Anastasia Veber Through a masterfully crafted montage, fragments of the lives of young people, seemingly stuck in a controlling and oppressive society emerge. The carefully and minimally constructed narrative is used to draw us cinematically into a feeling of both ecstasy, resistance and hopelessness all at once. The forceful last scene puts us in a vortex of energy, leaving us no choice but to become a part of this world, by transporting us to an empowering communal feeling through the camera's eye - produced by desires to imagine, trust and resist together.
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Memories from the Eastern FrontAmintiri de pe Frontul de Est
Раду Жуде, Adrian Cioflâncã
House of ExistenceJon-Jae-Ui Jib
Joung Yumi
It's Raining Frogs OutsideAmpangabagat nin talakba ha likol
Maria Estela Paiso
Kicking the CloudsKicking the Clouds
Sky Hopinka
Sunday MorningManhã de Domingo
Bruno Ribeiro
Anabela Angelovska
The Sower of StarsEl sembrador de estrellas
Лоис Патиньо
Alice Brygo
Memories from the Eastern FrontAmintiri de pe Frontul de Est
Раду Жуде, Adrian Cioflâncã
Антонио Марциале
Marina Herrera
A Story for 2 TrumpetsHistoire pour 2 Trompettes
Amandine Meyer
Gerard Ortín Castellví
Bird in the PeninsulaBird in the Peninsula
Atsushi Wada
By FlávioBy Flávio
Pedro Cabeleira
Further and Further AwayFurther and Further Away
Polen Ly
Will My Parents Come to See MeWill My Parents Come to See Me
Bruno Ribeiro In seemingly unrelated vignettes, the film moves from the anxiety of a musical performance to the experience of coming to terms with loss. Drama comes from subtle moments experienced by the protagonist, both in reality and in her imaginary reminiscences. With an extraordinary control over the cinematic image, Bruno Ribeiro paints a portrait of an artist who faces loss while struggling between fear and the desire to succeed.
Clare Weiskopf, Nicolas van Hemelryck A moving film which, utilising the simplest of means, creates an unbelievable closeness and intimacy. The protagonists and the audience are all confronted with pain and memories, albeit in a gentle manner. How do I manage to come to terms with my past without falling apart beneath it? The film answers this question with impressive honesty and directness.
Laura Wadha Impressive and intimate in its narrative style, this short film convinced us and also prevailed against the strong competition. By virtue of this film, we have gained access to a new reality that we had never encountered before in everyday life. In an impenetrable style, the film examines the influence that repressed memories have on our identity. Long after the end of the film, each one of us had something to think about. We were all touched by this film in a very special way, and now we want to award this with our Crystal Bear for the best short film.
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West by GodWest by God
Scott Lazer
Goodbye Jerome!Au revoir Jérôme!
Gabrielle Selnet, Adam Sillard, Chloé Farr
Nicole Jachmann
Tig Terera
At SixteenAos Dezasseis
Carlos Lobo
Blue NoiseBlaues Rauschen
Simon Maria Kubiena
Nothing to See HereNada para ver aqui
Nicolas Bouchez
Meneath: The Hidden Island of EthicsMeneath: The Hidden Island of Ethics
Terril Lee Calder
Memoir of a Veering StormAnamniseis mias efivikis kataigidas
Санна Ленкен A great protagonist, powerful and vulnerable at the same time, provided us with her captivatingly told, bittersweet story of loss, grief, anger and healing. This film was a rollercoaster ride full of emotions: sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes embarrassing. The music was always most appropriate and appealing. The camera was occasionally stable, yet also shaky. In a word, the film was superb.
Colm Bairéad A beautiful film led us into an emotional, natural world full of love. The acting performance of the protagonist truly impressed us. The profoundly explored feelings were accompanied by sensitive music.
