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Все фильмы-номинанты «Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми»» в 1990 году

Место проведения Pasadena Civic Auditorium, Пасадина, Калифорния, США
Дата проведения 16 сентября 1990
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший комедийный сериал
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
Gary Dontzig, Дайан Инглиш, Norm Gunzenhauser, Барнет Келлман, Steven Peterman, Tom Seeley, Joel Shukovsky, Korby Siamis, Deborah Smith, Russ Woody
Все номинанты
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Bob Brush, Мэттью Карлсон, Michael Dinner, Kerry Ehrin, Jill Gordon, Bob Stevens, Ken Topolsky
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Robert Bruce, Tracy Gamble, Susan Harris, Терри Хьюз, Paul Junger Witt, Phillip Jayson Lasker, Gail Parent, Marc Sotkin, Tony Thomas, Richard Vaczy, Martin Weiss, Tom Whedon
Designing Women Designing Women
Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, Douglas Jackson, Pamela Norris, Гарри Томасон, Tommy Thompson, Дэвид Трейнер
Cheers Cheers
Энди Экерман, Tim Berry, Берроуз, Джеймс, Glen Charles, Les Charles, Cheri Steinkellner, Bill Steinkellner, Phoef Sutton
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Bob Brush, Мэттью Карлсон, Michael Dinner, Kerry Ehrin, Jill Gordon, Bob Stevens, Ken Topolsky
Cheers Cheers
Энди Экерман, Tim Berry, Берроуз, Джеймс, Glen Charles, Les Charles, Cheri Steinkellner, Bill Steinkellner, Phoef Sutton
Designing Women Designing Women
Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, Douglas Jackson, Pamela Norris, Гарри Томасон, Tommy Thompson, Дэвид Трейнер
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Robert Bruce, Tracy Gamble, Susan Harris, Терри Хьюз, Paul Junger Witt, Phillip Jayson Lasker, Gail Parent, Marc Sotkin, Tony Thomas, Richard Vaczy, Martin Weiss, Tom Whedon
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший драматический сериал
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Дэвид Э. Келли, Robert Breech, William M. Finkelstein, Элоди Кин, Michael M. Robin, Rick Wallace, Alice West
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Дэвид Э. Келли, Robert Breech, William M. Finkelstein, Элоди Кин, Michael M. Robin, Rick Wallace, Alice West
Все номинанты
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Марк Фрост, Gregg Fienberg, David J. Latt
China Beach China Beach
Мими Ледер, Geno Escarrega, Фред Гербер, Georgia Jeffries, Джон Уэллс, Джон Сейкрет Янг
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Donald P. Bellisario, Paul Brown, Jeff Gourson, Deborah Pratt, Chris Ruppenthal, Scott Shepherd, Harker Wade, Robert Wolterstorff, Майкл Цинберг, Paul M. Belous
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Эдвард Цвик, Маршалл Херсковиц, Richard Kramer, Lindsley Parsons III, Эллен С. Прессман, Скотт Уинант
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Марк Фрост, Gregg Fienberg, David J. Latt
China Beach China Beach
Мими Ледер, Geno Escarrega, Фред Гербер, Georgia Jeffries, Джон Уэллс, Джон Сейкрет Янг
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Donald P. Bellisario, Paul Brown, Jeff Gourson, Deborah Pratt, Chris Ruppenthal, Scott Shepherd, Harker Wade, Robert Wolterstorff, Майкл Цинберг, Paul M. Belous
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Эдвард Цвик, Маршалл Херсковиц, Richard Kramer, Lindsley Parsons III, Эллен С. Прессман, Скотт Уинант
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший актёр в комедийном сериале
Тед Дэнсон
Тед Дэнсон
Cheers For playing "Sam Malone".
Все номинанты
Ричард Маллиган
Empty Nest For playing "Harry Weston".
Крэйг Т. Нельсон
Coach For playing "Hayden Fox".
Фред Сэвэдж
Фред Сэвэдж
The Wonder Years For playing "Kevin Arnold".
Джон Гудман
Джон Гудман
Roseanne For playing "Dan Conner".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший актёр в драматическом сериале
Питер Фальк
Питер Фальк
Коломбо For playing "Columbo".
Все номинанты
Кайл МакЛоклен
Кайл МакЛоклен
Твин Пикс For playing "Special Agent Dale Cooper".
Эдвард Вудворд
The Equalizer For playing "Robert McCall".
Скотт Бакула
Скотт Бакула
Квантовый скачок For playing "Sam Beckett".
Роберт Лоджа
Mancuso, FBI For playing "Nick Mancuso".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая актриса в комедийном сериале
Кэндис Берген
Кэндис Берген
Murphy Brown For playing "Murphy Brown".
Все номинанты
Блэр Браун
The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd For playing "Molly Bickford Dodd".
Delta Burke
Designing Women For playing "Suzanne Sugarbaker".
Керсти Элли
Керсти Элли
Cheers For playing "Rebecca Howe".
Бетти Уайт
Бетти Уайт
The Golden Girls For playing "Rose Nylund".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая актриса в драматическом сериале
Патриша Уэттиг
Thirtysomething For playing "Nancy Krieger-Weston".
Все номинанты
Пайпер Лори
Твин Пикс For playing "Catherine Martell".
Анджела Лэнсбери
Анджела Лэнсбери
Она написала убийство For playing "Jessica Fletcher".
Дана Дилэйни
Дана Дилэйни
China Beach For playing "Colleen McMurphy".
Jill Eikenberry
L.A. Law For playing "Ann Kelsey".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший актёр второго плана в комедийном сериале
Алекс Рокко
The Famous Teddy Z For playing "Al Floss".
Все номинанты
Вуди Харрельсон
Вуди Харрельсон
Cheers For playing "Woody Boyd".
Келси Грэммер
Келси Грэммер
Cheers For playing "Frasier Crane".
Jerry Van Dyke
Coach For playing "Luther Van Dam".
Чарлз Кимбро
Murphy Brown For playing "Jim Dial".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший актёр второго плана в драматическом сериале
Джимми Смитс
Джимми Смитс
L.A. Law For playing "Victor Sifuentes".
Все номинанты
Ричард А. Дайсарт
L.A. Law For playing "Leland McKenzie".
Дин Стокуэлл
Квантовый скачок For playing "Al Calavicci".
Ларри Дрэйк
L.A. Law For playing "Benny Stulwicz".
Тимоти Басфилд
Тимоти Басфилд
Thirtysomething For playing "Elliot Weston".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая актриса второго плана в комедийном сериале
Биби Ньювирт
Биби Ньювирт
Cheers For playing "Lilith Sternin".
Все номинанты
Эстелл Гетти
The Golden Girls For playing "Sophia Petrillo".
Ри Перлман
Ри Перлман
Cheers For playing "Carla Tortelli".
Джулия Даффи
Newhart For playing "Stephanie Vanderkellen".
Фейт Форд
Murphy Brown For playing "Corky Sherwood".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая актриса второго плана в драматическом сериале
Марг Хельгенбергер
Марг Хельгенбергер
China Beach For playing "KC Koloski".
Все номинанты
Сьюзан Руттан
L.A. Law For playing "Roxanne Melman".
Diana Muldaur
L.A. Law For playing "Rosalind Shays".
Мелани Мейрон
Thirtysomething For playing "Melissa Steadman".
Шерилин Фенн
Шерилин Фенн
Твин Пикс For playing "Audrey Horne".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший приглашённый актёр в драматическом телесериале
Патрик МакГуэн
Патрик МакГуэн
Коломбо For playing "Oscar Finch". For episode "Agenda for Murder (#9.3)".
