Anastasia Veber Through a masterfully crafted montage, fragments of the lives of young people, seemingly stuck in a controlling and oppressive society emerge. The carefully and minimally constructed narrative is used to draw us cinematically into a feeling of both ecstasy, resistance and hopelessness all at once. The forceful last scene puts us in a vortex of energy, leaving us no choice but to become a part of this world, by transporting us to an empowering communal feeling through the camera's eye - produced by desires to imagine, trust and resist together.
Все номинанты
Will My Parents Come to See MeWill My Parents Come to See Me
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Exalted MarsMars exalté
Jean-Sébastien Chauvin
Антонио Марциале
Anabela Angelovska
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House of ExistenceJon-Jae-Ui Jib
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Bird in the PeninsulaBird in the Peninsula
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Раду Жуде, Adrian Cioflâncã
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A Story for 2 TrumpetsHistoire pour 2 Trompettes
Amandine Meyer
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By FlávioBy Flávio
Pedro Cabeleira
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Memories from the Eastern FrontAmintiri de pe Frontul de Est