We would like to commend the concept of the hybrid film "Traces of the Phoenix", which is ambitious in its content as well as its artistry. Places and stories are linked poetically and associatively to trigger fresh insights for the viewer. Bridges are built between political and social themes such as post-colonialism and the slave trade, activism and self-sufficiency, family and work, religion and identity. The film aims to adopt a standpoint subtly while contributing to current social debates from a personal perspective. The submission by Jide Akinleminu already reveals intense engagement with the complex narrative in its historical and art-historical references, and arouses our interest in this film.
Jamie Sisley Raw and frighteningly concrete, the film thrusts us into an everyday life that is shaped by a recurring traumatic event. Throughout their common journey, the actors and their characters became our confidants while alternating between hope and disappointment. The film left us speechless and agitated.
Nicolas Bouchez This short film is a work of art! Expressive and rich in contrast to the fast pace of daily life; at the same time observing and value-free, it allows itself the freedom to connect its own self to the images. The film conveys its content in a playful way, mostly without many words, and it invites you to think. Through the interaction of shapes, colours, edges, curves, sections, light and shadows, it clearly stands out from the other films.
Farkhad Sharipov The film is an intimate lens into some of the darker challenges facing young people today. But its strength is in its universality and strong and authentic performances. It explores the vulnerability of teenage girls at that pivotal moment in their lives when they are neither child nor adult. With moments of lightness and darkness - and a fantastic ending.
Kind HeartsKind Hearts
Герар-Ян Клас, Оливия Рошетт The first of two equal Grand Prix goes to a film that effortlessly plunges us into the lives of two ordinary young people, sharing a delicate insight in their emotional growth, while reminding us of the unpredictable and elusive nature of that thing called love.
Colm Bairéad As many films in this year's Generation Kplus competition, the winning film deals with the hardships of family life. It is a film with a delicate story full of details about childhood, grief, parenthood and rebuilding a family. The very strong narrative is combined with a stunning cinematography. The sound and the images create a unique atmosphere.
Hadi Babaeifar Through an amazing and poetic cinematography as well as authentic acting, this film tells a story about a boy who uses an ancient tale as a means of empowerment to save his brother. The storytelling was magnetic, mystic and truthful.
Rebana Liz John The Compass-Perspektive-Award goes to "Ladies Only", a raw, honest film that concentrates on the essentials, truly standing out with its decisiveness and clarity of form. A crowd of people push their way through the narrow door of a train compartment, and for 80 minutes a transitional location becomes intimate theatre, in which we get to know various women. Filmmaker Rebana Liz John asks questions about existential issues such as freedom, family and career, and we obtain personal insights into the lives of the protagonists. She has different generations read a poem out loud and comment on it, interrelating their differing points of view. Interview moments alternate with quietly observed situations. The montage creates visible emphasis and contrasts, and takes a firm standpoint. As a result, the public space of the train compartment becomes an intimate space. Numerous situations and times of day are interwoven, and the finely crafted sound design generates continuity and tension. It takes courage to tell such a reduced story, to take a close look and to produce a socially relevant film from everyday life.
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Sorry GenosseSorry Genosse
Vera Brückner
Тихий лесSchweigend steht der Wald
Сарализа Фольм
Katharina Rivilis
Mareike Wegener
We Might As Well Be DeadWir könnten genauso gut tot sein
Рут Бекерманн Masterfully playing with minimal elements interwoven through a rigorous mise-en-scène punctuated by humour, the director achieves a rich and complex reflection on gender and sexual politics that raises complicated questions of utmost relevance today.
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Queens of the Qing DynastyQueens of the Qing Dynasty
Ashley McKenzie
До пятницы, РобинзонÀ vendredi, Robinson
Митрэ Фарахани
Маленькая, медленная, но стойкаяKeiko, me wo sumasete
Cyril Schäublin With a strange and unsettling calm, the film immerses the viewer in a moment where ideals of collectivity and anarchism confront the encroaching powers of capitalism and the erosion of worker's time. As exacting in its cinematographic decisions, as the watches we see being assembled.
Митрэ Фарахани The encounter of two poets in the autumn of their lives, orchestrated by the director with mischief and a loving yet discerning regard. A playful battle of egos, that doubles as an intimate and moving meditation on language, communication and artistic creation.