Clare Weiskopf, Nicolas van Hemelryck A moving film which, utilising the simplest of means, creates an unbelievable closeness and intimacy. The protagonists and the audience are all confronted with pain and memories, albeit in a gentle manner. How do I manage to come to terms with my past without falling apart beneath it? The film answers this question with impressive honesty and directness.
Beata Gårdeler "The film which struck us the most was one which succeeds in continuously maintaining its oppressive atmosphere. This film gives us a precise and intense experience of the mechanisms of progressive social exclusion, triggered by an accusation. It excels in its portrayal of the role of social networks, where anonymity can lead to the unchecked build-up of aggression. A great cast, gripping dialog and unexpected developments combine to create an extraordinary work."
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Конец чудесного мираWandafuru warudo endo
Даиго Мацуи
Дневник девочки-подросткаThe Diary of a Teenage Girl
Софи Хайд The situation is exceptional but familiar. This year's winning movie is both suprising and touching. It is a movie about family and the quest for identity, and despite all the conflicts, the protagonists stay connected through their love to each other. The moving story is presented in a fascinating structure and convinces with strong characters, humour, clever ideas and sensitivity.
Катажина Росланец In this film we were completely unprepared for the extreme way the story unfolds. Its bold editing style, colorful cinematography and innovative direction gave the film great dynamism. The film showed us strong and complex characters who often behaved in contradictory ways. These teenagers seem to be unable to acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility for them. They are caught between the desire for freedom and the duties of being a young parent.
Reis Çelik We were deeply touched by the brilliant actors in this year's winning film. They let us take part in the feelings of two people who are imprisoned by family traditions which do not leave them any space for their own decision making and needs. We were especially impressed by the film's setting - a room where the drama unfolds. Just as for the couple, it is impossible for the audience to leave it.
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Una nocheUna noche
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Nosilatiaj. La bellezaNosilatiaj. La belleza
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