Все номинанты
Хэролд Гулд
The Ray Bradbury Theater For playing "The Old Man". For episode "To The Chicago Abyss".
Уильям Хикки
Байки из склепа For playing "Carlton Webster". For episode "The Switch".
Питер Фрешетт
Thirtysomething For playing "Peter Montefiore". For episode "Strangers".
Брюс Уайтц
Midnight Caller For playing "Sgt. Ed Adderly". For episode "Mercy Me".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая приглашённая актриса в драматическом телесериале
Вивека Линдфорс
Life Goes On For playing "Mrs. Doubcha". For episode "Save The Last Dance For Me".
Все номинанты
Коллин Дьюхерст
Avonlea For playing "Marilla Cuthbert". For episode "The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's".
Kay Lenz
Midnight Caller For playing "Tina Cassidy". For episode "Someone To Love".
Руби Ди
China Beach For playing "Ruby". For episode "Skylark".
Ширли Найт
Ширли Найт
Thirtysomething For playing "Ruth Murdoch". For episode "Arizona".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучший приглашённый актёр в комедийном телесериале
Джей Томас
Murphy Brown For playing "Jerry Gold". For episode "Heart Of Gold".
Все номинанты
Дэвид Хаддлстон
The Wonder Years For playing "Granpa Arnold". For episode "The Powers That Be".
Джерри Орбак
The Golden Girls For playing "Glen". For episode "Cheaters".
Дик Ван Дайк
Дик Ван Дайк
The Golden Girls For playing "Ken". For episode "Love Under The Big Top".
Дэррен МакГэвин
Murphy Brown For playing "Bill Brown". For episode "Brown Like Me".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Лучшая приглашённая актриса в комедийном телесериале
Свузи Кёрц
Свузи Кёрц
Carol & Company For playing "Laurie". For episode "Reunion".
Все номинанты
Джорджия Браун
Cheers For playing "Madame Lazora". For episode "The Ghost and Mrs. LeBec".
Liz Torres
The Famous Teddy Z For playing "Angie".
Алексис Смит
Cheers For playing "Alice Anne Volkman". For episode "Sammy and the Professor".
Морган Фэйрчайлд
Murphy Brown For playing "Julia St. Martin". For episode "TV or not TV".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming One Hour or Less)
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Джеймс Л Брукс, Matt Groening, Larina Jean Adamson, Габор Чупо, Al Jean, Margot Pipkin, Mike Reiss, Richard Sakai, Дэвид Силверман, Сэм Саймон, John Swartzwelder For Life on the Fast Lane (1990).
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Джеймс Л Брукс, Matt Groening, Larina Jean Adamson, Габор Чупо, Al Jean, Margot Pipkin, Mike Reiss, Richard Sakai, Дэвид Силверман, Сэм Саймон, John Swartzwelder For Life on the Fast Lane (1990).
Все номинанты
Why, Charlie Brown, Why? Why, Charlie Brown, Why?
Билл Мелендес, Sam Jaimes, Lee Mendelson, Charles M. Schulz
Garfield's Feline Fantasies Garfield's Feline Fantasies
Jim Davis, Bob Nesler, Phil Roman, John Sparey
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Джеймс Л Брукс, Matt Groening, Larina Jean Adamson, Габор Чупо, Al Jean, Margot Pipkin, Mimi Pond, Mike Reiss, Richard Sakai, Дэвид Силверман, Сэм Саймон For Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (1989).
Garfield's Thanksgiving Garfield's Thanksgiving
Gerard Baldwin, Jim Davis, Bob Nesler, Phil Roman, John Sparey, Kim Campbell
Garfield's Feline Fantasies Garfield's Feline Fantasies
Jim Davis, Bob Nesler, Phil Roman, John Sparey
Garfield's Thanksgiving Garfield's Thanksgiving
Gerard Baldwin, Jim Davis, Bob Nesler, Phil Roman, John Sparey, Kim Campbell
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Джеймс Л Брукс, Matt Groening, Larina Jean Adamson, Габор Чупо, Al Jean, Margot Pipkin, Mimi Pond, Mike Reiss, Richard Sakai, Дэвид Силверман, Сэм Саймон For Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (1989).
Why, Charlie Brown, Why? Why, Charlie Brown, Why?
Билл Мелендес, Sam Jaimes, Lee Mendelson, Charles M. Schulz
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Art Direction for a Miniseries or a Special
The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera
Timian Alsaker, Jacques Bufnoir For part II.
Все номинанты
Great Expectations Great Expectations
Stephen Bream, Keith Wilson For part I.
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Tracey A. Doyle, Paul W. Gorfine, Jeff Haley, Jan Scott, Jack Taylor For part I.
Caroline? Caroline?
Joseph Litsch, Jan Scott
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Anthony Brockliss, Bill Harp, Jan Scott For part II.
Caroline? Caroline?
Joseph Litsch, Jan Scott
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Anthony Brockliss, Bill Harp, Jan Scott For part II.
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Tracey A. Doyle, Paul W. Gorfine, Jeff Haley, Jan Scott, Jack Taylor For part I.
Great Expectations Great Expectations
Stephen Bream, Keith Wilson For part I.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Art Direction for a Series
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Richard D. James, Jim Mees For Sins of the Father (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Richard D. James, Jim Mees For Sins of the Father (1990)
Все номинанты
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Cameron Birnie, Robert L. Zilliox For episode "So Help Me God".
Она написала убийство
Она написала убийство Murder, She Wrote
Hub Braden, Robert Wingo For episode "Night Of The Tarantula".
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Leslie Morales, Patricia Norris For episode "Pilot (#1.1)". For the pilot episode.
Она написала убийство
Она написала убийство Murder, She Wrote
Hub Braden, Robert Wingo For episode "Night Of The Tarantula".
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Cameron Birnie, Robert L. Zilliox For episode "So Help Me God".
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Brandy Alexander, Mary Ann Biddle For episode "Michael's Campaign".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Art Direction for a Variety or Music Program
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Roy Christopher, Greg Richman
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Roy Christopher, Greg Richman
Все номинанты
Julie & Carol: Together Again Julie & Carol: Together Again
René Lagler
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Anne H. Ahrens, Richard Lawrence, Stephen J. Lineweaver For episodes "Creative Differences", "Tea" and "Jinx Haber Revisited".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Bob Keene, Robert A. Coltrin Jr.
The 17th Annual American Music Awards The 17th Annual American Music Awards
Randy L. Blom, Elina Katsioula, Ray Klausen
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Anne H. Ahrens, Richard Lawrence, Stephen J. Lineweaver For episodes "Creative Differences", "Tea" and "Jinx Haber Revisited".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Bob Keene, Robert A. Coltrin Jr.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Casting for a Miniseries or a Special
The Incident The Incident
Holly Powell, Randy Stone
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Children's Program
A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story
Patricia Clifford, Robert W. Cort, Ted Field, Kate Wright, Chet Walker
A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story
Patricia Clifford, Robert W. Cort, Ted Field, Kate Wright, Chet Walker
Все номинанты
A Yabba-Dabba-Doo Celebration!: 50 Years of Hanna-Barbera A Yabba-Dabba-Doo Celebration!: 50 Years of Hanna-Barbera
Джозеф Барбера, Marshall Flaum, Уильям Ханна, Bruce Johnson
All Creatures Great & Small All Creatures Great & Small
Bill Sellars For episode "Here and There".
