Сурадж Шарма Sharma shines as 16-year-old Pi, whose life is changed forever when a startled zebra jumps into his lifeboat, forcing the pair overboard during a powerful storm.
Джессика Честейн Chastain's performance as intelligence expert Maya keeps us on the edge of our seats when her car is wrought with gun fire and she's driving without direction, desperately seeking safety.
Хоббит: Нежданное путешествиеThe Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Мартин Фриман As an unwilling adventurer, Freeman's Bilbo quivers and quips his way through an unexpected journey to the Lonely Mountain where he's confronted by giant spiders, terrifying trolls and a creepy creature named Gollum.
Дженнифер Лоуренс When Lawrence's Elissa is held hostage by her psychotic boyfriend in a silent cellar mere steps from her home, we're forced to face the frightening fact that you can't trust anyone.
Техасская резня бензопилой 3DThe Texas Chainsaw 3D
Александра Даддарио In the ultimate slasher film, Daddario's Heather Miller lives our most terrifying nightmare as she is stalked through a graveyard by Leatherface and his chainsaw.