Кит Фултон, Луис Пепе Vérité Filmmaking: "A film that artfully avoids cliches by taking us into overlooked world and illuminating not only the ugly reality but the humanity of the characters."
Francisco La Torre, Dawn Porter
The Bad KidsThe Bad Kids
Кит Фултон, Луис Пепе Vérité Filmmaking: "A film that artfully avoids cliches by taking us into overlooked world and illuminating not only the ugly reality but the humanity of the characters."
David Felix Sutcliffe, Lyric R. Cabral Breakout First Feature - "This filmmakers dare to expose a story that powerful forces would rather keep hidden."
3 1/2 Minutes, 10 Bullets3½ Minutes, Ten Bullets
Марк Сильвер Social Impact - "If you have paid any attention to the news, you know that we are a nation in crisis. As a jury, we feel that it is important to recognize a film that because of the close collaboration between the filmmakers and their subjects, lets the audience examined that crisis, lets the audience considered the consequences of that crisis, and invites us all to consider this very difficult question: why are young black men so often the objects of fear? This documentary matters."
David Felix Sutcliffe, Lyric R. Cabral Breakout First Feature - "This filmmakers dare to expose a story that powerful forces would rather keep hidden."
Тернер Росс, Билл Росс Vérité Filmmaking - "We recognized the restraint of filmmakers letting image and sound to speak for itself."
Джо Брюстер, Мишель Стефенсон By turning the camera on themselves, the filmmakers give a raw and unflinching look at the complex landscapes from his face, educating and bringing up their children in contemporary America.
American PromiseAmerican Promise
Джо Брюстер, Мишель Стефенсон By turning the camera on themselves, the filmmakers give a raw and unflinching look at the complex landscapes from his face, educating and bringing up their children in contemporary America.
Неравенство для всехInequality for All
Джейкоб Корнблут With clarity, humor and heart, this timely film reveals the underpinnings of an urgent threat to American democracy.
Чарльз Фергюсон In recognition of the film as timely work that clearly illuminates the misguided policy decisions that have led to the catastrophic quagmire of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq.