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Все фильмы-номинанты «Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми»» в 1963 году

Место проведения Hollywood Palladium, Голливуд, Калифорния, США
Дата проведения 26 мая 1963
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction and Scenic Design
The Magical World of Disney Disneyland
Carroll Clark, Marvin Aubrey Davis
The Magical World of Disney Disneyland
Carroll Clark, Marvin Aubrey Davis
Все номинанты
Pygmalion Pygmalion
Warren Clymer
The DuPont Show of the Week The DuPont Show of the Week
Jan Scott
The Eleventh Hour The Eleventh Hour
George W. Davis, Merrill Pye
Bonanza Bonanza
A. Earl Hedrick, Hal Pereira
The Defenders The Defenders
Willard Levitas
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Cinematography for Television
Naked City Naked City
Jack Priestley
Все номинанты
Сумеречная зона 9.0
Сумеречная зона The Twilight Zone
George T. Clemens, Robert Pittack
Combat! Combat!
Robert B. Hauser
Сумеречная зона 9.0
Сумеречная зона The Twilight Zone
George T. Clemens, Robert Pittack
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Composing Original Music
Project Twenty Project Twenty
Robert Russell Bennett For episode "He Is Risen".
Все номинанты
The Dick Powell Theatre The Dick Powell Show
Joseph Mullendore
NBC Television Opera Theatre NBC Television Opera Theatre
Gian Carlo Menotti For episode "Labyrinth".
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
John Williams
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Electronic Camera Work
Invincible Mr. Disraeli Invincible Mr. Disraeli
Все номинанты
The Lively Ones The Lively Ones
Here's Edie Here's Edie
ABC's Wide World of Sports ABC's Wide World of Sports
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in Film Editing for Television
The Defenders The Defenders
Sidney Katz
Все номинанты
Ben Casey Ben Casey
James Ballas, George Boemler, Al Clark, Michael Pozen, Aaron Stell
The DuPont Show of the Week The DuPont Show of the Week
David E. Roland
Naked City Naked City
Hugh Chaloupka, Harry Coswick, Charles L. Freeman, Jack Gleason, Aaron Nibley
Ben Casey Ben Casey
James Ballas, George Boemler, Al Clark, Michael Pozen, Aaron Stell
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
Richard Belding, Howard Epstein, Tony Martinelli
Naked City Naked City
Hugh Chaloupka, Harry Coswick, Charles L. Freeman, Jack Gleason, Aaron Nibley
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in International Reporting
The Tunnel The Tunnel
Piers Anderton
Все номинанты
Germany: Fathers and Sons Germany: Fathers and Sons
George Vicas
ABC News Close-Up ABC Close-Up!
John H. Secondari, Helen Jean Rogers For episode "The Vatican". Official ATAS records list the title as "Bell & Howell Close-Up!"
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Documentary Programs
The Tunnel The Tunnel
Reuven Frank
Все номинанты
Project Twenty Project Twenty
Richard Hanser, Donald B. Hyatt For episode "He is Risen".
The DuPont Show of the Week The DuPont Show of the Week
Фрэнк Де Фелитта, Irving Gitlin For episode "Emergency Ward".
The River Nile The River Nile
Lou Hazam
Project Twenty Project Twenty
Richard Hanser, Donald B. Hyatt For episode "He is Risen".
The DuPont Show of the Week The DuPont Show of the Week
Фрэнк Де Фелитта, Irving Gitlin For episode "Emergency Ward".
Shakespeare: Soul of an Age Shakespeare: Soul of an Age
Lou Hazam
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actor in a Series (Lead)
И. Дж. Маршалл
The Defenders
Все номинанты
Вик Морроу
Пол Бурк
Naked City
Дик Ван Дайк
Дик Ван Дайк
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Эрнест Боргнайн
McHale's Navy
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actress in a Series (Lead)
Ширли Бут
Все номинанты
Ирен Райан
The Beverly Hillbillies
Люсиль Болл
The Lucy Show
Мэри Тайлер Мур
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Shirl Conway
The Doctors and the Nurses
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Comedy
Джон Рич
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Все номинанты
Frederick De Cordova
The Jack Benny Program
Seymour Berns
The Red Skelton Hour
Dave Geisel
The Garry Moore Show
Ричард Хорф
The Beverly Hillbillies
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Drama
Стюарт Розенберг
The Defenders For episode "The Madman".
Все номинанты
Филдер Кук
The DuPont Show of the Week For episode "Big Deal in Laredo".
Сидни Поллак
Сидни Поллак
Ben Casey For episode "A Cardinal Act of Mercy".
Роберт Эллис Миллер
Alcoa Premiere For episode "The Voice of Charlie Pont".
George Schaefer
Invincible Mr. Disraeli
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actor
Дон Ноттс
The Andy Griffith Show
Все номинанты
Тим Конуэй
McHale's Navy
Роберт Редфорд
Роберт Редфорд
Alcoa Premiere For episode "The Voice of Charlie Pont".
Пол Форд
Teahouse of the August Moon For playing "Wainwright Purdy III".
Херд Хэтфилд
Invincible Mr. Disraeli For playing "Lionel Rothschild".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Supporting Role by an Actress
Гленда Фаррелл
Ben Casey For episode "A Cardinal Act of Mercy".
Все номинанты
Нэнси Мэлоун
Naked City
Davey Davison
The Eleventh Hour For episode "Of Roses and Nightingales and Other Lovely Things".
Кейт Рид
Invincible Mr. Disraeli For playing "Queen Victoria".
Rose Marie
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in a Variety or Musical Program or Series
Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall
Кэрол Барнетт
An Evening with Carol Burnett An Evening with Carol Burnett
Кэрол Барнетт
Все номинанты
The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball
Danny Kaye
Here's Edie Here's Edie
Эди Адамс
The Andy Williams Show The Andy Williams Show
Andy Williams
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Children's Programming
The Magical World of Disney Disneyland
Все номинанты
Discovery '70 Discovery
