Paolo Sorrentino Through the story of Cheyenne, a fallen and aching rock star, Paolo SORRENTINO proposes to follow the inner voyage and odyssey of a man searching for his Jewish roots, maturity, reconciliation and hope. A classic drama of great richness and elaborate aesthetics, the film gracefully opens deep and serious paths of reflection.
Aki Kaurismäki An ode to hope, solidarity and brotherhood: using sophisticated filmmaking, Aki KAURISMÄKI invites us in a world which he transforms through the magic of the colours, the humour of the dialogues, the humanity of the characters - with "The Sermon on the Mount" in the background.
Where Do We Go Now?Et maintenant on va où?
Nadine Labaki The women of a small isolated village are ready to do anything to preserve peace between the two communities that are living there together. With much delicacy, Nadine LABAKI succeeds in offering a poetic tale balancing carefully between comedy and tragedy, provoking an emotion that is turned towards hope.
The Inviolability of the Domicile Is Based on the Man Who Appears Wielding an Axe at the Door of His HouseLa inviolabilidad del domicilio se basa en el hombre que aparece empuñando un hacha
Alex Piperno
Stephen Kang
Julia Ducournau
Black MoonBlack Moon
Amie Siegel
Alexis Ivanovitch, You're My HeroAlexis Ivanovitch vous êtes mon héros