучший документальный телесериал Лучший комедийный актёр Лучший мини-сериал
Outstanding British Contribution to Cinema
P&O Cruises Memorable Moment
Lloyds Bank People's Vote for the Most Popular Film
EE Rising Star Award
UN Award
Flaherty Documentary Award
60 Seconds of Fame - Best Regional Film
Shell International Award
Mullard Award
Anthony Asquith Award for Best New British Composer (TV)
Technical Craft Award (TV)
Kids' Vote
Audience Award (TV)
Special Award (Children's)
Writers' Award (Children's)
Writers' Award (TV)
Richard Dimbleby Award
Foreign TV Program Award
Dennis Potter Award
Alan Clarke Award
Lew Grade Award
Flaherty Documentary Award (TV)
Michael Balcon Award
Audience Award
Academy Fellowship
Carl Foreman Award for the Most Promising Newcomer
Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music
Alexander Korda Award for Best British Film
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