The 100th: Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden - The Greatest Arena Run of All TimeThe 100th: Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden - The Greatest Arena Run of All Time
Brian Ruggles, Brian Riordan, Peter Gary, Josh Weibel, Brian Flanzbaum, Phil DeTolve
Все номинанты
The 66th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 66th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Andres Arango, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Aaron Walk, Jeff Peterson, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Jamie Pollock, Eric Johnston
Saturday Night Live
Devin Emke, Lawrence Manchester, Robert Palladino, Jay Vicari, Josiah Gluck, Geoffrey Countryman, Ezra Matychak, Christopher Costello, Frank Duca, Tyler McDiarmid, Caroline Sanchez, Teng Chen
2023 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony2023 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Bob Clearmountain, John Harris, Al Centrella, Dan Gerhard, Michael Bové, Simon Welch, Robert Scovilm
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Steve Genewick, Biff Dawes, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger StadiumElton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium
Michael Abbott, Alan Richardson, Eric Schilling, Matt Herr
Все номинанты
Saturday Night Live
Devin Emke, Robert Palladino, Jay Vicari, William Taylor, Josiah Gluck, Geoffrey Countryman, Ezra Matychak, Christopher Costello, Frank Duca, Tyler McDiarmid, Caroline Sanchez, Teng Chen For "Co-Hosts: Steve Martin & Martin Short"
Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with Dave LettermanBono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming, with Dave Letterman
Alastair McMillan, Brian Riordan, Phil DeTolve
The 65th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 65th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Ron Reaves, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Eric Johnston, Andres Arango, Kristian Pedregon, Aaron Walk, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Jeff Peterson, Michael L. Parker
Taylor Hawkins: Tribute ConcertTaylor Hawkins: Tribute Concert
Bob Clearmountain, Ollie Nesham, Eduardo Puhl, Chris Kalcov, Darrell Thorp, Will Langdale, Ian Beveridge, Steve Massey, Antony King
Christian Schrader, Josh Morton, Kristian Pedregon, Paul Wittman, Eric Schilling, Tom Elmhirst, Shane O'Connor
Adele: One Night OnlyAdele: One Night Only
Christian Schrader, Josh Morton, Kristian Pedregon, Paul Wittman, Eric Schilling, Tom Elmhirst, Shane O'Connor
Все номинанты
Вечернее шоу со Стивеном КолбертомThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Alan Bonomo, Harvey Goldberg, Tom Herrmann, Pierre de Laforcade For episode: "First Show Back With An Audience, Dana Carvey As Joe Biden, Interview With Jon Stewart, And Jon Batiste Performs "Freedom"".
Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show 2022: BTS with Adam BlackstoneSuper Bowl LVI Halftime Show 2022: BTS with Adam Blackstone
Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Alex Guessard, Dave Natale
Saturday Night Live
Devin Emke, Robert Palladino, William Taylor, Josiah Gluck, Robert Selitto, Ezra Matychak, Eric Pfeifer, Andrew Guastella, Tyler McDiarmid, Caroline Sanchez, Frank J. Duca Jr., Douglas Nightwine
The 64th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 64th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Ron Reaves, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Aaron Walk, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Eric Johnston, Jeffrey Michael Peterson
Вечернее шоу со Стивеном КолбертомThe Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Alan Bonomo, Harvey Goldberg, Tom Herrmann, Pierre de Laforcade For episode: "First Show Back With An Audience, Dana Carvey As Joe Biden, Interview With Jon Stewart, And Jon Batiste Performs "Freedom"".
The 64th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 64th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Ron Reaves, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Aaron Walk, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Eric Johnston, Jeffrey Michael Peterson
Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show 2022: BTS with Adam BlackstoneSuper Bowl LVI Halftime Show 2022: BTS with Adam Blackstone
Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Alex Guessard, Dave Natale
Saturday Night Live
Devin Emke, Robert Palladino, William Taylor, Josiah Gluck, Robert Selitto, Ezra Matychak, Eric Pfeifer, Andrew Guastella, Tyler McDiarmid, Caroline Sanchez, Frank J. Duca Jr., Douglas Nightwine
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Biff Dawes, John Perez, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Kristian Pedregon, Michael Parker, Thomas Pesa
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Biff Dawes, John Perez, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Kristian Pedregon, Michael Parker, Thomas Pesa
Все номинанты
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Kilgore, Tony Rollins, Dave Swanson, Steve Watson, Paul Special, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Jason Dyer Episode: "SLAPP Suits (2019)"
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Kilgore, Tony Rollins, Dave Swanson, Steve Watson, Paul Special, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Jason Dyer Episode: "SLAPP Suits (2019)"
Dave Chappelle: Sticks & StonesDave Chappelle: Sticks & Stones
Conner Moore, Brian Riordan
The 62nd Annual Grammy AwardsThe 62nd Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Kristian Pedregon, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Thomas Holmes, Michael Parker, Thomas Pesa
The 62nd Annual Grammy AwardsThe 62nd Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Kristian Pedregon, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling, Thomas Holmes, Michael Parker, Thomas Pesa
The Daily ShowThe Daily Show
Tim Lester, Patrick Weaver Episode: "Jessie Reyez (2020)"
Aretha! A Grammy Celebration for the Queen of SoulAretha! A Grammy Celebration for the Queen of Soul
Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Paul Wittman
Aretha! A Grammy Celebration for the Queen of SoulAretha! A Grammy Celebration for the Queen of Soul
Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Paul Wittman
Все номинанты
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Max Perez For episode "Authoritarianism"
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Biff Dawes, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Carpool Karaoke: When Corden Met McCartney Live From LiverpoolCarpool Karaoke: When Corden Met McCartney Live From Liverpool
David Kahne, Conner Moore, Paul Boothroyd
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Biff Dawes, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The 61st Annual Grammy AwardsThe 61st Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling
The 61st Annual Grammy AwardsThe 61st Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Juan Pablo Velasco, Eric Schilling
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Max Perez For episode "Authoritarianism"
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in ConcertJesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
John Harris, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Dan Gerhard, Mark Weglinski, Jason Sears, Anthony Lalumia, David Crawford, Brian Flanzbaum, Ellen Fitton
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in ConcertJesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
John Harris, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Dan Gerhard, Mark Weglinski, Jason Sears, Anthony Lalumia, David Crawford, Brian Flanzbaum, Ellen Fitton
Все номинанты
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Patrick Smith, Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Anthony Lalumia, Max Perez, Jason Dyer For "Episode 421"
The 60th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 60th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Simon Welch, Josh Morton, Anthony Lalumia, Eric Schilling
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Patrick Smith, Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Anthony Lalumia, Max Perez, Jason Dyer For "Episode 421"
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Carlos Torres, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White, Shaun Sebastian For episode "Live Finale (Part 2)"
The 60th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 60th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Simon Welch, Josh Morton, Anthony Lalumia, Eric Schilling
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Carlos Torres, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White, Shaun Sebastian For episode "Live Finale (Part 2)"
The 59th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 59th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling Tied with The 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (2017)
The 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction CeremonyThe 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
John Harris, Susan Pelino, Jay Vicari, Al Centrella, David Natale, Simon Welch, Erik Von Ranson Tied with The 59th Annual Grammy Awards (2017)
The 59th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 59th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling Tied with The 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (2017)
The 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction CeremonyThe 2017 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
John Harris, Susan Pelino, Jay Vicari, Al Centrella, David Natale, Simon Welch, Erik Von Ranson Tied with The 59th Annual Grammy Awards (2017)
Все номинанты
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Jonathan Herrera For episode "Sub-Prime Auto Loans"
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Carlos Torres, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Sterling Cross, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode "Season Finale"
Super Bowl LI Halftime Show Starring Lady GagaSuper Bowl LI Halftime Show Starring Lady Gaga
Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Alex Guessard, Bill Malina, Simon Higgs, Paul Ramsay, Andre Bowman With Pro Tools mixer Andre Bowman
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Brian Flanzbaum
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Carlos Torres, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Sterling Cross, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode "Season Finale"
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon, Brian Flanzbaum
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie, Jonathan Herrera For episode "Sub-Prime Auto Loans"
Super Bowl LI Halftime Show Starring Lady GagaSuper Bowl LI Halftime Show Starring Lady Gaga
Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Alex Guessard, Bill Malina, Simon Higgs, Paul Ramsay, Andre Bowman With Pro Tools mixer Andre Bowman
Ken Hahn, Skip Kent, Lawrence Rock, Paul Bevan For episode: "Danny Elfman's Music from the Films of Tim Burton".
Live from Lincoln CenterLive from Lincoln Center
Ken Hahn, Skip Kent, Lawrence Rock, Paul Bevan For episode: "Danny Elfman's Music from the Films of Tim Burton".
Все номинанты
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Sterling Cross, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode 1018A
Бриолин: В эфире!Grease Live!
J. Mark King, Bob La Masney, Frank Wolf, Biff Dawes, Kevin Wapner, Pablo Munguia, Barry Warrick, Eric Johnston, John Protzko, John Garlick
События прошедшей недели с Джоном ОливеромLast Week Tonight with John Oliver
Tony Rollins, Steve Watson, Charlie Jones, Steve Lettie For episode 225
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Marc Repp, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Sterling Cross, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode 1018A
Saturday Night Live: 40th Anniversary SpecialSaturday Night Live: 40th Anniversary Special
Marty Brumbach, Bob Clearmountain, Devin Emke, Robert Palladino, Bill Taylor, Chris Costello, Josiah Gluck, Robert Selitto, Ezra Matychak
Saturday Night Live: 40th Anniversary SpecialSaturday Night Live: 40th Anniversary Special
Marty Brumbach, Bob Clearmountain, Devin Emke, Robert Palladino, Bill Taylor, Chris Costello, Josiah Gluck, Robert Selitto, Ezra Matychak
Все номинанты
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Mike Parker, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode: "Finale Results".
