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Лауреаты премии Прайм-таймовая премия «Эмми» в категории «Outstanding Individual Achievement - Informational Programming»

Primetime Emmy Awards 1996
The Private Life of Plants The Private Life of Plants
Michael Pitts, Tim Shepherd, Neil Bromhall, Richard Ganniclifft, Gavin Thurston, Richard Kirby
Survivors of the Holocaust Survivors of the Holocaust
Allan Holzman
The Private Life of Plants The Private Life of Plants
Michael Pitts, Tim Shepherd, Neil Bromhall, Richard Ganniclifft, Gavin Thurston, Richard Kirby
Все номинанты
Целлулоидный шкаф 7.8
Целлулоидный шкаф The Celluloid Closet
Peggy Names, Gautam Choudhury, Robert Gravenor, Lora Hirschberg, Lauretta Molitor, J.T. Takagi
Hollywood's Amazing Animal Actors Hollywood's Amazing Animal Actors
Michael Sachs
The Good, the Bad & the Beautiful The Good, the Bad & the Beautiful
Arnold Glassman
Целлулоидный шкаф 7.8
Целлулоидный шкаф The Celluloid Closet
Nancy Schreiber
Целлулоидный шкаф 7.8
Целлулоидный шкаф The Celluloid Closet
Джеффри Фридман, Arnold Glassman
Целлулоидный шкаф 7.8
Целлулоидный шкаф The Celluloid Closet
Peggy Names, Gautam Choudhury, Robert Gravenor, Lora Hirschberg, Lauretta Molitor, J.T. Takagi
The Beatles Anthology The Beatles Anthology
Danny Longhurst, Andy Matthews For part II.
American Experience American Experience
Ken Eluto For episode "The Battle Over Citizen Kane (#8.7)".
Primetime Emmy Awards 1995
Все номинанты
30 Years of National Geographic Specials 30 Years of National Geographic Specials
Barry Nye
Moon Shot Moon Shot
Bob Sarles, Aaron Fischer, Jim Ohm, Amy Young
Baseball Baseball
Кен Бёрнс, Allen Moore, Buddy Squires
A Century of Women A Century of Women
Курас, Эллен
A Century of Women A Century of Women
Sue Clarke, Craig A. Colton, Michael Mayhew, Judy Reidel
30 Years of National Geographic Specials 30 Years of National Geographic Specials
Mark Linden, Paul Schremp, Eric Williams
One Survivor Remembers One Survivor Remembers
Andrzej Jeziorek, Erich Roland, Buddy Squires
One Survivor Remembers One Survivor Remembers
Lawrence Silk
Baseball Baseball
Кен Бёрнс, Allen Moore, Buddy Squires
A Century of Women A Century of Women
Sue Clarke, Craig A. Colton, Michael Mayhew, Judy Reidel
One Survivor Remembers One Survivor Remembers
Andrzej Jeziorek, Erich Roland, Buddy Squires
One Survivor Remembers One Survivor Remembers
Krzysztof Domaradzki, Richard Fiocca, Ken Hahn, David Jaunai, Robert Silverthorne, Merce Williams
30 Years of National Geographic Specials 30 Years of National Geographic Specials
Mark Linden, Paul Schremp, Eric Williams
Primetime Emmy Awards 1994
The Legend of Billy the Kid The Legend of Billy the Kid
Тодд Робинсон
Reflections on Elephants Reflections on Elephants
Beverly Joubert
Reflections on Elephants Reflections on Elephants
Dereck Joubert
The Untold West The Untold West
Dennis Watlington For episode "The Black West (#1.2)". For episode "The Black West".
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
Catherine Shields
George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin
George Stevens Jr.
Cats and Dogs Cartoon Marathon Cats and Dogs Cartoon Marathon
Robin Lehman For episode "Dogs Segments".
Все номинанты
The Who's Tommy, the Amazing Journey The Who's Tommy, the Amazing Journey
Allyson C. Johnson
The Legend of Billy the Kid The Legend of Billy the Kid
Дэвид Маршалл Грант
Nick News Nick News with Linda Ellerbee
Linda Ellerbee For episode "Are You What You Watch?"
I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School
Susan Raymond
But... Seriously But... Seriously
Stuart Bass
Primetime Emmy Awards 1993
Earth and the American Dream Earth and the American Dream
Bill Couturié
Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn
Одри Хепберн Posthumously. For episode "Flower Gardens".
Mysteries Underground Mysteries Underground
Barry Nye
Mysteries Underground Mysteries Underground
Lionel Friedberg, Sid Perou
Earth and the American Dream Earth and the American Dream
Gary Weimberg
Gridiron Gang Gridiron Gang
Lee Stanley
Все номинанты
Mysteries Underground Mysteries Underground
Ken King, Mark Linden, Paul Schremp, Michael Becker
Lincoln Lincoln
Питер У. Кунхардт
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
Randall Balmer For episode "America's Folk Religion".
Alive: 20 Years Later Alive: 20 Years Later
Perry Schaffer
Dancing Dancing
Geoff Dunlop For episode "Dance Centerstage".
Dancing Dancing
Orlando Bagwell For episode "New Worlds, New Forms".
Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers Healing and the Mind with Bill Moyers
David Grubin For episode "The Mystery Of Chi".
Mysteries Underground Mysteries Underground
Ken King, Mark Linden, Paul Schremp, Michael Becker
Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson
Барбара Коппл
Primetime Emmy Awards 1988
Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow
Kevin Brownlow, David Gill For part I
American Masters American Masters
Kevin Brownlow, David Gill For part I
Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam
