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Sochi Open Russian Film Festival Full-Length Film

Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2021
More volnuetsya raz 4.7
More volnuetsya raz
Nikolay Khomeriki
All nominees
Otorvi i vybros 5.6
Otorvi i vybros
Kirill Sokolov
Gerda 5.9
Natalya Kudryashova
Portrait of a Stranger 5.6
Portrait of a Stranger
Sergey Osipyan
Hostel 6.6
Roman Vasyanov
Captain Volkonogov Escaped 7.1
Captain Volkonogov Escaped
Natalya Merkulova, Aleksey Chupov
Nuuccha 7.6
Vladimir Munkuev
Dunay 5.9
Lyubov Mulmenko
Na blizkom rasstoyanii 5.0
Na blizkom rasstoyanii
Grigoriy Dobrygin
Moloko pticy 5.9
Moloko pticy
Evgeniy Maryan
Podelniki 7.3
Evgeniy Grigorev
Medea 6.0
Alexander Zeldovich
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2020
Scarecrow 6.6
Dmitry Davydov
All nominees
In Deep Sleep 4.6
In Deep Sleep
Maria Ignatenko
The Whaler Boy 6.6
The Whaler Boy Kitoboy
Philipp Yuryev
Handra 6.4
Alexey Kamynin
Deeper! 5.4
Mihail Segal
Has Anyone Seen My Girl? 5.7
Has Anyone Seen My Girl?
Angelina Nikonova
Konferenciya 6.3
Ivan I. Tverdovskiy
Tell Her 6.6
Tell Her
Aleksandr Molochnikov
Doctor Lisa 7.6
Doctor Lisa
Oksana Karas
Masha 5.8
Anastasiya Palchikova
Man from Podolsk 7.0
Man from Podolsk
Semyon Serzin
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2019
The Bull 7.1
The Bull
Boris Akopov
All nominees
Fidelity 5.7
Nigina Sayfullaeva
Great Poetry 5.9
Great Poetry
Aleksandr Lungin
Another Woman 6.0
Another Woman
Anna Parmas
Kerosin 6.2
Yusuf Roziqov
Once in Trubchevsk 5.9
Once in Trubchevsk Odnazhdy v Trubchevske
Larisa Sadilova
Thunderstorm 5.2
Grigoriy Konstantinopolskiy
Sheena 667 5.8
Sheena 667
Grigoriy Dobrygin
A Russian Youth 5.8
A Russian Youth
Aleksandr Zolotukhin
Myslennyy volk 4.3
Myslennyy volk
Valeriya Gay Germanika
The Guard 7.4
The Guard
Yuri Bykov
Lyubi ih vseh 6.9
Lyubi ih vseh
Mariya Agranovich
Troica 5.0
Yan Ge
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2018
Heart of the World 7.3
Heart of the World
Nataliya Meschaninova
All nominees
Anna's War 7.0
Anna's War
Aleksei Fedorchenko
Dva bileta domoy 6.1
Dva bileta domoy
Dmitriy Meshiev
Story of one Appointment 7.0
Story of one Appointment
Avdotya Smirnova
Jumpman 5.7
Ivan I. Tverdovskiy
Temporary Difficulties 5.3
Temporary Difficulties
Mihail Rashodnikov
Russkiy Bes 5.5
Russkiy Bes
Grigoriy Konstantinopolskiy
Mira 4.3
Denis Shabaev
Zapovednik 4.3
Anna Matison
Van Goghs 6.7
Van Goghs
Sergey Livnev
Slony mogut igrat v futbol 6.5
Slony mogut igrat v futbol
Mihail Segal
Dyadya Sasha 4.7
Dyadya Sasha
Aleksandr Gordon
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2017
Arrhythmia 7.6
Boris Hlebnikov
All nominees
Mify 3.8
Aleksandr Molochnikov
Closeness 6.8
Kantemir Balagov
Nearest and Dearest 5.6
Nearest and Dearest
Kseniya Zueva
Blockbuster 5.9
Roman Volobuev
Mertvym povezlo 5.8
Mertvym povezlo
Vadim Valiullin
Hostages 6.6
Rezo Gigineishvili
Tri sestry 5.2
Tri sestry
Yuriy Grymov
Light Up! 7.0
Light Up!
