Toby Lindala, Suzie Klimack, Bree-Anna Lehto For "A Dream Of A Dream"
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ВедьмакThe Witcher
Mark Coulier, Deb Watson, Stephen Murphy, Josh Weston For "The Cost Of Chaos"
Jake Garber, Никотеро, Грегори, Vincent Van Dyke, Lisa Forst, Rich Krusell, Lindsay Gelfand For "The Beginning"
J. Alan Scott, Scott Stoddard, Cale Thomas, Alexei Dmitriew, Alex Perrone, Ian Goodwin, Cristina Waltz, Ana Gabriela Quinonez For "Part Eight: The Jedi, The Witch, And The Warlord"
Barrie Gower, Paul Spateri, Sarah Gower, Nelly Guimaras, Johnny Murphy, Joel Hall, Lucy Pittard For Infected (2023)
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Дом драконаHouse of the Dragon
Barrie Gower, Duncan Jarman, Sarah Gower, Paula Eden, Emma Faulkes For The Lord of the Tides (2022)
Звездный путь: ПикарStar Trek: Picard
Kevin Haney, James MacKinnon, Kevin Wasner, Hugo Villasenor, Neville Page, Vincent Van Dyke, Bianca Appice, Afton Storton For The Last Generation (2023)
Властелин колец: Кольца властиThe Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
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Sean Sansom, Kyle Glencross, Shane Zander, Mike Hill, Megan Many For Dreams in the Witch House (2022)