MuppeTelevision The Jim Henson Hour
Джим Хенсон, Martin G. Baker, Jerry Juhl, Lawrence S. Mirkin, Ritamarie Peruggi For episode "The Song Of The Cloud Forest".
You Don't Look 40, Charlie Brown! You Don't Look 40, Charlie Brown!
Lee Mendelson
A Yabba-Dabba-Doo Celebration!: 50 Years of Hanna-Barbera A Yabba-Dabba-Doo Celebration!: 50 Years of Hanna-Barbera
Джозеф Барбера, Marshall Flaum, Уильям Ханна, Bruce Johnson
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Choreography
The 17th Annual American Music Awards The 17th Annual American Music Awards
Пола Абдул, Michael Darrin, Dean Barlow
Все номинанты
Sing! Sesame Street Remembers Joe Raposo and His Music Sing! Sesame Street Remembers Joe Raposo and His Music
Jacques d'Amboise For the Peanut Butter Ballet.
Polly Polly
Дэбби Аллен
In Living Color In Living Color
Рози Перес For episode #105.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Cinematography for a Miniseries or a Special
Murder in Mississippi Murder in Mississippi
Donald M. Morgan
Все номинанты
Where Pigeons Go to Die Where Pigeons Go to Die
Haskell B. Boggs
Polly Polly
Isidore Mankofsky
The Final Days The Final Days
Фред Мёрфи
The Operation The Operation
John C. Flinn III
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Cinematography for a Series
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Майкл В. Уоткинс For episode "Pool Hall Blues".
Все номинанты
Midnight Caller Midnight Caller
Bradley B. Six For episode "Evil Is Live Spelled Backward", part 2.
Она написала убийство
Она написала убийство Murder, She Wrote
John Elsenbach For episode "Night Of The Tarantula".
Jake and the Fatman Jake and the Fatman
John C. Flinn III For episode "If I Didn't Care".
Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast
Stevan Larner For episode "Snow".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Classical Program in the Performing Arts
Aida Aida
Peter Gelb (Shown within Live from the Metropolitan Opera (1977)).
Все номинанты
Carmen on Ice Carmen on Ice
Thomas Buerger
Great Performances Great Performances
David Horn, Jac Venza, John Walker For episode "Show Boat (#18.4)". (Screened within _"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Live from Lincoln Center Live from Lincoln Center
Marc Bauman, John Goberman, Wynton Marsalis For episode "Classical Jazz Christmas with Wynton Marsalis".
Live from Lincoln Center Live from Lincoln Center
Marc Bauman, John Goberman, Itzhak Perlman For episode "Mostly Mozart with Itzhak Perlman".
Live from Lincoln Center Live from Lincoln Center
Marc Bauman, John Goberman, Itzhak Perlman For episode "Mostly Mozart with Itzhak Perlman".
Great Performances Great Performances
David Horn, Jac Venza, John Walker For episode "Show Boat (#18.4)". (Screened within _"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Live from Lincoln Center Live from Lincoln Center
Marc Bauman, John Goberman, Wynton Marsalis For episode "Classical Jazz Christmas with Wynton Marsalis".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Costume Design for a Miniseries or a Special
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Shelley Komarov For part I.
Все номинанты
Great Expectations Great Expectations
Tiny Nicholls, Joyce Stoneman For part II.
The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera
Jacqueline Moreau For part I.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Costume Design for a Series
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Patricia Norris For episode "Pilot (#1.1)". For the pilot episode.
Все номинанты
Квантовый скачок
Квантовый скачок Quantum Leap
Jean-Pierre Dorléac For episode "Sea Bride".
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
Bill Hargate For episode "Brown Like Me".
Designing Women Designing Women
Cliff Chally For episode "The Rowdy Girls".
Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast
Judy Evans For episode "Though Lovers Be Lost".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Costume Design for a Variety or Music Program
Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme
Патриша Филд
Все номинанты
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Jane Ruhm For episode "Creative Differences", "Tea" and "Jinx Haber Revisited".
Great Performances Great Performances
Bradford Wood For episode "Show Boat (#18.4)". (Shown within _"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Julie & Carol: Together Again Julie & Carol: Together Again
Bob Mackie
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Costuming for a Series
The Young Riders The Young Riders
Frances Harrison Hays For episode "The Kid".
Все номинанты
China Beach China Beach
Le Dawson, Paula Lynn Kaatz For episode "Magic".
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Shelly Levine, Loree Parral For episode "Last Gasp".
Женаты и с детьми 8.4
Женаты и с детьми Married... with Children
Marti M. Squyres For episode "Raingirl".
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Julie Glick, Patrick R. Norris For episode "Strangers".
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Shelly Levine, Loree Parral For episode "Last Gasp".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in Classical Music/Dance Programming
The Eighth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition: Here to Make Music The Eighth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition: Here to Make Music
Peter Rosen, Alan Skog
Все номинанты
The Orchestra The Orchestra
Zbigniew Rybczynski (Shown within _"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in Informational Programming
American Masters American Masters
Gene Lasko For episode "W. Eugene Smith: Photography Made Difficult".
Все номинанты
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic
Jack Haley Jr.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Michael Dinner For episode "Good-Bye".
Все номинанты
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
Барнет Келлман For episode "Brown Like Me".
The Famous Teddy Z The Famous Teddy Z
Хью Уилсон For the pilot episode.
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Терри Хьюз For episode "Triple Play".
Cheers Cheers
Берроуз, Джеймс For episode "The Improbable Dream ", part I.
Designing Women Designing Women
Гарри Томасон For episode "They Shoot Fat Women, Don't They?".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series
Equal Justice Equal Justice
Томас Картер For episode "Promises To Keep". Tied with Scott Winant for Thirtysomething (1987), episode "The Go-Between".
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Скотт Уинант For episode "The Go-Between".Tied with Thomas Carter for Equal Justice (1990), episode "Promises To Keep".
Все номинанты
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Rick Wallace For episode "The Last Gasp".
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Win Phelps For episode "Noah's Bark".
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч For episode "Pilot (#1.1)". For the pilot episode.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in a Miniseries or a Special
Caroline? Caroline?
Джозеф Сарджент
Все номинанты
The Final Days The Final Days
Ричард Пирс
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Лэмонт Джонсон
A Killing in a Small Town A Killing in a Small Town
Стивен Джилленхол
Do You Know the Muffin Man? Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Гилберт Кэйтс
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Directing in a Variety or Music Program
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts
Dwight Hemion
Все номинанты
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Чак Уоркмэн For the segment "100 Years At The Movies".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Jeff Margolis
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Пол Флаэрти
MuppeTelevision The Jim Henson Hour
Джим Хенсон For episode "The Song of the Cloud Forest".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Drama/Comedy Special
The Incident The Incident
Bill Brademan, Robert A. Halmi, Edwin Self Tied with Caroline? (1990).
Caroline? Caroline?
Les Alexander, Joseph Broido, Dan Enright, Don Enright, Barbara Hiser, Dorothea G. Petrie Tied with The Incident (1990).
The Incident The Incident
Bill Brademan, Robert A. Halmi, Edwin Self Tied with Caroline? (1990).
Caroline? Caroline?
Les Alexander, Joseph Broido, Dan Enright, Don Enright, Barbara Hiser, Dorothea G. Petrie Tied with The Incident (1990).
