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Все фильмы-номинанты «Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми»» в 1962 году

Место проведения Hollywood Palladium, Голливуд, Калифорния, США
Дата проведения 22 мая 1962
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction and Scenic Design
Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall The Perry Como Show
Gary Smith
Все номинанты
The Power and the Glory The Power and the Glory
Nathaniel Burr Smidt
Theatre '62 Theatre '62
Jan Scott
Сумеречная зона 9.0
Сумеречная зона The Twilight Zone
Philip Barber
The Garry Moore Show The Garry Moore Show
Charles Lisanby
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography for Television
Naked City Naked City
Jack Priestley
Все номинанты
Ben Casey Ben Casey
Ted Voigtlander
Wagon Train Wagon Train
Walter Strenge
Bonanza Bonanza
Haskell B. Boggs, Walter Castle
Сумеречная зона 9.0
Сумеречная зона The Twilight Zone
George T. Clemens
Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait
Guy Blanchard
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Electronic Camerawork
The Ernie Kovacs Show The Ernie Kovacs Show
Эрни Ковач Awarded posthumously.
Все номинанты
The Judy Garland Show The Judy Garland Show
Lou Onofrio
Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall The Perry Como Show
Heino Ripp
Arsenic & Old Lace Arsenic & Old Lace
O. Tamburri
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Film Editing for Television
Naked City Naked City
Hugh Chaloupka, Charles L. Freeman, Aaron Nibley
Naked City Naked City
Hugh Chaloupka, Charles L. Freeman, Aaron Nibley
Все номинанты
The Twentieth Century The Twentieth Century
Lora Hays, Aram Boyajian, Lawrence Silk, Leo Zochling, Harold Silver, Bernard Friend, Walter Katz, Robert Collinson
Bus Stop Bus Stop
Richard L. Van Enger
U.S. #1: American Profile U.S. #1: American Profile
Constantine S. Gochis
Wagon Train Wagon Train
Marston Fay, Gene Palmer
The Twentieth Century The Twentieth Century
Lora Hays, Aram Boyajian, Lawrence Silk, Leo Zochling, Harold Silver, Bernard Friend, Walter Katz, Robert Collinson
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composed for Television
Winston Churchill: The Valiant Years Winston Churchill: The Valiant Years
Richard Rodgers
Все номинанты
Project Twenty Project Twenty
Robert Russell Bennett
Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait
Jacques Belasco
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
John Williams
The Dick Powell Theatre The Dick Powell Show
Leith Stevens For episode "The Price of Tomatoes".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actor in a Series (Lead)
И. Дж. Маршалл
The Defenders
Все номинанты
Джекки Купер
Джордж Мэхарис
Route 66
Винс Эдвардс
Ben Casey
Пол Бурк
Naked City
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actress in a Series (Lead)
Ширли Бут
Все номинанты
Донна Рид
The Donna Reed Show
Кара Уильямс
Pete and Gladys
Gertrude Berg
The Gertrude Berg Show
Mary Stuart
Search for Tomorrow
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Daytime Program
Purex Summer Specials Purex Summer Specials
Все номинанты
The Verdict Is Yours The Verdict Is Yours
Calendar Calendar
The Linkletter Show House Party
Today Today
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Comedy
Nat Hiken
Car 54, Where Are You?
Все номинанты
Dave Geisel
The Garry Moore Show
Бад Йоркин
Henry Fonda and the Family
Джон Рич
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Seymour Berns
The Red Skelton Hour
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Drama
Франклин Дж. Шаффнер
The Defenders For various episodes.
Все номинанты
Alex Segal
Alcoa Premiere For episode "People Need People".
Артур Хиллер
Naked City For various episodes.
Джек Смайт
Westinghouse Presents: Come Again to Carthage
Базз Кьюлик
Dr. Kildare For episode "Shining Image".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Engineering or Technical Achievement
Albert W. Malang
For the ABC Video Expander or VTX. Developed slow motion tape.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actor
Дон Ноттс
The Andy Griffith Show
Все номинанты
Барри Джонс
Victoria Regina For playing "The Dean".
Джордж К. Скотт
Джордж К. Скотт
Ben Casey For episode "I Remember a Lemon Tree".
Сэм Джаффе
Ben Casey
Хорас МакМахон
Naked City
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actress
Памела Браун
Victoria Regina For playing "Duchess of Kent".
Все номинанты
Коллин Дьюхерст
Джоан Хэккет
Ben Casey For episode "A Certain Time, A Certain Darkness".
Мэри Уикс
The Gertrude Berg Show
Jeanne Cooper
Ben Casey For episode "But Linda Only Smiled".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Variety or Musical Program or Series
The Garry Moore Show The Garry Moore Show
Кэрол Барнетт
Все номинанты
The Judy Garland Show The Judy Garland Show
Джуди Гарленд
Here's Edie Here's Edie
Эди Адамс For special/pilot episode 9 April 1962.
Yves Montand on Broadway Yves Montand on Broadway
Ив Монтан
Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall The Perry Como Show
Perry Como
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Children's Programming
New York Philharmonic Young People's Concerts New York Philharmonic Young People's Concerts
Все номинанты
Captain Kangaroo Captain Kangaroo
1, 2, 3 Go 1, 2, 3 Go
The Magical World of Disney Disneyland
Update Update
The Shari Lewis Show The Shari Lewis Show
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Drama
The Defenders The Defenders
Все номинанты
Victoria Regina Victoria Regina
The Dick Powell Theatre The Dick Powell Show
Naked City Naked City
Ben Casey Ben Casey
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
For episode "People Need People".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Educational and Public Affairs Programming
