Куинси Джонс, Fred Steiner, Chris Boardman, Jorge Calandrelli, Andraé Crouch, Jack Hayes, Jerry Hey, Рэнди Кербер, Jeremy Lubbock, Joel Rosenbaum, Caiphus Semenya, Rod Temperton
Maurice Jarre
Цветы лиловые полейThe Color Purple
Куинси Джонс, Fred Steiner, Chris Boardman, Jorge Calandrelli, Andraé Crouch, Jack Hayes, Jerry Hey, Рэнди Кербер, Jeremy Lubbock, Joel Rosenbaum, Caiphus Semenya, Rod Temperton
Charles Chaplin, Ray Rasch, Larry Russell The film was not released in Los Angeles until 1972. Under the Academy rules at the time, this permitted it to be eligible despite being 20 years old.
Огни рампыLimelight
Charles Chaplin, Ray Rasch, Larry Russell The film was not released in Los Angeles until 1972. Under the Academy rules at the time, this permitted it to be eligible despite being 20 years old.
Все номинанты
Крестный отецThe Godfather
Nino Rota Withdrawn, ineligible: reused Fortunella score; replaced by a nomination for "Sleuth"
George Stoll On 10 September 2001 Kevin Spacey purchased Stoll's Oscar statuette at a Butterfields auction in Los Angeles and returned it to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Leo F. Forbstein Score by Erich Wolfgang Korngold. This was a write-in candidate, who came in third on the final ballots. It was not an official nomination.