Hal T. Hickel, Hayden Jones, John Rosengrant, Roy K. Cancino, Richard Bluff, Jason Porter, Landis R. Fields IV, Abbigail Keller, Enrico Damm For Chapter 2: The Child (2019)
The Mandalorian
Hal T. Hickel, Hayden Jones, John Rosengrant, Roy K. Cancino, Richard Bluff, Jason Porter, Landis R. Fields IV, Abbigail Keller, Enrico Damm For Chapter 2: The Child (2019)
All nominees
Lost in Space
Juri Stanossek, Andy Walker, Terron Pratt, Marion Spates, Paul Benjamin, Blaine Lougheed, Niklas Jacobson, Jabbar Raisani, Dirk Valk For Ninety-Seven (2019)
Stranger Things
Gayle Busby, Thomas F. Ford IV, Paul Graff, Caius Man, Martin Pelletier, Yvon Jardel, Mike Maher, Berter Orpak, Nathan Arbuckle For Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt (2019)
David Fletcher, Erik Henry, Franรงois Lambert, Mathieu Raynault, Matt Robken, Ashley J. Ward, Ahmed Gharraph, Emanuel Fuchs, Bobo Skipper For See How They Fly (2019)
Bruce Branit, Mark R. Byers, Jay Worth, Joe Wehmeyer, Jeremy Fernsler, Nhat Phong Tran, Martin Hernblad, Octevia Robertson, Jacqueline VandenBussche For Crisis Theory (2020)
Bruce Branit, Mark R. Byers, Jay Worth, Joe Wehmeyer, Jeremy Fernsler, Nhat Phong Tran, Martin Hernblad, Octevia Robertson, Jacqueline VandenBussche For Crisis Theory (2020)
Stranger Things
Gayle Busby, Thomas F. Ford IV, Paul Graff, Caius Man, Martin Pelletier, Yvon Jardel, Mike Maher, Berter Orpak, Nathan Arbuckle For Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt (2019)
Lost in Space
Juri Stanossek, Andy Walker, Terron Pratt, Marion Spates, Paul Benjamin, Blaine Lougheed, Niklas Jacobson, Jabbar Raisani, Dirk Valk For Ninety-Seven (2019)
David Fletcher, Erik Henry, Franรงois Lambert, Mathieu Raynault, Matt Robken, Ashley J. Ward, Ahmed Gharraph, Emanuel Fuchs, Bobo Skipper For See How They Fly (2019)
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Pรคtrick Gehlen, Steve Kullback, Ted Rae, Thomas Schelesny, Martin Hill, Mohsen Mousavi, Adam Chazen For The Bells (2019)
Game of Thrones
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Pรคtrick Gehlen, Steve Kullback, Ted Rae, Thomas Schelesny, Martin Hill, Mohsen Mousavi, Adam Chazen For The Bells (2019)
All nominees
The Umbrella Academy
Jeff Campbell, Everett Burrell, Steve Dellerson, Libby Hazell, Sean Schur, R. Christopher White, Misato Shinohara, Carrie Richardson, Sรฉbastien Bergeron For The White Violin (2019)
Star Trek: Discovery
Darcy Callaghan, Ivan Kondrup Jensen, Mahmoud Rahnama, Charles Collyer, Ante Dekovic, Jason Michael Zimmerman, Alexander Wood, Fausto Tejeda, Aleksandra Kochoska For Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 (2019)
The Man in the High Castle
Cory Jamieson, Lawson Deming, Danielle Malambri, Bill Parker, Nick Chamberlain, Christopher Parks, Casi Blume, Brian Hobert, Saber Jlassi For Jahr Null (2018)
The Umbrella Academy
Jeff Campbell, Everett Burrell, Steve Dellerson, Libby Hazell, Sean Schur, R. Christopher White, Misato Shinohara, Carrie Richardson, Sรฉbastien Bergeron For The White Violin (2019)
The Orville
Kevin Lingenfelser, Luke McDonald, Tommy Tran, Matt von Brock, Nhat Phong Tran, Brandon Fayette, Melissa DeLong, Joseph Vincent Pike, Brooke Noska For Identity, Part II (2019)
The Orville
Kevin Lingenfelser, Luke McDonald, Tommy Tran, Matt von Brock, Nhat Phong Tran, Brandon Fayette, Melissa DeLong, Joseph Vincent Pike, Brooke Noska For Identity, Part II (2019)
Star Trek: Discovery
Darcy Callaghan, Ivan Kondrup Jensen, Mahmoud Rahnama, Charles Collyer, Ante Dekovic, Jason Michael Zimmerman, Alexander Wood, Fausto Tejeda, Aleksandra Kochoska For Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 (2019)
The Man in the High Castle
Cory Jamieson, Lawson Deming, Danielle Malambri, Bill Parker, Nick Chamberlain, Christopher Parks, Casi Blume, Brian Hobert, Saber Jlassi For Jahr Null (2018)