Все номинанты
A Killing in a Small Town A Killing in a Small Town
Cynthia Cidre, Courtney Pledger, Bruce J. Sallan, Dan Witt
Murder in Mississippi Murder in Mississippi
Tova Laiter, Bernard Sofronski, David L. Wolper, Mark Wolper
The Final Days The Final Days
Stu Samuels, Susan Weber-Gold
A Killing in a Small Town A Killing in a Small Town
Cynthia Cidre, Courtney Pledger, Bruce J. Sallan, Dan Witt
Murder in Mississippi Murder in Mississippi
Tova Laiter, Bernard Sofronski, David L. Wolper, Mark Wolper
The Final Days The Final Days
Stu Samuels, Susan Weber-Gold
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Editing for a Miniseries or a Special - Multi-Camera Production
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
M. Pam Blumenthal, Douglas Hines, Brian K. Roberts
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
M. Pam Blumenthal, Douglas Hines, Brian K. Roberts
Все номинанты
Great Performances: Dance in America Great Performances: Dance in America
Girish Bhargava For episode "Bob Fosse Steam Heat".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Keith Fernandes, Donn Hoyer, Barney Robinson, Maria S. Schlatter, Dave Vernon, Michael Kelly
Сайнфелд Seinfeld
Robert Souders For episode "The Stakeout".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Keith Fernandes, Donn Hoyer, Barney Robinson, Maria S. Schlatter, Dave Vernon, Michael Kelly
Julie & Carol: Together Again Julie & Carol: Together Again
Kris Trexler
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Editing for a Miniseries or a Special - Single Camera Production
Caroline? Caroline?
Paul LaMastra
Все номинанты
A Killing in a Small Town A Killing in a Small Town
Harvey Rosenstock
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Christopher Cooke, James Galloway For part II.
Jacques Cousteau: Rediscover the World I Cousteau's Rediscovery of the World I
Jane Lippman
Small Sacrifices Small Sacrifices
Parkie L. Singh For part II.
The Shell Seekers The Shell Seekers
Fred A. Chulack
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Ric Eisman, Brian K. Roberts For episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire (#1.1)".
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Christopher Cooke, James Galloway For part II.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Editing for a Series - Multi-Camera Production
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
M. Pam Blumenthal, Douglas Hines For episodes "...And God Created Tillman" and "Rare Talent".
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
M. Pam Blumenthal, Douglas Hines For episodes "...And God Created Tillman" and "Rare Talent".
Все номинанты
Женаты и с детьми 8.4
Женаты и с детьми Married... with Children
Larry Harris For episode "Who'll Stop The Rain".
Newhart Newhart
Mike Wilcox For episode "The Last Newhart".
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
Tucker Wiard For episode "The Strike".
Designing Women Designing Women
Judy Burke For episode "The First Day Of The Last Decade Of The Entire 20th Century".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Editing for a Series - Single Camera Production
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дуэйн Данэм For episode "Pilot (#1.1)". For the pilot episode.
Все номинанты
China Beach China Beach
Susan B. Browdy For episode "The Unquiet Earth".
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Dennis C. Vejar For episode "Good-bye".
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Robert Lederman For Deja Q (1990)
Midnight Caller Midnight Caller
Roger Bondelli For episode "Someone To Love".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Engineering Development
Хэл Нидэм
Хэл Нидэм
Award won for Shotmaker Elite Camera Car and Crane
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Graphic Design and Title Sequences
Все номинанты
Alive from Off Center Alive from Off Center
Джим Блэшфилд
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Hairstyling for a Miniseries or a Special
The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera
Cédric Chami For part I.Tied with Fall from Grace (1990).
Fall from Grace Fall from Grace
Janice Alexander, Dorothy Andre Tied with The Phantom of the Opera (1990).
Fall from Grace Fall from Grace
Janice Alexander, Dorothy Andre Tied with The Phantom of the Opera (1990).
Все номинанты
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Janice Alexander
Great Expectations Great Expectations
Eithne Fennel For part II.
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Carolyn Elias For part I.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Hairstyling for a Series
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Peggy Shannon, Linle White For episodes "My Date With Il Duce", "The Thrill Is Gone" and "The Wrong Message".
Все номинанты
Paradise Paradise
Linda Leiter Sharp For episode "A Gathering Of Guns".
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Carol Pershing For episode "Strangers".
Она написала убийство
Она написала убийство Murder, She Wrote
Rita Bellissimo, Dino Ganziano, Ronald W. Smith, Gerald Solomon, Ann Wadlington For episode "When The Fat Lady Sings".
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rita Bellissimo, Barbara Lampson, Vivian McAteer For Hollow Pursuits (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rita Bellissimo, Barbara Lampson, Vivian McAteer For Hollow Pursuits (1990)
Она написала убийство
Она написала убийство Murder, She Wrote
Rita Bellissimo, Dino Ganziano, Ronald W. Smith, Gerald Solomon, Ann Wadlington For episode "When The Fat Lady Sings".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Individual Performance in a Variety or Music Program
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
Трейси Ульман
Все номинанты
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Билли Кристал
The 43rd Annual Tony Awards The 43rd Annual Tony Awards
Анджела Лэнсбери
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Дэна Карви For episode with host Ed O'Neill.
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Джули Кэвнер For "Parallel Existence (My Better Whole)"/"The Man That Got Away"/ "The Co-Op".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Informational Series
Smithsonian World Smithsonian World
Adrian Malone For episode "Tales Of The Human Dawn".
Все номинанты
Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries
Джон Косгров, Ed Horwitz, Terry Dunn Meurer, Chris Pye, Stuart Schwartz
Cops Cops
Malcolm Barbour, John Langley, Paul Stojanovich, Bertram van Munster For episode "Portland, Oregon".
America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back America's Most Wanted
Dan Kavanaugh, Cord Keller, Michael Linder For episode "United States Marshals".
Cops Cops
Malcolm Barbour, John Langley, Paul Stojanovich, Bertram van Munster For episode "Portland, Oregon".
Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Tonight
Barry Berk, Jim Van Messel, David Nuell For show #2248.
Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries
Джон Косгров, Ed Horwitz, Terry Dunn Meurer, Chris Pye, Stuart Schwartz
America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back America's Most Wanted
Dan Kavanaugh, Cord Keller, Michael Linder For episode "United States Marshals".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Informational Special
American Masters American Masters
David Heeley, Joan Kramer, Сьюзен Лейси, Jac Venza, Джоэнн Вудворд For episode "Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre".
Great Performances: Dance in America Great Performances: Dance in America
Judy Kinberg, Jac Venza For episode "Bob Fosse Steam Heat".
Great Performances: Dance in America Great Performances: Dance in America
Judy Kinberg, Jac Venza For episode "Bob Fosse Steam Heat".
American Masters American Masters
David Heeley, Joan Kramer, Сьюзен Лейси, Jac Venza, Джоэнн Вудворд For episode "Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre".
Все номинанты
I Love Lucy: The Very First Show I Love Lucy: The Very First Show
Jane Milmore, Jason Shubb, Billy Van Zandt
The Barbara Walters Summer Special The Barbara Walters Special
Bill Geddie, Wendy Roth, Barbara Walters For episode with guests Billy Crystal, Jay Leno and Robin Williams.
American Masters American Masters
Kevin Brownlow, Harlene Freezer, David Gill, Suzanne Lloyd Hayes, Сьюзен Лейси For episode "Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius".
I Love Lucy: The Very First Show I Love Lucy: The Very First Show
Jane Milmore, Jason Shubb, Billy Van Zandt
The Barbara Walters Summer Special The Barbara Walters Special
Bill Geddie, Wendy Roth, Barbara Walters For episode with guests Billy Crystal, Jay Leno and Robin Williams.
