Chris Raiber "Loss, transition, the hereafter: With its compelling imagery this short film draws, in a poetic and surreal way, the state between life and death. Although we were directly captured by the puzzling composition of images, in the end it was the smart turn, which makes the film so extraordinary and left us captivated long after the screening."
Neil Triffett This year's special mention goes to a movie that takes a look at group identity and peer pressure, with a surprising and pleasant lightness of touch. It convinced us with its firework of funny dialogues, melodies and humour, making fun of itself while never becoming ridiculous.
Yenni Toyvoniemi Two young people cross paths in an unusual situation. Before you know it, a common procedure develops into an unconventional date. We were convinced by the film's ability to tell us far more than it showed. It presented us with a humorous interaction that didn't immediately reveal the complexity of its themes. The multi-layered meanings of the film stayed with us long after we left the cinema.
Isamu Hirabayashi Visuals and sound melded together flawlessly to create a philosophical and layered masterpiece. The director conveys his message, beyond all conventions. Through a simple metaphor he portrays the survival of a culture, even in the face of catastrophe.