Роберт Де Ниро, Алек Болдуин, Мэтт Дэймон, Уильям Хёрт, Тимоти Хаттон, Джо Пеши, Билли Крудап, Кейр Дуллеа, Анджелина Джоли, Джон Туртурро, Майкл Гэмбон, Тэмми Бланчард, Мартина Гедек, Марк Иванир, Гэбриел Махт, Джон Сешнс, Олег Штефанко, Ли Пейс, Эдди Редмэйн
Auraeus Solito Auraeus Solito has yet again impressed with his sensitive portrayal of sole and pertinent aspect of indigenous Filipino culture. The film has faced problems of funding and censorship. But with comes through clearly is Solito's ability in handling bold subjects. Tuli is a lyrical weave of a story well told, beautiful and very good acting. The choice of locations and the music too, deserve a special mention. Tied with Ichijiku no kao (2006).
Faces of a Fig TreeIchijiku no kao
Каори Момои The film shows peculiar customs in Japanese society set in the unique yet quaint family. Through Momoi's brilliant acting, directing and script writing the films gives the subtle aspects of Japanese culture in which emotions and desires are hidden in the surficial daily interactions. Unsurprisingly, the film has a rich narrative layers and moods coloured with experimental passions. Tied with Tuli (2005).