Sanna Lenken A great protagonist, powerful and vulnerable at the same time, provided us with her captivatingly told, bittersweet story of loss, grief, anger and healing. This film was a rollercoaster ride full of emotions: sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes embarrassing. The music was always most appropriate and appealing. The camera was occasionally stable, yet also shaky. In a word, the film was superb.
Iveta Grofova "We selected a film that is creative and authentic. It's about two children who create a little world of their own, rules. We found the story very moving and the actors are very believable too."
All nominees
Amelie rennt
Tobiash Viemann
Berni Goldblat
Becoming Who I Was
Chon Chzhin, Mun Han En
Oskar's AmericaOskars Amerika
Torfinn Iversen
StoneheadShi Tou
Xiang Zhao
Summer 1993Estiu 1993
Carla Simón
Two IrenesAs Duas Irenes
Fabio Meira
Owls & MiceUilenbal
Simone van Dusseldorp
Primero enero
Darío Mascambroni
María Novaro
Up in the SkyUpp i det blå
Petter Lennstrand
A Stork's JourneyRichard the stork
Toby Genkel, Reza Memari
Die Häschenschule: Jagd nach dem goldenen EiDie Häschenschule: Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei / Rabbit School
Avinash Arun This film convinced us in all respects: with his good camera work and the great actors, but also because of its incredibly beautiful nature images which blend perfectly with the music. This film made us all want to discover India.
Kim Mordaunt After a little boy has lost his home, he and his family embark on tense journey through a spectacular natural landscape. On the way they encounter many dangers, but the boy's biggest task is still ahead of him: he must finally prove that he can also bring good luck.
Oliviya Silver A family realises that it cannot just run away from its problems. We were deeply touched by the authentic story and the natural actors. A long journey and a moving film in all respects!
All nominees
Patatje OorlogPatatje Oorlog
Nicole van Kilsdonk
The Mirror Never LiesLaut Bercermin
Kamila Andini
Just Pretended to HearKikoeteru, furi wo sita dake
Kaori Imaizumi
Rajan Khosa
Jean-Christophe Lie, Rémi Bezançon
Lotte and the Moonstone SecretLotte ja kuukivi saladus
Janno Põldma, Heiki Ernits
Lotte and the Moonstone SecretLotte ja kuukivi saladus