Bill Couturié
Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow Buster Keaton: A Hard Act to Follow
Kevin Brownlow, David Gill For part I
American Masters American Masters
Kevin Brownlow, David Gill For part I
Все номинанты
Portrait of America Portrait of America
Хэл Холбрук For episode "New York City".
The Algonquin Round Table: The Ten Year Lunch The Algonquin Round Table: The Ten Year Lunch
Mary Jo Kaplan, Peter Foges
Primetime Emmy Awards 1984
A Walk Through the 20th Century with Bill Moyers A Walk Through the 20th Century with Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers For episode "Marshall, Texas; Marshall, Texas", which is the title listed on the official ATAS Emmy Awards database.
He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin' He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin'
Эмиль Ардолино
Все номинанты
A Walk Through the 20th Century with Bill Moyers A Walk Through the 20th Century with Bill Moyers
David Grubin For episode "Marshall, Texas; Marshall, Texas", which is the title listed on the official ATAS Emmy Awards database.
Primetime Emmy Awards 1983
The Living Code The Living Code
Robert E. Fuisz, Louis H. Gorfain Tied with Alfred R. Kelman (director) and Charles A. Bangert (director) for The Living Code (1983).
The Living Code The Living Code
Charles A. Bangert, Alfred R. Kelman Tied with Louis H. Gorfain (writer) and Robert E. Fuisz (writer) for The Living Code (1983).
Все номинанты
Entertainment Tonight Entertainment Tonight
Steve Edwards
I, Leonardo: A Journey of the Mind I, Leonardo: A Journey of the Mind
Chandler Cowles
I, Leonardo: A Journey of the Mind I, Leonardo: A Journey of the Mind
Фрэнк Ланджелла
Primetime Emmy Awards 1982
Все номинанты
Omni: The New Frontier Omni: The New Frontier
Richard L. Froman, Ron Hays For episode "Terminal Man/Ciani".
Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Gary C. Bourgeois, Hoppy Mehterian, David Wisnievitz, Howard S. Wollman
Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Gary C. Bourgeois, Hoppy Mehterian, David Wisnievitz, Howard S. Wollman
Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Gil Hubbs, Phillip Schuman
Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter Hollywood: The Gift of Laughter
Bruce Bryant, James Castle
Omni: The New Frontier Omni: The New Frontier
Питер Устинов
Omni: The New Frontier Omni: The New Frontier
Richard L. Froman, Ron Hays For episode "Terminal Man/Ciani".
Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark Great Movie Stunts: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Gil Hubbs, Phillip Schuman
Primetime Emmy Awards 1981
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, David Dockendorf, John L. Mack, Dick Rector For episode "Gorilla".
Cosmos Cosmos
Kent Gibson, Gerald Zelinger For episode "Blues for a Red Planet".
Cosmos Cosmos
Kent Gibson, Gerald Zelinger For episode "Blues for a Red Planet".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, David Dockendorf, John L. Mack, Dick Rector For episode "Gorilla".
Все номинанты
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, Kenneth Love, Hoppy Mehterian, Howard S. Wollman For episode "Living Treasures of Japan".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
David Dockendorf, David Hughes, Hoppy Mehterian, George Porter For episode "Etosha: Place of Dry Water".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, George Porter, Terry Porter, Chuck White For episode "National Parks: Playground or Paradise".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, Kenneth Love, Hoppy Mehterian, Howard S. Wollman For episode "Living Treasures of Japan".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
David Dockendorf, David Hughes, Hoppy Mehterian, George Porter For episode "Etosha: Place of Dry Water".
Cosmos Cosmos
Roy Stewart For premiere episode "The Shores of the Cosmic Ocean".
National Geographic Specials National Geographic Specials
Gary C. Bourgeois, George Porter, Terry Porter, Chuck White For episode "National Parks: Playground or Paradise".
Год проведения

Другие награды и фестивали

Academy Awards, USA
Каннский кинофестиваль
Festival international du film de Cannes
Каннский кинофестиваль
Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
Золотой глобус
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Золотая малина
Золотая малина
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
Sundance Film Festival
Послание к Человеку
Послание к Человеку
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Сочинский Международный Кинофестиваль и Кинопремия (SIFFA)
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Screen Actors Guild Award
Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
Окно в Европу
Окно в Европу
Кинофестиваль в Торонто
Toronto International Film Festival
Кинофестиваль в Торонто
Таллинский кинофестиваль «Тёмные ночи» (PÖFF)
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival
Таллинский кинофестиваль «Тёмные ночи» (PÖFF)
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