Late Show with David LettermanLate Show with David Letterman
Harvey Goldberg, Kevin Rogers, Larry Zinn, Seth Mintz, Pierre DeLaforcade, Tom Herrmann For episode: "4214".
The 57th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 57th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Andrew Fletcher, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Mike Parker, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young, Eric White For episode: "Finale Results".
The 57th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 57th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Biff Dawes, Pablo Munguia, Kristian Pedregon
The 56th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 56th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
The 56th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 56th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
Все номинанты
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Biff Dawes, Pablo Munguia, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The 36th Annual Kennedy Center HonorsThe 36th Annual Kennedy Center Honors
Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Tom Holmes, Josh Morton, Dave O'Donnell
The 36th Annual Kennedy Center HonorsThe 36th Annual Kennedy Center Honors
Patrick Baltzell, Paul Sandweiss, Tom Holmes, Josh Morton, Dave O'Donnell
The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the BeatlesThe Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the Beatles
Larry Reed, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Josh Morton, Randy Faustino, Giles Martin, Paul Wittman, Al Schmidt
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Biff Dawes, Pablo Munguia, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the BeatlesThe Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the Beatles
Larry Reed, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Tom Holmes, Josh Morton, Randy Faustino, Giles Martin, Paul Wittman, Al Schmidt
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Andrew Fletcher, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young For: "Episode 619A".
Голос АмерикиThe Voice
Michael Abbott, Robert P. Matthews Jr., Christian Schrader, Andrew Fletcher, Bill Dietzman, John Koster, Michael Bernard, Randy Faustino, Kenyata Westbrook, Eddie Marquez, Tim Hatayama, Ryan Young For: "Episode 619A".
The 55th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 55th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
The 55th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 55th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
Все номинанты
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Biff Dawes, Pablo Munguia, Emily McDonnell, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The Daily ShowThe Daily Show
Tim Lester, Jay Vicari, Rocky Magistro, Horst Hartmann For episode "17153".
American IdolAmerican Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Patrick Baltzell, Ed Greene, Gary Long, Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Mike Parker, Randy Faustino, Adrian Ordonez, Ryan Young For episode: "Finale".
The OscarsThe Oscars
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Paul Sandweiss, Biff Dawes, Pablo Munguia, Emily McDonnell, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The Colbert ReportThe Colbert Report
Jay Vicari, Todd Kilponen, Robert Selitto, Bob Walker For episode "8137B".
American IdolAmerican Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Patrick Baltzell, Ed Greene, Gary Long, Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Mike Parker, Randy Faustino, Adrian Ordonez, Ryan Young For episode: "Finale".
The Colbert ReportThe Colbert Report
Jay Vicari, Todd Kilponen, Robert Selitto, Bob Walker For episode "8137B".
The 84th Annual Academy AwardsThe 84th Annual Academy Awards
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Larry Reed, Paul Sandweiss, Brian Riordan, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
The 84th Annual Academy AwardsThe 84th Annual Academy Awards
Thomas Vicari, Patrick Baltzell, Bob La Masney, Larry Reed, Paul Sandweiss, Brian Riordan, John Perez, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Josh Morton, Mike Parker, Kristian Pedregon
Все номинанты
American IdolAmerican Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Patrick Baltzell, Ed Greene, Gary Long, Conner Moore, Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Ryan Young, Mike Parker, Randy Faustino For episode: "1144".
Lionel Richie and FriendsACM Presents: Lionel Richie and Friends in Concert
Steve Anderson, J. Mark King, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Dirk Vanoucek, Biff Dawes, Jeffrey Fecteau, Marc Repp, Chip Matthews, Jeff Peterson, Jason Spence
The 54th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 54th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
American IdolAmerican Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Patrick Baltzell, Ed Greene, Gary Long, Conner Moore, Christian Schrader, Brian Riordan, Ryan Young, Mike Parker, Randy Faustino For episode: "1144".
Lionel Richie and FriendsACM Presents: Lionel Richie and Friends in Concert
Steve Anderson, J. Mark King, Paul Sandweiss, Christian Schrader, Dirk Vanoucek, Biff Dawes, Jeffrey Fecteau, Marc Repp, Chip Matthews, Jeff Peterson, Jason Spence
The 54th Annual Grammy AwardsThe 54th Annual Grammy Awards
John Harris, Bob La Masney, Ron Reaves, Paul Sandweiss, Mikael Stewart, Tom Holmes, Tom Pesa, Pablo Munguia, Eric Johnston, Mike Parker, Eric Schilling
Год проведения
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Academy Awards, USA
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Festival international du film de Cannes
Золотой глобус
Golden Globe Award
BAFTA - премия Британской киноакадемии
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
Венецианский кинофестиваль
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
Золотая малина
Кино и ТВ награды MTV
MTV Movie & TV Awards
Sundance Film Festival
Послание к Человеку
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
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Премия Гильдии киноактеров США
Screen Actors Guild Award
Кинофестиваль Кинотавр
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
Окно в Европу
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Toronto International Film Festival
Таллинский кинофестиваль «Тёмные ночи» (PÖFF)
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