Kirill Pletnev
Sella Turcica 5.7
Sella Turcica
Yusuf Roziqov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2016
The Good Boy 6.9
The Good Boy
Oksana Karas
All nominees
Riba-mechta 6.5
Anton Bilzho
Wake Me Up 6.3
Wake Me Up
Guillaume Protsenko
Zoology 6.3
Ivan I. Tverdovskiy
The Student 7.2
The Student
Kirill Serebrennikov
Collector 6.9
Aleksey Krasovskiy
Ogni bolshoy derevni 4.8
Ogni bolshoy derevni
Ilya Uchitel
Chelovek iz buduschego 4.4
Chelovek iz buduschego
Roman Artemev
After You're Gone 6.8
After You're Gone
Anna Matison
Ya umeyu vyazat 6.6
Ya umeyu vyazat
Nadezhda Stepanova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2015
About Love 6.2
About Love
Anna Melikian
All nominees
Paren s nashego kladbischa 5.6
Paren s nashego kladbischa
Ilya Chizhikov, Anton Chizhikov
Angels of Revolution 5.1
Angels of Revolution
Aleksei Fedorchenko
Rag Union 6.7
Rag Union
Mikhail Mestetsky
The Gulls 7.0
The Gulls
Ella Manzheeva
The Land of Oz 7.0
The Land of Oz
Vasiliy Sigarev
Gost 3.5
Denis Rodimin
Nahodka 6.3
Viktor Dement
The Puppet Syndrome 6.5
The Puppet Syndrome
Elena Hazanova
Insayt 6.8
Alexander Kott
Spasenie 6.7
Ivan Vyrypaev
14+ 6.9
Andrey Zaytsev
Pioneer Heroes 6.0
Pioneer Heroes
Natalya Kudryashova
Artem Temnikov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2013
The Geographer Drank His Globe Away 7.2
The Geographer Drank His Globe Away
Aleksandr Veledinskiy
All nominees
Ivan, Son of Amir
Maksim Panfilov
Waiting for the Sea 6.6
Waiting for the Sea
Bahtier Hudoynazarov
Zhazhda 6.9
Dmitriy Tyurin
Truba 7.0
Vitaly Mansky
Intimate Parts 4.6
Intimate Parts
Natalya Merkulova, Aleksey Chupov
The Major 7.4
The Major
Yuri Bykov
Dialogi 6.0
Irina Volkova
Otdat kontsy 5.2
Otdat kontsy
Taisiya Igumenceva
Shame 6.4
Shame Styd
Yusuf Roziqov
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari 5.8
Celestial Wives of the Meadow Mari
Aleksei Fedorchenko
The Delivery Guy 5.4
The Delivery Guy
Andrey Stempkovsky
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2012
Ya budu ryadom 6.5
Ya budu ryadom
Pavel Ruminov
All nominees
And Here's What's Happening to Me 6.4
And Here's What's Happening to Me
Viktor Shamirov
Protest Day 4.8
Protest Day
Sergey Mokrickiy
Iskuplenie 4.7
Aleksandr Proshkin
Living 7.2
Vasiliy Sigarev
Short Stories 6.8
Short Stories
Mihail Segal
Steel Butterfly 7.0
Steel Butterfly
Renat Davletyarov
Kokoko 6.6
Avdotya Smirnova
Doch 7.0
Natalya Nazarova, Aleksandr Kasatkin
Belyy mavr, ili Intimnye istorii o moikh sosedyakh 4.1
Belyy mavr, ili Intimnye istorii o moikh sosedyakh
Dmitriy Fiks
Poka noch ne razluchit 6.0
Poka noch ne razluchit
Boris Hlebnikov
Ya tebya ne lyublyu 6.4
Ya tebya ne lyublyu
Pavel Kostomarov, Aleksandr Rastorguyev
State of Emergency Avariynoe sostoyanie
Vsevolod Benigsen
The Empty Home Pustoy dom
Nurbek Egen
Konvoy 5.8
Aleksey Mizgirev
For Marx... 6.2
For Marx...