American Masters American Masters
Kevin Brownlow, Harlene Freezer, David Gill, Suzanne Lloyd Hayes, Сьюзен Лейси For episode "Harold Lloyd: The Third Genius".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Special
Хьюм Кронин
Age-Old Friends For playing "Cooper".
Все номинанты
Альберт Финни
The Image For playing "Jason Cromwell".
Том Халс
Murder in Mississippi For playing "Mickey Schwerner".
Арт Карни
Арт Карни
Where Pigeons Go to Die For playing "Da".
Майкл Кейн
Майкл Кейн
Jekyll and Hyde For playing "Henry Jekyll/Harry Hyde".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Lead Actress in a Miniseries or a Special
Барбара Херши
Барбара Херши
A Killing in a Small Town For playing "Candy Morrison".
Все номинанты
Кристин Лати
No Place Like Home For playing "Zan Cooper".
Аннетт О’Тул
Аннетт О’Тул
The Kennedys of Massachusetts For playing "Rose Kennedy".
Элфри Вудард
Элфри Вудард
A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story For playing "Mary Thomas".
Фарра Фосетт
Small Sacrifices For playing "Diane Downs".
Лесли Энн Уоррен
Family of Spies For playing "Barbara Walker".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Lighting Direction (Electronic) for a Comedy Series
Just the Ten of Us Just the Ten of Us
George Spiro Dibie For episode "Highway To Heaven".
Все номинанты
Who's the Boss? Who's the Boss?
Mark J. Levin For episode "The All-Nighter".
Bagdad Cafe Bagdad Cafe
Donald A. Morgan For episode "Prototype" (pilot).
Roseanne Roseanne
Daniel Flannery For episode "Boo".
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Alan Keath Walker For episode "Ebb Tide".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Lighting Direction (Electronic) for a Drama Series, Variety Series, Miniseries or a Special
The Earth Day Special The Earth Day Special
John Rook
The 17th Annual American Music Awards The 17th Annual American Music Awards
Olin Younger
Все номинанты
Great Performances: Dance in America Great Performances: Dance in America
Alan Adelman For episode "American Indian Dance Theatre".
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
John Rook, Marc Palius
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
William Merrill
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
John Rook, Marc Palius
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Main Title Theme Music
Все номинанты
Patrick Williams
Carol & Company Carol & Company
Dan Foliart, Howard Pearl
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Angelo Badalamenti
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Angelo Badalamenti
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Дэнни Элфман
The Young Riders The Young Riders
John Debney
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Makeup for a Miniseries or a Special
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Ken Chase
Все номинанты
The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera
Sophie Landry For part I.
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
Dale Bach-Siss, Dale Condit
Fall from Grace Fall from Grace
Fred C. Blau Jr., Michael Hancock
A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story
Thomas R. Burman, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Angela Levin, Melanie Verkins
Fall from Grace Fall from Grace
Fred C. Blau Jr., Michael Hancock
A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story
Thomas R. Burman, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Angela Levin, Melanie Verkins
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Makeup for a Series
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Thomas R. Burman, Dale Condit, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Greg Nelson, Ron Walters For episode "High School Sweethearts".Tied with Alien Nation (1989).
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Thomas R. Burman, Dale Condit, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Greg Nelson, Ron Walters For episode "High School Sweethearts".Tied with Alien Nation (1989).
Alien Nation Alien Nation
Michèle Burke, Ken Diaz, Katalin Elek, Richard Snell, Rick Stratton For episode "Chains of Love".Tied with The Tracey Ullman Show (1987).
Все номинанты
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
John Caglione Jr., Doug Drexler, Hank Edds, Gerald Quist, Ron Walters, June Westmore, Michael Westmore For Allegiance (1990)
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Dale Bach-Siss, Thomas R. Burman, Dale Condit, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Ron Walters For episode "Creative Differences".
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Dale Bach-Siss, Thomas R. Burman, Dale Condit, Bari Dreiband-Burman, Ron Walters For episode "Creative Differences".
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
John Caglione Jr., Doug Drexler, Hank Edds, Gerald Quist, Ron Walters, June Westmore, Michael Westmore For Allegiance (1990)
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Miniseries
Drug Wars: The Camarena Story Drug Wars: The Camarena Story
Майкл Манн, Mark Allan, Richard Brams, Christopher Canaan, Бранко Лустиг, Ann Powell, Rose Schacht
Drug Wars: The Camarena Story Drug Wars: The Camarena Story
Майкл Манн, Mark Allan, Richard Brams, Christopher Canaan, Бранко Лустиг, Ann Powell, Rose Schacht
Все номинанты
Family of Spies Family of Spies
Jonathan Bernstein, Gerald W. Abrams, Jennifer Alward
Small Sacrifices Small Sacrifices
Suzanne De Passe, S. Bryan Hickox, Louis Rudolph
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Michael Barnathan, Gary Hoffman, Susan G. Pollock, Lynn Raynor, Edgar J. Scherick
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Michael Barnathan, Gary Hoffman, Susan G. Pollock, Lynn Raynor, Edgar J. Scherick
Family of Spies Family of Spies
Jonathan Bernstein, Gerald W. Abrams, Jennifer Alward
Blind Faith Blind Faith
Susan Baerwald, Daniel Franklin, Dan Wigutow
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Music Composition for a Miniseries or a Special (Dramatic Underscore)
The Shell Seekers The Shell Seekers
James Di Pasquale
Все номинанты
Do You Know the Muffin Man? Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Lee Holdridge
The Phantom of the Opera The Phantom of the Opera
John Addison For part II.
The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea
Bruce Broughton
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Дэвид Шайр For part III.
People Like Us People Like Us
Billy Goldenberg For part II.
Last Flight Out Last Flight Out
Christopher Young
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Music Composition for a Series (Dramatic Underscore)
Beauty and the Beast Beauty and the Beast
Don Davis For episode "A Time to Heal".
Все номинанты
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Angelo Badalamenti For episode #002.
Matlock Matlock
Bruce Babcock For episode "The Clown".
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dennis McCarthy For Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Music Direction
Julie Andrews in Concert Julie Andrews in Concert
Chris Boardman, Billy Byers, Bob Florence, Ian Fraser, Angela Morley, J. Hill
Julie Andrews in Concert Julie Andrews in Concert
Chris Boardman, Billy Byers, Bob Florence, Ian Fraser, Angela Morley, J. Hill
Все номинанты
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts
Jon Charles, Ray Charles, Nick Perito
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
David Michael Frank, Joe Curiale, Bruce Miller, Glen Roven, Lawrence Schwartz
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Morton Stevens, Bill Conti, Billy Byers, Jack Eskew, Эшли Ирвин, William Kidd, Peter Matz, Julie Giroux
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts
Jon Charles, Ray Charles, Nick Perito
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Morton Stevens, Bill Conti, Billy Byers, Jack Eskew, Эшли Ирвин, William Kidd, Peter Matz, Julie Giroux
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
David Michael Frank, Joe Curiale, Bruce Miller, Glen Roven, Lawrence Schwartz
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Music and Lyrics
From the Heart... The First International Very Special Arts Festival From the Heart... The First International Very Special Arts Festival
Larry Grossman, Buz Kohan
From the Heart... The First International Very Special Arts Festival From the Heart... The First International Very Special Arts Festival
Larry Grossman, Buz Kohan
Все номинанты
Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer
Dick DeBenedictis
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Angelo Badalamenti For the song "Into the Night".For episode #005.
