Jack Feldman, Alan Menken For the song "High Times, Hard Times". In 2016, Feldman was photographed holding both his Razzie Award and his 2012 Tony Award for the 'Newsies' stage adaptation. He later shared his own photo of the Razzie on Twitter, stating "Not gonna humble brag, folks: Won in a walk and crushed the competition." Menken replied to the Tweet with "I was wondering where that statuette was!! Love our Razzie!".
Продавцы новостейNewsies
Jack Feldman, Alan Menken For the song "High Times, Hard Times". In 2016, Feldman was photographed holding both his Razzie Award and his 2012 Tony Award for the 'Newsies' stage adaptation. He later shared his own photo of the Razzie on Twitter, stating "Not gonna humble brag, folks: Won in a walk and crushed the competition." Menken replied to the Tweet with "I was wondering where that statuette was!! Love our Razzie!".
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ТелохранительThe Bodyguard
Уитни Хьюстон, Eric 'Babyface' Walsh, Daryl Simmons For the song "Queen of The Night".