Svetlana Baskova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2011
Bezrazlichie 6.3
Oleg Flyangolc
All nominees
Gromozeka 6.4
Vladimir Kott
Patria O Muerte 6.9
Patria O Muerte
Vitaly Mansky
The Hunter 6.1
The Hunter Okhotnik
Bakur Bakuradze
Brothel Lights 6.4
Brothel Lights
Aleksandr Gordon
Suhodol 6.5
Alexandra Strelyanaya
Moy papa Baryshnikov 6.1
Moy papa Baryshnikov
Dmitry Povolotsky
Vdrebezgi 6.3
Roman Karimov
Ikona sezona 5.3
Ikona sezona
Sergey Shvydkoy, Fuad Ibragimbekov
Beduin 6.2
Igor Voloshin
Without Men 4.0
Without Men
Rezo Gigineishvili, Alisa Hmelnickaya
Bablo 6.8
Konstantin Buslov
The Practice of Beauty 6.4
The Practice of Beauty
Viktor Shamirov
Twilight Portrait 5.7
Twilight Portrait
Angelina Nikonova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2010
Peremirie 6.4
Svetlana Proskurina
All nominees
The Elephant 5.9
The Elephant
Vladimir Karabanov
Gastarbayter 6.2
Yusuf Roziqov
Propavshiy bez vesti 5.9
Propavshiy bez vesti
Anna Fenchenko
Zolotoe sechenie 5.9
Zolotoe sechenie
Sergey Debizhev
To Live! 7.0
To Live!
Yuri Bykov
Silent Souls 6.3
Silent Souls
Aleksei Fedorchenko
Satisfaction 6.8
Anna Matison
Kto ya? 6.7
Kto ya?
Klim Shipenko
My Joy 5.5
My Joy
Sergey Loznica
Reverse Motion 6.9
Reverse Motion
Andrey Stempkovsky
Yavlenie prirody 5.7
Yavlenie prirody
Aleksandr Lungin, Sergey Osipyan
The Man at the Window 7.0
The Man at the Window
Dmitriy Meshiev
Another Sky 6.1
Another Sky
Dmitri Mamulia
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2009
Wolfy 7.0
Vasiliy Sigarev
All nominees
Ya 6.3
Igor Voloshin
Synok 6.6
Larisa Sadilova
Evropa - Aziya 5.5
Evropa - Aziya
Ivan Dyhovichnyy
Bury Me Behind the Baseboard 7.4
Bury Me Behind the Baseboard
Sergey Snezhkin
Skazka pro temnotu 6.3
Skazka pro temnotu
Nikolay Khomeriki
Buben, baraban 6.8
Buben, baraban
Aleksey Mizgirev
Minnesota 5.9
Andrei Proshkin
Kislorod 6.4
Ivan Vyrypaev
Skoro vesna 5.8
Skoro vesna
Vera Storozheva
Help Gone Mad 6.3
Help Gone Mad
Boris Hlebnikov
Neproschennye 5.9
Klim Shipenko
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2008
Shultes 6.1
Bakur Bakuradze
All nominees
Skazhi Leo 5.5
Skazhi Leo
Leonid Rybakov
Devstvennost 6.6
Vitaly Mansky
Baksy 5.8
Gulshat Omarova
Wild Field 7.2
Wild Field
Mihail Kalatozishvili
Okean 7.4
Mihail Kosyrev-Nesterov
Plus One 6.1
Plus One
Oksana Bychkova
Tot, kto gasit svet 6.8
Tot, kto gasit svet
Andrey Libenson
Nirvana 6.2
Igor Voloshin
Novaya Zemlya 6.8
Novaya Zemlya
Aleksandr Melnik
Chetyre vozrasta lyubvi 5.4
Chetyre vozrasta lyubvi
Sergey Mokrickiy
Live and Remember 6.6
Live and Remember
Aleksandr Proshkin
Yuri's Day 6.1
Yuri's Day
Kirill Serebrennikov
Captive 6.5
Aleksey Uchitel
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2007
Simple Things 6.9
Simple Things The Simple Things
Alexei Popogrebski
All nominees
Cargo 200 7.0
Cargo 200 Freight 200
Aleksei Balabanov
The Mermaid 7.2
The Mermaid
Anna Melikian
Soaring 5.9
Aleksandr Mindadze
Naturschica 5.1
Tatyana Voroneckaya
Best of Times 4.8
Best of Times
Svetlana Proskurina
Kuka 7.2
Yaroslav Chevazhevskiy
Vice 6.3
Valeriy Todorovskiy
Inzeen-malina 6.1
Vladimir Sivkov, Pavel Sokolovskiy
Flint 6.6
Flint Hard-hearted
Aleksey Mizgirev