The Shari Lewis Show The Shari Lewis Show
Mr. Wizard Watch Mr. Wizard
Captain Kangaroo Captain Kangaroo
Update Update
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Drama
The Defenders The Defenders
Все номинанты
Naked City Naked City
The Dick Powell Theatre The Dick Powell Show
The Eleventh Hour The Eleventh Hour
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Humor
The Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show
Карл Райнер
Все номинанты
The Beverly Hillbillies The Beverly Hillbillies
McHale's Navy McHale's Navy
The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball
Jess Oppenheimer
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Music
Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall Julie and Carol at Carnegie Hall
Все номинанты
The Lively Ones The Lively Ones
Judy and Her Guests, Phil Silvers and Robert Goulet Judy and Her Guests, Phil Silvers and Robert Goulet
The Bell Telephone Hour The Bell Telephone Hour
NBC Television Opera Theatre NBC Television Opera Theatre
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of News
David Brinkley's Journal David Brinkley's Journal
Все номинанты
The CBS Evening News CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of News Commentary or Public Affairs
David Brinkley's Journal David Brinkley's Journal
Все номинанты
ABC News Close-Up ABC Close-Up!
Howard K. Smith Howard K. Smith
The Twentieth Century The Twentieth Century
CBS Reports CBS Reports
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Panel, Quiz or Audience Participation
The General Electric College Bowl The General Electric College Bowl
Все номинанты
To Tell the Truth To Tell the Truth
Password Password
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Program Achievement in the Field of Variety
The Andy Williams Show The Andy Williams Show
Все номинанты
The Red Skelton Hour The Red Skelton Show
The Garry Moore Show The Garry Moore Show
An Evening with Carol Burnett An Evening with Carol Burnett
Here's Edie Here's Edie
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Single Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Тревор Ховард
Invincible Mr. Disraeli For playing "Benjamin Disraeli".
Все номинанты
Дон Гордон
The Defenders For playing "Joey Tassili". For episode "The Madman".
Уолтер Мэттау
The DuPont Show of the Week For playing "Meredith". For episode "Big Deal in Laredo".
Джозеф Шилдкраут
Sam Benedict For playing "Rabbi Gottlieb". For episode "Hear the Mellow Wedding Bells".
Брэдфорд Диллман
Alcoa Premiere For playing "Charlie Pont". For episode "The Voice of Charlie Pont".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Single Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Ким Стэнли
Ben Casey For episode "A Cardinal Act of Mercy".
Все номинанты
Дайэнн Кэррол
Дайэнн Кэррол
Naked City For playing "Ruby Jay". For episode "A Horse Has A Big Head, Let Him Worry".
Сильвия Сидни
The Defenders For playing "Adela". For episode "The Madman".
Элинор Паркер
The Eleventh Hour For playing "Connie Folsom". For episode "Why Am I Grown So Cold?".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing Achievement in Comedy
The Dick Van Dyke Show The Dick Van Dyke Show
Карл Райнер
Все номинанты
The Jack Benny Program The Jack Benny Program
George Balzer, Hal Goldman, Al Gordon, Sam Perrin
The Beverly Hillbillies The Beverly Hillbillies
Paul Henning
The Red Skelton Hour The Red Skelton Show
Mort Greene, Bruce Howard, Rick Mittleman, Dave O'Brien, Arthur Phillips, Martin Ragaway, Larry Rhine, Ed Simmons, Ред Скелтон, Hugh Wedlock Jr.
Car 54, Where Are You? Car 54, Where Are You?
Nat Hiken
The Jack Benny Program The Jack Benny Program
George Balzer, Hal Goldman, Al Gordon, Sam Perrin
The Red Skelton Hour The Red Skelton Show
Mort Greene, Bruce Howard, Rick Mittleman, Dave O'Brien, Arthur Phillips, Martin Ragaway, Larry Rhine, Ed Simmons, Ред Скелтон, Hugh Wedlock Jr.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing Achievement in Drama
The Defenders The Defenders
Reginald Rose, Robert Thom For episode "The Madman".
The Defenders The Defenders
Reginald Rose, Robert Thom For episode "The Madman".
Все номинанты
Ben Casey Ben Casey
Norman Katkov For episode "A Cardinal Act of Mercy".
Invincible Mr. Disraeli Invincible Mr. Disraeli
Jennifer Hall Lee
The DuPont Show of the Week The DuPont Show of the Week
Sidney Carroll For episode "Big Deal in Laredo".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / The Program of the Year
The Tunnel The Tunnel
Все номинанты
Alcoa Premiere Alcoa Premiere
For episode "The Voice of Charlie Pont". The ATAS official records lists the title as "Premiere, Presented by Fred Astaire".
The Defenders The Defenders
For episode "The Madman".
The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball The Danny Kaye Show with Lucille Ball
Jess Oppenheimer
Год проведения

Другие награды и фестивали

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Каннский кинофестиваль
Festival international du film de Cannes
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Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
Золотой глобус
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
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Золотая малина
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Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
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Sundance Film Festival
Послание к Человеку
Послание к Человеку
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Screen Actors Guild Award
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
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Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
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Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
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Кинофестиваль в Торонто
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