Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty QueenLiving Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen
Charlton McMillan
All nominees
Jonathon Braun, Brian Barefoot, Jeannette Christensen, Mitchell Danton, Sean Foley, Claudia Hoover, Ivan Ladizinsky, Craig E. Serling, Chris Simpson, Rod C. Spence, Bob Mathews For episode "Trial By Fire".
Dwarfs: Not a Fairy TaleDwarfs: Not a Fairy Tale
Geof Bartz
Half Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon ParksHalf Past Autumn: The Life and Works of Gordon Parks
Sam Pollard
Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns
Paul Barnes, Erik Ewers For episode "Dedicated To Chaos".
Jonathon Braun, Brian Barefoot, Jeannette Christensen, Mitchell Danton, Sean Foley, Claudia Hoover, Ivan Ladizinsky, Craig E. Serling, Chris Simpson, Rod C. Spence, Bob Mathews For episode "Trial By Fire".
Jazz: A Film by Ken Burns
Paul Barnes, Erik Ewers For episode "Dedicated To Chaos".