Marina Razbezhkina
Two in One 5.6
Two in One
Kira Muratova
Infanta's Birthday Den rozhdeniya Infanty
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Cruelty 5.8
Mapina Lyubakova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2006
Playing the Victim 6.8
Playing the Victim
Kirill Serebrennikov
All nominees
Sergey Karandashov
Soviet Park 5.2
Soviet Park
Yuliy Gusman
Tycoon's Interpreter 5.6
Tycoon's Interpreter
Elena Hazanova
Nankin Landscape 5.7
Nankin Landscape
Valeriy Rubinchik
Euphoria 6.4
Ivan Vyrypaev
Free Floating 6.8
Free Floating
Boris Hlebnikov
Alive 6.8
Aleksandr Veledinskiy
It Doesn't Hurt Me 6.3
It Doesn't Hurt Me
Aleksei Balabanov
Svyaz 5.6
Avdotya Smirnova
Transit 6.8
Aleksandr Rogozhkin
The Spot 6.6
The Spot
Yuriy Moroz
The Ugly Swans 6.9
The Ugly Swans
Konstantin Lopushanskiy
The Man of No Return 6.4
The Man of No Return
Ekaterina Grohovskaya
Rabbit Over the Void 5.7
Rabbit Over the Void
Tigran Keosayan
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2005
Poor Relatives 6.1
Poor Relatives
Pavel Lungin
All nominees
Trebuetsya nyanya 5.4
Trebuetsya nyanya
Larisa Sadilova
Ya tebya obozhayu... Ya tebya obozhayu...
Huseyn Erkenov
Mama, ne goryuy 2 5.8
Mama, ne goryuy 2
Sergey Selyanov, Maria Ushakova
Parnikovyy effekt 6.3
Parnikovyy effekt
Valeriy Ahadov
Graveyard Shift 6.9
Graveyard Shift
Valeriy Rozhnov
Lovitor 6.2
Farhot Abdullaev
The Rascal Pakostnik
Tanya Detkina
Four 6.2
Ilya Khrzhanovsky
Remote Access Udalyonnyy dostup
Svetlana Proskurina
The State Counsellor 7.4
The State Counsellor
Filipp Yankovskiy
Order 6.3
Vera Glagoleva
Shadowboxing 6.7
Shadowboxing Boy s tenyu
Aleksey Sidorov
Dead Man's Bluff 7.2
Dead Man's Bluff Zhmurki
Aleksei Balabanov
Ildar Yaagafarov
First on the Moon 6.9
First on the Moon
Aleksei Fedorchenko
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2004
A Driver for Vera 7.1
A Driver for Vera Voditel dlya Very
Pavel Chukhray
All nominees
O lyubvi 6.3
O lyubvi
Sergey Solovev
You I Love 6.4
You I Love You I love
Dmitry Troitsky, Olga Stolpovskaya
Smert Tairova Smert Tairova
Boris Blank
Wisewoman's Recipe Retsept kolduni
Tatyana Voroneckaya
Moth Games 6.6
Moth Games Igry motylkov
Andrei Proshkin
Noch svetla 6.9
Noch svetla
Roman Balayan
Krasnoe nebo. Chernyy sneg 5.9
Krasnoe nebo. Chernyy sneg
Valeriy Ogorodnikov
Kozha salamandry 5.9
Kozha salamandry
Aleksey Rudakov
The Recruiter 4.8
The Recruiter Shiza
Gulshat Omarova
Chernyy myach Chernyy myach
Huseyn Erkenov
My Step Brother Frankenstein 6.7
My Step Brother Frankenstein
Valeriy Todorovskiy
Dolgoe proshchanie Dolgoe proshchanie
Sergei Ursuliak
72 Meters 6.8
72 Meters
Vladimir Khotinenko
Slova i muzyka 4.1
Slova i muzyka
Ivan Solovov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2003
Old Women 6.6
Old Women
Gennadiy Sidorov
All nominees
Prityazhenie 3.8
Vasily Serikov
One Life Zhizn odna
Vitaly Moskalenko
Poor Poor Paul 6.9
Poor Poor Paul
Vitaly Melnikov
Pravda o schelpah 6.2
Pravda o schelpah
Aleksey Muradov
Babuschka 7.3
Lidia Bobrova
Klyuch ot spalni 5.1
Klyuch ot spalni
Eldar Ryazanov
Photo Foto
Aleksandr Galin
Carmen 6.5
Aleksandr Khvan
Slav's March Marsh slavyanki
Natalya Pyankova