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Майкл Джексон, Buz Kohan For the song "You Were There".
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Майкл Джексон, Buz Kohan For the song "You Were There".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in Classical Music/Dance Programming
Carmen on Ice Carmen on Ice
Катарина Уитт
Carmen on Ice Carmen on Ice
Brian Orser
Carmen on Ice Carmen on Ice
Brian Boitano
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Performance in Informational Programming
A Conversation with... A Conversation with...
Джордж Барнс
Все номинанты
American Masters American Masters
Джоэнн Вудворд For episode "Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Editing for a Miniseries or a Special
Family of Spies Family of Spies
Sam Black, Andre Caporaso, Clark Conrad, T.W. Davis, Gary Gelfand, Ken Gladden, George R. Groves Jr., Michael C. Gutierrez, Phil Jamtaas, Joseph A. Johnston, John S. Orr, David Scharf, Randal S. Thomas, Terence Thomas, Abby Treloggen, Burton Weinstein Tied with Challenger (1990).
Challenger Challenger
Russell Brower, John Caper Jr., Andre Caporaso, T.W. Davis, Gary Gelfand, Ken Gladden, Doug Gray, Vince Gutierrez, Phil Jamtaas, Joseph A. Johnston, Mace Matiosian, John S. Orr, David Scharf, Randal S. Thomas Tied with Family of Spies (1990).
Family of Spies Family of Spies
Sam Black, Andre Caporaso, Clark Conrad, T.W. Davis, Gary Gelfand, Ken Gladden, George R. Groves Jr., Michael C. Gutierrez, Phil Jamtaas, Joseph A. Johnston, John S. Orr, David Scharf, Randal S. Thomas, Terence Thomas, Abby Treloggen, Burton Weinstein Tied with Challenger (1990).
Все номинанты
The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea
Richard C. Allen, Sam Black, Andre Caporaso, Gary Gelfand, Ken Gladden, Stephen Grubbs, Phil Jamtaas, Joseph A. Johnston, Brian Risner, David Scharf, Randal S. Thomas, Terence Thomas
Drug Wars: The Camarena Story Drug Wars: The Camarena Story
Richard C. Allen, Fred Cipriano, James Hebenstreit, John A. Larsen, H. Jay Levine, Richard Marx, Pat McCormick, Bruce P. Michaels, Brian Thomas Nist, Ralph Osborn, Matt Sawelson, Brad Sherman, Michael Tomack For part III.
The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea
Richard C. Allen, Sam Black, Andre Caporaso, Gary Gelfand, Ken Gladden, Stephen Grubbs, Phil Jamtaas, Joseph A. Johnston, Brian Risner, David Scharf, Randal S. Thomas, Terence Thomas
Drug Wars: The Camarena Story Drug Wars: The Camarena Story
Richard C. Allen, Fred Cipriano, James Hebenstreit, John A. Larsen, H. Jay Levine, Richard Marx, Pat McCormick, Bruce P. Michaels, Brian Thomas Nist, Ralph Osborn, Matt Sawelson, Brad Sherman, Michael Tomack For part III.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Editing for a Series
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Wilson Dyer, Rick Freeman, Mace Matiosian, Gerry Sackman, Bill Wistrom, James Wolvington For Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Wilson Dyer, Rick Freeman, Mace Matiosian, Gerry Sackman, Bill Wistrom, James Wolvington For Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
Все номинанты
Wiseguy Wiseguy
Jeff Charbonneau, Robert Gutknecht, William Hooper, Richard LeGrand Jr., Edward L. Sandlin, Paul Wittenberg, Bill Young, John Kaufman For episode "Heir To The Throne".
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Lori L. Eschler, Fred Cipriano, John Haeny, John A. Larsen, Albert Edmund Lord III, Pat McCormick, Bruce P. Michaels, Matt Sawelson For episode #007.
MacGyver MacGyver
William H. Angarola, Steve Danforth, Barbara Issak, David Long, George Nemzer, Miguel Rivera, Guy Tsujimoto For episode "The Lost Amadeus".
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Lori L. Eschler, Fred Cipriano, John Haeny, John A. Larsen, Albert Edmund Lord III, Pat McCormick, Bruce P. Michaels, Matt Sawelson For episode #007.
Wiseguy Wiseguy
Jeff Charbonneau, Robert Gutknecht, William Hooper, Richard LeGrand Jr., Edward L. Sandlin, Paul Wittenberg, Bill Young, John Kaufman For episode "Heir To The Throne".
Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible
Ken Gladden, George R. Groves Jr., Joseph A. Johnston, Craig M. Otte, Mark Server, James D. Young For episode "Golden Serpent".
MacGyver MacGyver
William H. Angarola, Steve Danforth, Barbara Issak, David Long, George Nemzer, Miguel Rivera, Guy Tsujimoto For episode "The Lost Amadeus".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Comedy Series or a Special
Cheers Cheers
Sam Black, Robert Crosby, Robert Douglass, Thomas J. Huth For episode "The Stork Brings a Crane".
Cheers Cheers
Sam Black, Robert Crosby, Robert Douglass, Thomas J. Huth For episode "The Stork Brings a Crane".
Все номинанты
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
David E. Fluhr, John Hicks, Rick Himot For episode "The Strike".
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Brad Brock, Jim Fitzpatrick, Gary Montgomery For episode "Call of the Simpsons".
Designing Women Designing Women
Anthony Constantini, Doug Gray, Rick Himot, Larry Lasota For episode "Tornado Watch".
Designing Women Designing Women
Anthony Constantini, Doug Gray, Rick Himot, Larry Lasota For episode "Tornado Watch".
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
David E. Fluhr, John Hicks, Rick Himot For episode "The Strike".
Симпсоны 9.3
Симпсоны The Simpsons
Brad Brock, Jim Fitzpatrick, Gary Montgomery For episode "Call of the Simpsons".
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Agamemnon Andrianos, John L. Mack, David John West, Ray West For episode "St. Valentine's Day Massacre".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Miniseries or a Special
Cross Fire Cross of Fire
Grover B. Helsley, William L. McCaughey, Richard D. Rogers, Fred Schultz For part I.
Все номинанты
Caroline? Caroline?
Jim Hawkins, Grover B. Helsley, Doug E. Turner, John Wilkinson
Challenger Challenger
Clark Conrad, Jacob Goldstein, Scott Millan, Tim Philben
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Clark Conrad, Scott Millan, Tim Philben, Robert Wald For part I.
The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea
Sam Black, Anthony Constantini, Thomas J. Huth, Peter Sutton
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
Clark Conrad, Scott Millan, Tim Philben, Robert Wald For part I.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Drama Series
China Beach China Beach
Don Cahn, Jim Cook, Lowell Harris, Artie Torgersen For episode "F.N.G".
China Beach China Beach
Don Cahn, Jim Cook, Lowell Harris, Artie Torgersen For episode "F.N.G".
Все номинанты
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Alan Bernard, Doug Davey, Chris Haire, Richard L. Morrison For Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
Tour of Duty Tour of Duty
Sam Black, Anthony Constantini, Thomas J. Huth, Bud Maffett For episode "And Make Death Proud To Take Us".
Tour of Duty Tour of Duty
Sam Black, Anthony Constantini, Thomas J. Huth, Bud Maffett For episode "And Make Death Proud To Take Us".
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Alan Bernard, Doug Davey, Chris Haire, Richard L. Morrison For Yesterday's Enterprise (1990)
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Robert Appere, Kevin E. Carpenter, Sergio Reyes, David Schneiderman For episode "The Mouse That Soared".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Sound Mixing for a Variety or Music Series or a Special
The Arsenio Hall Show The Arsenio Hall Show
Gordon Klimuck For show #292.