David Brinkley's Journal David Brinkley's Journal
Все номинанты
CBS Reports CBS Reports
Howard K. Smith Howard K. Smith
NBC White Paper NBC White Paper
ABC News Close-Up ABC Close-Up!
ABC's Wide World of Sports ABC's Wide World of Sports
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Humor
The Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show
Все номинанты
Car 54, Where Are You? Car 54, Where Are You?
Hazel Hazel
The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show
The Red Skelton Hour The Red Skelton Show
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of News
The Huntley-Brinkley Report The Huntley-Brinkley Report
Все номинанты
Eyewitness to History Eyewitness
Official ATAS records list title as "Eyewitness (with Walter Cronkite)"".
The CBS Evening News CBS Television News
Eichmann Trial Eichmann Trial
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievements in the Fields of Variety and Music - Music
Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Japan Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic in Japan
Все номинанты
Directions Directions
For episode "The Thief and the Hangman".
NBC Television Opera Theatre NBC Television Opera Theatre
The Bell Telephone Hour The Bell Telephone Hour
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievements in the Fields of Variety and Music - Variety
The Garry Moore Show The Garry Moore Show
Все номинанты
Here's Edie Here's Edie
For special/pilot episode 9 April 1962.
The Magical World of Disney Disneyland
The Judy Garland Show The Judy Garland Show
Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall The Perry Como Show
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Single Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Питер Фальк
Питер Фальк
The Dick Powell Theatre For episode "The Price of Tomatoes".
Все номинанты
Джеймс Дональд
Victoria Regina For playing "Prince Albert".
Микки Руни
The Dick Powell Theatre For episode "Somebody's Waiting".
Милтон Берл
Милтон Берл
The Dick Powell Theatre For episode "Doyle Against the House".
Ли Марвин
Ли Марвин
Alcoa Premiere For episode "People Need People".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Single Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Джули Харрис
Victoria Regina For playing "Queen Victoria".
Все номинанты
Geraldine Brooks
Bus Stop For episode "Call Back Yesterday".
Сюзанн Плешетт
Dr. Kildare For episode "Shining Image".
Ингер Стивенс
The Dick Powell Theatre For episode "The Price of Tomatoes".
Этель Уотерс
Route 66 For episode "Goodnight, Sweet Blues".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing Achievement in Comedy
The Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show
Карл Райнер
Все номинанты
The Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show
Ernest Chambers, Dean Hargrove, Don Hinkley, Robert Kaufman, Roland Kibbee, Norm Liebmann, Боб Ньюхарт, Milt Rosen, Charles Sherman, Howard Snyder, Larry Siegel
The Bob Newhart Show The Bob Newhart Show
Ernest Chambers, Dean Hargrove, Don Hinkley, Robert Kaufman, Roland Kibbee, Norm Liebmann, Боб Ньюхарт, Milt Rosen, Charles Sherman, Howard Snyder, Larry Siegel
Car 54, Where Are You? Car 54, Where Are You?
Nat Hiken, Terry Ryan, Tony Webster
The Red Skelton Hour The Red Skelton Show
David O'Brien, Arthur Phillips, Martin Ragaway, Al Schwartz, Sherwood Schwartz, Ed Simmons, Ред Скелтон
Car 54, Where Are You? Car 54, Where Are You?
Nat Hiken, Terry Ryan, Tony Webster
Chun King Chow Mein Hour Chun King Chow Mein Hour
Stan Freberg
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing Achievement in Drama
The Defenders The Defenders
Reginald Rose For various episodes.
Все номинанты
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
Henry F. Greenberg For episode "People Need People".
Сумеречная зона 9.0
Сумеречная зона The Twilight Zone
Род Серлинг For various episodes.
The Dick Powell Theatre The Dick Powell Show
Richard Alan Simmons For episode "The Price of Tomatoes".
Ben Casey Ben Casey
Jack Laird For episode "I Remember A Lemon Tree".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing Achievement in the Documentary Field
Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait
Lou Hazam
Все номинанты
NBC White Paper NBC White Paper
Al Wasserman, Arthur Zegart For episode "Battle of Newburgh".
Purex Summer Specials Purex Summer Specials
George Lefferts
CBS Reports CBS Reports
Jay McMullen For episode "Biography of a Bookie Joint".
ABC News Close-Up ABC Close-Up!
Arthur Holch For episode "Walk In My Shoes".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / The Program of the Year
Victoria Regina Victoria Regina
George Schaefer
Все номинанты
Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait Vincent Van Gogh: A Self-Portrait
The Judy Garland Show The Judy Garland Show
ABC News Close-Up ABC Close-Up!
For episode "Walk In My Shoes".
CBS Reports CBS Reports
For episode "Biography of a Bookie Joint".
Trustees Award
A Tour of the White House A Tour of the White House
Жаклин Кеннеди
Год проведения

Другие награды и фестивали

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Каннский кинофестиваль
Festival international du film de Cannes
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Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
Золотой глобус
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
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Золотая малина
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Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
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Sundance Film Festival
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Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
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