Radosti i pechali malenkogo lorda 7.2
Radosti i pechali malenkogo lorda
Ivan Popov
Caucasian Roulette 5.9
Caucasian Roulette
Fedor Popov
Magnitnye buri 5.7
Magnitnye buri
Vadim Abdrashitov
The Suit 7.6
The Suit
Bahtier Hudoynazarov
Do Not Make Biscuits in a Bad Mood Ne delayte biskvity v plokhom nastroenii
Grigori G. Nikulin
Igra v modern Igra v modern
Maxim Korostyshevsky
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2002
War 8.0
Aleksei Balabanov
All nominees
Skaz pro Fedota-streltsa 5.3
Skaz pro Fedota-streltsa
Sergey Ovcharov
Letniy dozhd 5.8
Letniy dozhd
Aleksandr Atanesyan
Shoemaker 6.1
Vladimir Zaykin
The Mastermind Kollektsioner
Yuriy Grymov
Letters to Elza 7.6
Letters to Elza
Igor Maslennikov
Zaymyomsya lyubovyu 5.9
Zaymyomsya lyubovyu
Denis Evstigneev
The Lover Lyubovnik
Valeriy Todorovskiy
The Star 7.2
The Star
Nikolay Lebedev
Raskalyonnaya subbota Raskalyonnaya subbota
Alexander Mitta
Botinki iz Ameriki 6.2
Botinki iz Ameriki
Arkadiy Yakhnis
Povelitel luzh 3.1
Povelitel luzh
Sergei Rusakov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2001
Tender Age 7.2
Tender Age
Sergey Solovev
All nominees
Garik Sukachev
Severnoe siyanie Severnoe siyanie
Andrey Razenkov
Bremenskie muzykanty Bremenskie muzykanty
Aleksandr Abdulov
In August of 1944 7.4
In August of 1944 V avguste 44-go
Michail Ptashuk
The Turn of the Century Konets veka
Konstantin Lopushanskiy
Mechanical Suite 6.8
Mechanical Suite
Dmitriy Meshiev
Come Look at Me 7.6
Come Look at Me
Mikhail Agranovich, Oleg Yankovskiy
Tsvetushchiy kholm sredi pustogo polya Tsvetushchiy kholm sredi pustogo polya
Andrey Eshpay
The President and His Granddaughter 5.7
The President and His Granddaughter
Tigran Keosayan
Down House 7.1
Down House
Roman Kachanov
Lyubov i drugie koshmary Lyubov i drugie koshmary
Andrey Nekrasov
Granitsa. Tayozhnyy roman Granitsa. Tayozhnyy roman
Alexander Mitta
Dikarka 5.8
Yuriy Pavlov
Moscow 6.4
Alexander Zeldovich
101st Kilometer 101-y kilometr
Leonid Maryagin
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning 6.6
Poisons or the World History of Poisoning
Karen Shahnazarov
Second Class Citizens 7.1
Second Class Citizens
Kira Muratova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 2000
Luna Papa 7.2
Luna Papa
Bahtier Hudoynazarov
All nominees
24 Hours 5.9
24 Hours 24 chasa
Aleksandr Atanesyan
His Wife's Diary 7.1
His Wife's Diary
Aleksey Uchitel
Brother 2 8.1
Brother 2
Aleksei Balabanov
Zatvornik Zatvornik
Yegor Konchalovsky
Litso frantsuzskoy natsionalnosti Litso frantsuzskoy natsionalnosti
Ilya Khotinenko
The Captain's Daughter 6.5
The Captain's Daughter
Aleksandr Proshkin
Cheque Chek
Aleksandr Borodyanskiy, Boris Giller
The Envy of Gods 6.3
The Envy of Gods
Vladimir Menshov
Vmesto menya 6.7
Vmesto menya
Vladimir Basov ml., Olga Basova
Zhenschin obizhat ne rekomenduetsya 5.1
Zhenschin obizhat ne rekomenduetsya
Valeriy Ahadov
Tonkaya shtuchka Tonkaya shtuchka
Aleksandr Polynnikov
Chetyrnadtsat tsvetov radugi Chetyrnadtsat tsvetov radugi
Dmitriy Svetozarov
The Wedding 7.1
The Wedding
Pavel Lungin
Fortune 6.1
Fortune Fortuna
Georgiy Daneliya
Dom dlya bogatykh Dom dlya bogatykh
Vladimir Fokin
Demobbed 7.8
