Anthony Bourdain: Parts UnknownAnthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
Lydia Tenaglia, Christopher Collins, Anthony Bourdain, Jared Andrukanis, Michael Steed, Sandra Zweig, Jonathan Cianfrani Bourdain's nomination was posthumous.
All nominees
Leah Remini: Scientology and the AftermathLeah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath
Kai Bowe, Myles Reiff, Leah Remini, Eli Holzman, Aaron Saidman, Mayk Raynder, Meaghan Rady
Comedians in Cars Getting CoffeeComedians in Cars Getting Coffee
Jerry Seinfeld, Melissa Miller, George Shapiro, Tammy Johnston
Surviving R. KellySurviving R. Kelly
Jessica Everleth, Dream Hampton, Joel Karsberg, Maria Pepin, Brie Miranda Bryant, Jesse Daniels, Tamra Simmons
My Next Guest Needs No Introduction
Lydia Tenaglia, Helen M. Cho, Mary Barclay, Tom Keaney, Michael Steed, Sandra Zweig, Chris Cechin-De La Rosa
Anthony Bourdain: Parts UnknownAnthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
Morgan Fallon, Lydia Tenaglia, Christopher Collins, Anthony Bourdain, Tom Vitale, Michael Steed, Sandra Zweig, Amy Entelis, Lizzie Fox Anthony Bourdain's nomination was posthumous.
All nominees
Leah Remini: Scientology and the AftermathLeah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath