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Лауреаты Берлинале в категории «Лучший полнометражный фильм»

Берлинале 2022
Kind Hearts Kind Hearts
Герар-Ян Клас, Оливия Рошетт The first of two equal Grand Prix goes to a film that effortlessly plunges us into the lives of two ordinary young people, sharing a delicate insight in their emotional growth, while reminding us of the unpredictable and elusive nature of that thing called love.
Схема 5.6
Схема Skhema
Farkhad Sharipov The film is an intimate lens into some of the darker challenges facing young people today. But its strength is in its universality and strong and authentic performances. It explores the vulnerability of teenage girls at that pivotal moment in their lives when they are neither child nor adult. With moments of lightness and darkness - and a fantastic ending.
Берлинале 2021
The Fam La mif
Fred Baillif
Все номинанты
Stop-Zemlia Stop-Zemlia
Kateryna Gornostai
The White Fortress Tabija
Игор Дриляча
Криптополис 6.2
Криптополис Cryptozoo
Дэш Шоу
Берлинале 2020
My Name Is Baghdad Meu Nome é Bagdá
Берлинале 2019
House of Hummingbird Beolsae
Kim Bo-ra
Берлинале 2018
Фортуна 6.8
Фортуна Fortuna
Жерминаль Роа
Берлинале 2016
Растения 5.5
Растения Las Plantas
Роберто Доверис We were strongly pulled towards a movie that sank into our subconscious. The director managed in a profound and extremely cinematic way to convey the sexual awakening of a young woman against a background of family under duress. The central performance is at once strikingly brave and also wonderfully vulnerable. The whole film announces a filmmaker not afraid of extending the boundaries of cinematic language and storytelling. This film is an unforgettable sui generis.
Берлинале 2015
Дневник девочки-подростка 6.9
Дневник девочки-подростка The Diary of a Teenage Girl
Мариэль Хеллер "With its vibrant cinematic language, including flawless production design, this film reveals an authentic and unique woman discovering her own artistic voice and power, remarkably portrayed by a stunning newcomer. For the superlative characters brought to life by a brilliant ensemble and their director, as well as the uncompromising rejection of conventional morality in favor of human complexity the Grand Prix for the best feature goes to The Diary of a Teenage Girl by Marielle Heller."
Берлинале 2014
Violet Violet
Бас Девос For its abstract exploration of emotions following a tragic death and because of its exquisite sculpture of cinematography, sound and story the Jury presents the Grand Prix for the best feature film to Violet by Bas Devos.
Берлинале 2013
Shopping Shopping
Louis Sutherland, Mark Albiston An extremely compelling first film with a fantastic lead actor. We loved watching him on screen and felt a deep empathy with him. Sharp editing, strong visual choices and a complex, painful and loving portrayal of family. We appreciated the specificity of the world you brought us into. Your dedication to your vision is palpable.
Shopping Shopping
Louis Sutherland, Mark Albiston An extremely compelling first film with a fantastic lead actor. We loved watching him on screen and felt a deep empathy with him. Sharp editing, strong visual choices and a complex, painful and loving portrayal of family. We appreciated the specificity of the world you brought us into. Your dedication to your vision is palpable.
Все номинанты
Jîn Jîn
Год проведения

Другие награды и фестивали

Academy Awards, USA
Каннский кинофестиваль
Festival international du film de Cannes
Каннский кинофестиваль
Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
Золотой глобус
Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми»
Primetime Emmy Awards
Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми»
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
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Золотая малина
Золотая малина
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
Sundance Film Festival
Послание к Человеку
Послание к Человеку
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Screen Actors Guild Award
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
Окно в Европу
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Кинофестиваль в Торонто
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