Roman Kachanov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1999
Checkpoint 7.2
Aleksandr Rogozhkin
All nominees
Private Chronicles. Monologue Chastnye kroniki. Monolog
Vitaly Mansky
Mother 6.5
Denis Evstigneev
Women's Property 7.2
Women's Property
Dmitriy Meshiev
Chinese Service 6.5
Chinese Service Китайскiй сервизъ
Vitaly Moskalenko
Na boykom meste Na boykom meste
Aleksei Sakharov
Moloch 6.8
Alexander Sokurov
Privet ot Charli-trubacha 5.2
Privet ot Charli-trubacha
Vladimir Grammatikov
Classic 6.7
Classic Klassik
Georgy Shengeliya
Nebo v almazah 5.6
Nebo v almazah
Vasili Pichul
The Voroshilov Shooter 7.4
The Voroshilov Shooter
Stanislav Govoruhin
Who If Not Us 6.8
Who If Not Us
Valeriy Priemyhov
The Barber of Siberia 7.7
The Barber of Siberia
Nikita Mihalkov
Khochu v tyurmu 6.6
Khochu v tyurmu
Alla Surikova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1998
Time of a Dancer 6.8
Time of a Dancer
Vadim Abdrashitov
All nominees
Zona przychodzi noca Zona przychodzi noca
Igor Andreychuk
Khrustalyov, My Car! 6.5
Khrustalyov, My Car!
Aleksey German
Two moons, three suns 5.4
Two moons, three suns Dve luny, tri solntsa
Roman Balayan
Composition for Victory Day 6.7
Composition for Victory Day
Sergei Ursuliak
Retro vtroyom Retro vtroyom
Pyotr Todorovskiy
Of Freaks and Men 6.7
Of Freaks and Men
Aleksei Balabanov
Spirit Dukh
Evgeniy Ivanov
The Circus Burned Down and the Clowns Ran Away 6.6
The Circus Burned Down and the Clowns Ran Away Tsirk sgorel, i klouny razbezhalis
Vladimir Bortko
Cops and Robbers 6.0
Cops and Robbers Politseiskiye i vory
Nikolay Dostal
Mu-Mu 5.6
Yuriy Grymov
Bez obratnogo adresa Bez obratnogo adresa
Konstantin Hudyakov
Kontrakt so smertyu Kontrakt so smertyu
Dmitry Astrakhan
A Little Princess 7.0
A Little Princess
Vladimir Grammatikov
Marigolds in Flower 6.8
Marigolds in Flower
Sergey Snezhkin
The Day of Full Moon 6.9
The Day of Full Moon
Karen Shahnazarov
Knyaz Yuriy Dolgorukiy 4.0
Knyaz Yuriy Dolgorukiy
Sergejs Tarasovs
Bednaya Sasha Bednaya Sasha
Tigran Keosayan
American Bet Amerikanka
Dmitriy Meshiev
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1997
All nominees
The Little Cat 7.4
The Little Cat
Ivan Popov
Printsessa na bobakh Printsessa na bobakh
Villen Novak
Sympathy Seeker 7.0
Sympathy Seeker
Vladimir Mashkov
Hello, Fools! 5.1
Hello, Fools!
Eldar Ryazanov
Afyory, muzyka, lyubov... Afyory, muzyka, lyubov...
Georgi Yungvald-Khilkevich
Yermak 6.9
Vladimir Arkadevitsj Krasnopolskiy, Valeriy Uskov
Telo kapitana budet predano zemle, a starshiy michman budet pet Telo kapitana budet predano zemle, a starshiy michman budet pet
Ilya Makarov
Mother and Son 7.4
Mother and Son
Alexander Sokurov
Don't Play the Fool 6.6
Don't Play the Fool
Valeriy Chikov
Strannoe vremya 5.8
Strannoe vremya
Natalya Pyankova
Tango nad propastyu Tango nad propastyu
Igor Talpa
Besnovatye Besnovatye
Vladimir Sukhorebry
From Hell to Hell 6.2
From Hell to Hell Iz ada v ad
Dmitry Astrakhan
Otsnebebis sasaplao Otsnebebis sasaplao
Goga Khaindrava
A Friend of the Deceased 6.9
A Friend of the Deceased Friend of the deceased
Vyacheslav Krishtofovich
Krizis srednego vozrasta 6.2
Krizis srednego vozrasta
Garik Sukachev
S dnyom rozhdeniya! S dnyom rozhdeniya!