Все номинанты
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
John Bickelhaupt, Marc A. Gilmartin, Ed Greene
The 32nd Annual Grammy Awards The 32nd Annual Grammy Awards
Ed Greene, Carroll Pratt, Paul Sandweiss, Don Worsham
The 32nd Annual Grammy Awards The 32nd Annual Grammy Awards
Ed Greene, Carroll Pratt, Paul Sandweiss, Don Worsham
The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts
John Bickelhaupt, Bob Elder, Ed Greene
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
John Bickelhaupt, Marc A. Gilmartin, Ed Greene
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Special Visual Effects
The Orchestra The Orchestra
Paul Bachmann, Zbigniew Rybczynski, Richard Welnowski Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and Miracle Landing (1990)
By Dawn's Early Light By Dawn's Early Light
Craig Barron, Bill Mather, Charlie Mullen, Michael Pangrazio Tied with Miracle Landing (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Miracle Landing Miracle Landing
John Coats, Tim Donahue, William Mesa, David B. Sharp, Anton Tremblay Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Miracle Landing Miracle Landing
John Coats, Tim Donahue, William Mesa, David B. Sharp, Anton Tremblay Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Все номинанты
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Don Greenberg, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Роберт Легато, Erik Nash, Michael Okuda, Stephen L. Price For Tin Man (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dan Curry, Don Lee, Ronald B. Moore, Peter W. Moyer, Stephen L. Price For Deja Q (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Don Greenberg, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Роберт Легато, Erik Nash, Michael Okuda, Stephen L. Price For Tin Man (1990)
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение
Звездный путь: Следующее поколение Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dan Curry, Don Lee, Ronald B. Moore, Peter W. Moyer, Stephen L. Price For Deja Q (1990)
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Miniseries or a Special
Винсент Гардения
Age-Old Friends For playing "Aylott".
Все номинанты
Нед Битти
Magic Hour: Tom Alone For playing "Cornelius Van Horne".
Энтони Хопкинс
Энтони Хопкинс
Great Expectations For playing "Magwitch".
Брайан Деннехи
Брайан Деннехи
A Killing in a Small Town For playing "Ed Reivers".
Джеймс Эрл Джонс
Джеймс Эрл Джонс
By Dawn's Early Light For playing "Alice".
Макс фон Сюдов
Макс фон Сюдов
Red King, White Knight For playing "Szaz'.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Miniseries or a Special
Ева Мари Сэйнт
People Like Us For playing "Lil Van Degan Altemus".
Все номинанты
Свузи Кёрц
Свузи Кёрц
The Image For playing "Joanne Winstow-Darvish".
Коллин Дьюхерст
Lantern Hill For playing "Hepzibah".
Стокард Чэннинг
Стокард Чэннинг
Perfect Witness For playing "Liz Sapperstein".
Ирен Ворф
The Shell Seekers For playing "Dolly Keeling".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Technical Direction/Camera/Video for a Miniseries or a Special
The Magic of David Copperfield XII: The Niagara Falls Challenge The Magic of David Copperfield XII: The Niagara Falls Challenge
David N. Banks, Gary Childs, Sam Drummy, Hank Geving, Dean Hall, David Levisohn, Bill Philbin, Hector Ramirez, Keith Winikoff
The Magic of David Copperfield XII: The Niagara Falls Challenge The Magic of David Copperfield XII: The Niagara Falls Challenge
David N. Banks, Gary Childs, Sam Drummy, Hank Geving, Dean Hall, David Levisohn, Bill Philbin, Hector Ramirez, Keith Winikoff
Все номинанты
The Earth Day Special The Earth Day Special
Theodore Ashton, Gene Crowe, Thomas Geren, Larry Heider, Ron Sheldon, Keith Winikoff
Wolf Trap Presents Victor Borge: An 80th Birthday Celebration Wolf Trap Presents Victor Borge: An 80th Birthday Celebration
John Feher, Susan Noll, Donna Quante, David Smith, Jim Yockey, Helene Haviland, Win Bernfeld, Charles Reilly, Bill Greenback
Our Town Our Town
Juan Barrera, John Feher, Susan Noll, John O'Connell, Alain Onesto, Ron Washburn (Screened within _"Great Performances" (1972)_.)
The Earth Day Special The Earth Day Special
Theodore Ashton, Gene Crowe, Thomas Geren, Larry Heider, Ron Sheldon, Keith Winikoff
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
David N. Banks, Diane Biederbeck, John B. Field, Dean Hall, Larry Heider, Dave Hilmer, David Levisohn, Bill Philbin, Hector Ramirez, Keith Winikoff
Our Town Our Town
Juan Barrera, John Feher, Susan Noll, John O'Connell, Alain Onesto, Ron Washburn (Screened within _"Great Performances" (1972)_.)
Wolf Trap Presents Victor Borge: An 80th Birthday Celebration Wolf Trap Presents Victor Borge: An 80th Birthday Celebration
John Feher, Susan Noll, Donna Quante, David Smith, Jim Yockey, Helene Haviland, Win Bernfeld, Charles Reilly, Bill Greenback
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Technical Direction/Camera/Video for a Series
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Steve Jambeck, Jan Kasoff, John Pinto, Robert Reese, Joseph DeBonis, Terry Rohnke For episode with host Christopher Walken.
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Steve Jambeck, Jan Kasoff, John Pinto, Robert Reese, Joseph DeBonis, Terry Rohnke For episode with host Christopher Walken.
Все номинанты
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Dave Heckman, Chester Jackson, Randy Johnson, Stephen A. Jones, Ritch Kenney, O. Tamburri For episode "Love Under The Big Top".
A Different World A Different World
Steve Casaly, Bobby DaSilva, Dana Ross Martin, Karl Messerschmidt, Dave Owen, Greg Smith For episode "For Whom the Jingle Bell Tolls".
Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Tonight
Greg Cook, Vince Longo, Wayne Parsons, Tom Weber, John Milek For show #2128.
Night Court Night Court
Rick Caswell, Rocky Danielson, Tom Tcimpidis, Jeffrey Wheat, Leigh Nicholson, Robert G. Holmes For episode "Come Back To The Five And Dime Stephen King, Stephen King".
A Different World A Different World
Steve Casaly, Bobby DaSilva, Dana Ross Martin, Karl Messerschmidt, Dave Owen, Greg Smith For episode "For Whom the Jingle Bell Tolls".
Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Tonight
Greg Cook, Vince Longo, Wayne Parsons, Tom Weber, John Milek For show #2128.
Night Court Night Court
Rick Caswell, Rocky Danielson, Tom Tcimpidis, Jeffrey Wheat, Leigh Nicholson, Robert G. Holmes For episode "Come Back To The Five And Dime Stephen King, Stephen King".
The Golden Girls The Golden Girls
Dave Heckman, Chester Jackson, Randy Johnson, Stephen A. Jones, Ritch Kenney, O. Tamburri For episode "Love Under The Big Top".
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
Don Barker, Ray Figelski, Hal Ingels, Bruce Bottone
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
Don Barker, Ray Figelski, Hal Ingels, Bruce Bottone
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series
In Living Color In Living Color
Кинен Айвори Уайанс, Кевин Брайт, Michael Petok, Tamara Rawitt
In Living Color In Living Color
Кинен Айвори Уайанс, Кевин Брайт, Michael Petok, Tamara Rawitt
Все номинанты
The Arsenio Hall Show The Arsenio Hall Show
Арсенио Холл, Marla Kell Brown For episode with guests Paul Reubens and Luther Vandross.