Larisa Sadilova
A Man for a Young Woman 5.4
A Man for a Young Woman
Murad Ibragimbekov
Shizofreniya Shizofreniya
Viktor Sergeev
Tri istorii 7.1
Tri istorii
Kira Muratova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1996
Prisoner of the Mountains 7.5
Prisoner of the Mountains
Sergey Bodrov
All nominees
The Road to the End of the World Doroga na kray zhizni
Ruben Muradyan
The Black Veil 6.2
The Black Veil Black Veil
Aleksandr Proshkin
The Career of Arturo Ui: New Version Karera Arturo Ui
Boris Blank
Whoever softer 6.5
Whoever softer
Abay Karpykov
Pribytie poezda Pribytie poezda
Aleksei Balabanov, Vladimir Khotinenko, Aleksandr Khvan, Dmitriy Meshiev
Orpeosis sikvdili Orpeosis sikvdili
Giorgi Shengelaia
Odinokiy igrok 6.1
Odinokiy igrok
Vladimir Basov ml., Olga Basova
Ekhay Ekhay
Georgy Shengeliya
Za co? 7.0
Za co?
Jerzy Kawalerowicz
Love Is as Strong as Death Silna, kak smert, lyubov
Andrey Nekrasov
Dear Friend of Long Forgotten Years 6.0
Dear Friend of Long Forgotten Years
Samson Samsonov
Nesut menya koni Nesut menya koni
Vladimir Motyl
Revizor Revizor
Sergey Gazarov
Heads and Tails 7.2
Heads and Tails
Georgiy Daneliya
Principialnyy i zhalostlivyy vzglyad 5.8
Principialnyy i zhalostlivyy vzglyad
Aleksandr Suhochyov
The Return of the Battleship
Gennadiy Poloka
Line of Life Ligne de vie
Pavel Lungin
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1995
Peculiarities of the National Hunt 7.7
Peculiarities of the National Hunt
Aleksandr Rogozhkin
All nominees
American Daughter 7.1
American Daughter
Karen Shahnazarov
Muzyka dlya dekabrya Muzyka dlya dekabrya
Ivan Dyhovichnyy
Small Demon 7.0
Small Demon
Nikolay Dostal
Vorovka Vorovka
Vladimir Arkadevitsj Krasnopolskiy, Valeriy Uskov
Everything Will Be Fine! 6.9
Everything Will Be Fine!
Dmitry Astrakhan
Ya svoboden, ya nichey
Valeriy Pendrakovskiy
Lunnye psy Lunnye psy
Lidiya Polshchikova, Vladimir Tumaev
Zona Lyube Zona Lyube
Dmitry Zolotukhin
A Moslem 6.9
A Moslem
Vladimir Khotinenko
Kolechko zolotoe, buket iz alyh roz 5.7
Kolechko zolotoe, buket iz alyh roz
Dmitriy Dolinin
Time for Sorrow Hasn't Come Yet 6.2
Time for Sorrow Hasn't Come Yet Vremya pechali yeshchyo ne prishlo
Sergey Selyanov
Moscow Vacation 6.3
Moscow Vacation
Alla Surikova
...Pervaya lyubov ...Pervaya lyubov
Roman Balayan
Gisele's Mania 6.4
Gisele's Mania
Aleksey Uchitel
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1994
Angelochek sdelay radost 6.6
Angelochek sdelay radost
Usman Saparov
All nominees
Peshawar Waltz Peshavarskiy vals
Timur Bekmambetov, Gennadiy Kayumov
Katya Ismailova Podmoskovnye vechera
Valeriy Todorovskiy
Limita 5.8
Denis Evstigneev
Viva Castro! Viva Castro!
Boris Frumin
Bezdna, krug sedmoy Bezdna, krug sedmoy
Vladimir Basov ml.
Poslushay, Fellini! Poslushay, Fellini!
Sofya Milkina, Mihail Shveycer
Sekret vinodeliya Sekret vinodeliya
Andrey Chernyh
Odds and Evens Kosh ba kosh
Bahtier Hudoynazarov
La delegazione La delegazione
Aleksandr Galin
Natlisgeba Natlisgeba
Nodar Managadze
The Castle 7.1
The Castle
Aleksei Balabanov
The Year of the Dog 6.8
The Year of the Dog
Semyon Aranovich
Akt Akt
Aleksandr Rogozhkin
Enthusiasms 6.9
Kira Muratova
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1993
Encore, Once More Encore! 6.9
Encore, Once More Encore!
Pyotr Todorovskiy
All nominees
Uvidet Parizh i umeret 6.2
Uvidet Parizh i umeret
Aleksandr Proshkin
Ochen vernaya zhena Ochen vernaya zhena
Valeriy Pendrakovskiy
22 iyunya, rovno v 4 chasa 5.5
22 iyunya, rovno v 4 chasa
Boris Galkin
Over the Dark Water 6.5
Over the Dark Water
Dmitriy Meshiev
Removal of the Body 6.4
Removal of the Body
Valeriy Lonskoy
Dyuba-Dyuba Dyuba-Dyuba
Aleksandr Khvan
Window to Paris Okno v Parizh
Yuriy Mamin
Mechty idiota Mechty idiota
Vasili Pichul
You Are My Only Love 7.3
You Are My Only Love
Dmitry Astrakhan
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1992
The Sun of the Sleepless 8.5
The Sun of the Sleepless Udzinarta mze
Temur Babluani
All nominees
His Nickname Is Beast 5.5
His Nickname Is Beast
Aleksandr Muratov
Dude - Water Winner 6.8
Dude - Water Winner Dude Water Winner
Arkady Tigay
Love 7.1
Valeriy Todorovskiy
Chicha Chicha
Vitaly Melnikov
Afghan Breakdown 7.1
Afghan Breakdown
Vladimir Bortko
Arifmetika ubiystva Arifmetika ubiystva
Dmitriy Svetozarov
Genius 7.2
Viktor Sergeev
Как живете, караси? 5.8
Как живете, караси?
Sofya Milkina, Mihail Shveycer
Lost in Siberia 6.7
Lost in Siberia
Alexander Mitta
Nevozvrashchenets Nevozvrashchenets
Sergey Snezhkin
Kiks 7.3
Sergey Livnev
Close to Eden 8.0
Close to Eden
Nikita Mihalkov
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival 1991
Sukiny deti Sukiny deti
Leonid Filatov
All nominees
Sestrichki Liberti Sestrichki Liberti
Vladimir Grammatikov
The Assassin of the Tsar 7.4
The Assassin of the Tsar
Karen Shahnazarov
Satan 6.8
Satan Satana
Viktor Aristov
Promised Heaven 7.4
Promised Heaven
Eldar Ryazanov
Crazies 6.5
Alla Surikova
The Executioner 6.8
The Executioner Palach
Viktor Sergeev
Behind the Last Line 7.3
Behind the Last Line Za posledney chertoy
Nikolai Stambula
Imitator Imitator
Oleg Fialko
Carskaya ohota 6.8
Carskaya ohota
Vitaly Melnikov
Noch dlinnykh nozhey Noch dlinnykh nozhey
Olga Zhukova
Winter Cherries 2 5.3
Winter Cherries 2 Zimnyaya vishnya 2
Igor Maslennikov
Russkaya ruletka 4.8
Russkaya ruletka
Valeriy Chikov
Amkhanag Stalinis mogzauroba aprikashi Amkhanag Stalinis mogzauroba aprikashi
Irakliy Kvirikadze

Other awards and film festivals

Academy Awards, USA
Academy Awards, USA
Cannes Film Festival
Festival international du film de Cannes
Cannes Film Festival
Golden Globes, USA
Golden Globe Award
Golden Globes, USA
Primetime Emmy Awards
Primetime Emmy Awards
BAFTA Awards
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
BAFTA Awards
Venice Film Festival
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
Venice Film Festival
Razzie Awards
Razzie Awards
MTV Movie + TV Awards
MTV Movie & TV Awards
MTV Movie + TV Awards
Sundance Film Festival
Sundance Film Festival
Sochi International Film Festival
Sochi International Film Festival & Awards — SIFFA
Sochi International Film Festival
Berlin International Film Festival
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Berlin International Film Festival
St. Petersburg Message to Man Film Festival
St. Petersburg Message to Man Film Festival
Screen Actors Guild Awards
Screen Actors Guild Award
Screen Actors Guild Awards
Moscow International Film Festival
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF)
Moscow International Film Festival
Window to Europe
Window to Europe
Toronto International Film Festival
Toronto International Film Festival
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
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