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Трейси Ульман, Джерри Белсон, Ted Bessell, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Marilyn Suzanne Miller, Heide Perlman, Richard Sakai, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
James Downey, Lorne Michaels For episode with host Alec Baldwin.
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Трейси Ульман, Джерри Белсон, Ted Bessell, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Marilyn Suzanne Miller, Heide Perlman, Richard Sakai, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски
Late Night with David Letterman Late Night with David Letterman
Дэвид Леттерман, Robert Morton, Джек Роллинс
The Arsenio Hall Show The Arsenio Hall Show
Арсенио Холл, Marla Kell Brown For episode with guests Paul Reubens and Luther Vandross.
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Special
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Buz Kohan, Jeff Margolis, Gary Necessary, George Schlatter, Maria S. Schlatter
Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration Sammy Davis, Jr. 60th Anniversary Celebration
Buz Kohan, Jeff Margolis, Gary Necessary, George Schlatter, Maria S. Schlatter
Все номинанты
The 43rd Annual Tony Awards The 43rd Annual Tony Awards
Don Mischer, David J. Goldberg
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Джерри Белсон, Ted Bessell, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Heide Perlman, Richard Sakai, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Билли Кристал, Robert Dalrymple, Jay Roewe, Дэвид Стейнберг, Carmi Zlotnik
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Билли Кристал, Robert Dalrymple, Jay Roewe, Дэвид Стейнберг, Carmi Zlotnik
The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show The Best of the Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Джерри Белсон, Ted Bessell, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Heide Perlman, Richard Sakai, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски
The 62nd Annual Academy Awards 62nd Annual Academy Awards
Гилберт Кэйтс
The 43rd Annual Tony Awards The 43rd Annual Tony Awards
Don Mischer, David J. Goldberg
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in Classical Music/Dance Programming
Все номинанты
Great Performances: Dance in America Great Performances: Dance in America
Holly Brubach For episode "The Search for Nijinsky's Rite of Spring".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in Informational Programming
Все номинанты
American Masters American Masters
Steve Lawson For episode "Broadway's Dreamers: The Legacy of the Group Theatre".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series
The Wonder Years The Wonder Years
Bob Brush For Goodbye (1990)
Все номинанты
Newhart Newhart
Bob Bendetson, Mark Egan, Mark Solomon For The Last Newhart (1990)
The Famous Teddy Z The Famous Teddy Z
Хью Уилсон For Pilot (1989)
Newhart Newhart
Bob Bendetson, Mark Egan, Mark Solomon For The Last Newhart (1990)
Murphy Brown Murphy Brown
Дайан Инглиш For Brown Like Me: Part 1 (1989) & Brown Like Me: Part 2 (1989)
Cheers Cheers
David Isaacs, Кен Ливайн For Death Takes a Holiday on Ice (1989)
Cheers Cheers
David Isaacs, Кен Ливайн For Death Takes a Holiday on Ice (1989)
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in a Drama Series
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Дэвид Э. Келли For episode "Blood, Sweat & Fears".
Все номинанты
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Харли Пейтон For episode #003.
Твин Пикс 8.2
Твин Пикс Twin Peaks
Дэвид Линч, Марк Фрост For episode "Pilot (#1.1)". For the pilot episode.
L.A. Law L.A. Law
Дэвид Э. Келли, William M. Finkelstein For episode "Bang... Zoom... Zap".
Thirtysomething Thirtysomething
Джозеф Дагерти For episode "The Go-Between".
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in a Miniseries or a Special
American Playhouse American Playhouse
Terrence McNally For Andre's Mother (1990).
Все номинанты
Caroline? Caroline?
Michael De Guzman
The Final Days The Final Days
Hugh Whitemore
The Incident The Incident
James Norell, Michael Norell
The Kennedys of Massachusetts The Kennedys of Massachusetts
William Hanley
Прайм-таймовая «Эмми» / Outstanding Writing in a Variety or Music Program
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Трейси Ульман, Джерри Белсон, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Marilyn Suzanne Miller, Heide Perlman, Ian Praiser, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски For episodes "Ginny Eats Escrow" & "I Hate Paris". Tied with Midnight Train to Moscow (1989).
The Tracey Ullman Show The Tracey Ullman Show
Джеймс Л Брукс, Трейси Ульман, Джерри Белсон, Marc Flanagan, Dinah Kirgo, Джей Коген, Marilyn Suzanne Miller, Heide Perlman, Ian Praiser, Сэм Саймон, Уоллес Володарски For episodes "Ginny Eats Escrow" & "I Hate Paris". Tied with Midnight Train to Moscow (1989).
Billy Crystal: Midnight Train to Moscow Midnight Train to Moscow
Билли Кристал Tied with The Tracey Ullman Show (1987), episodes "Ginny Eats Escrow" & "I Hate Paris".
Все номинанты
In Living Color In Living Color
Дэймон Уайанс, Кинен Айвори Уайанс, Франклин Аджей, Jeanette Collins, Barry Douglas, Mimi Friedman, Jeff Joseph, Howard Kuperberg, Buddy Sheffield, Joe Toplyn, Matt Wickline, Rob Edwards, Sandy Frank For show #101.
Late Night with David Letterman Late Night with David Letterman
Дэвид Леттерман, Rob Burnett, Randy Cohen, Крис Эллиот, Fred Graver, Jeff Martin, Gerard Mulligan, Steve O'Donnell, Adam Resnick, Joe Toplyn, Matt Wickline, Dave Rygalski, Larry Jacobson For episode "8th Anniversary Special".
In Living Color In Living Color
Дэймон Уайанс, Кинен Айвори Уайанс, Франклин Аджей, Jeanette Collins, Barry Douglas, Mimi Friedman, Jeff Joseph, Howard Kuperberg, Buddy Sheffield, Joe Toplyn, Matt Wickline, Rob Edwards, Sandy Frank For show #101.
Late Night with David Letterman Late Night with David Letterman
Дэвид Леттерман, Rob Burnett, Randy Cohen, Крис Эллиот, Fred Graver, Jeff Martin, Gerard Mulligan, Steve O'Donnell, Adam Resnick, Joe Toplyn, Matt Wickline, Dave Rygalski, Larry Jacobson For episode "8th Anniversary Special".
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Майк Майерс, Роб Шнайдер, Конан О’Брайен, Дэвид Спейд, A. Whitney Brown, Tom Davis, James Downey, Al Franken, Jack Handey, Lorne Michaels, Боб Оденкерк, Herbert Sargent, Tom Schiller, Роберт Шмигель, Бонни Тернер, Terry Turner, Christine Zander, Gregory Daniels, Tom Hymes For episode with host Alec Baldwin (show #637).
Governor's Award
Год проведения

Другие награды и фестивали

Academy Awards, USA
Каннский кинофестиваль
Festival international du film de Cannes
Каннский кинофестиваль
Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
Золотой глобус
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Золотая малина
Золотая малина
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
Sundance Film Festival
Послание к Человеку
Послание к Человеку
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Screen Actors Guild Award
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
Окно в Европу
Окно в Европу
Кинофестиваль в Торонто
Toronto International Film Festival
Кинофестиваль в Торонто
Таллинский кинофестиваль «Тёмные ночи» (PÖFF)
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival
Таллинский кинофестиваль «Тёмные ночи» (PÖFF)
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