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Steve Kullback, Ted Rae, Derek Spears, Wayne Stables, Michelle Blok, Adam Chazen, David Ramos For episode "Beyond the Wall"
Game of Thrones
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Steve Kullback, Ted Rae, Derek Spears, Wayne Stables, Michelle Blok, Adam Chazen, David Ramos For episode "Beyond the Wall"
All nominees
Altered Carbon
Everett Burrell, Joel Whist, Jorge del Valle, Tony Meagher, Steve Moncur, Antoine Moulineau, David Zaretti, Paul Jones, Christine Lemon For episode "Out Of The Past"
Lost in Space
Juri Stanossek, Rafa Solorzano, Terron Pratt, Marion Spates, Niklas Jacobson, Jabbar Raisani, Joao Sita, Ashley J. Ward, Niklas Strรถm For episode "Danger, Will Robinson"
Stranger Things
Paul Graff, Caius Man, Fred Raimondi, Joel Sevilla, Christina Graff, Mike Maher, Steve DiNozzi, Seth Hill, Alex Young For episode "Chapter Nine: The Gate"
Altered Carbon
Everett Burrell, Joel Whist, Jorge del Valle, Tony Meagher, Steve Moncur, Antoine Moulineau, David Zaretti, Paul Jones, Christine Lemon For episode "Out Of The Past"
Stranger Things
Paul Graff, Caius Man, Fred Raimondi, Joel Sevilla, Christina Graff, Mike Maher, Steve DiNozzi, Seth Hill, Alex Young For episode "Chapter Nine: The Gate"
Bruce Branit, Michael Enriquez, Kama Moiha, Jay Worth, Nhat Phong Tran, Michelle H. Pak, Bobo Skipper, Niklas Nyqvist, Jacqueline VandenBussche For episode "The Passenger"
Lost in Space
Juri Stanossek, Rafa Solorzano, Terron Pratt, Marion Spates, Niklas Jacobson, Jabbar Raisani, Joao Sita, Ashley J. Ward, Niklas Strรถm For episode "Danger, Will Robinson"
Bruce Branit, Michael Enriquez, Kama Moiha, Jay Worth, Nhat Phong Tran, Michelle H. Pak, Bobo Skipper, Niklas Nyqvist, Jacqueline VandenBussche For episode "The Passenger"
Elizabeth Castro, Mitchell S. Drain, Paul Ghezzo, Michael Lantieri, Jay Worth, Joe Wehmeyer, Eric Levin-Hatz, Gustav Ahren, Bobo Skipper For episode: "The Bicameral Mind".
Elizabeth Castro, Mitchell S. Drain, Paul Ghezzo, Michael Lantieri, Jay Worth, Joe Wehmeyer, Eric Levin-Hatz, Gustav Ahren, Bobo Skipper For episode: "The Bicameral Mind".
All nominees
American Gods
David Stump, Pierre Buffin, James Cooper, Kevin Tod Haug, Bernice Howes, Jeremy Ball, Aymeric Perceval, Jessica Smith, Josh Carlton For episode "The Bone Orchard"
The Man in the High Castle
Cory Jamieson, Lawson Deming, David Andrade, Justin Fox, Danielle Malambri, Bill Parker, Nick Chamberlain, Casi Blume For episode "Fallout"
American Gods
David Stump, Pierre Buffin, James Cooper, Kevin Tod Haug, Bernice Howes, Jeremy Ball, Aymeric Perceval, Jessica Smith, Josh Carlton For episode "The Bone Orchard"
Black Sails
Paul Dimmer, Erik Henry, Kevin Rafferty, Terron Pratt, Martin Lipmann, David Wahlberg, Yafei Wu, Ashley J. Ward, Nicklas Andersson For episode "XXIX"
Black Sails
Paul Dimmer, Erik Henry, Kevin Rafferty, Terron Pratt, Martin Lipmann, David Wahlberg, Yafei Wu, Ashley J. Ward, Nicklas Andersson For episode "XXIX"
Mike Borrett, Paul Wishart, Bill Halliday, Jim Maxwell, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Thomas Grant Morrison, Isabelle Alles, Kieran McKay For episode: "On The Eve"
Mike Borrett, Paul Wishart, Bill Halliday, Jim Maxwell, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Thomas Grant Morrison, Isabelle Alles, Kieran McKay For episode: "On The Eve"
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Steve Kullback, Glenn Melenhorst, Derek Spears, Eric Carney, Matthew Rouleau, Michelle Blok, Adam Chazen For episode "Battle of the Bastards".
Game of Thrones
Joe Bauer, Sam Conway, Steve Kullback, Glenn Melenhorst, Derek Spears, Eric Carney, Matthew Rouleau, Michelle Blok, Adam Chazen For episode "Battle of the Bastards".
All nominees
Black Sails
Aladino V. Debert, Erik Henry, Paul Stephenson, Greg Teegarden, Jeremy Hattingh, Terron Pratt, Olaf Wendt, Yafei Wu, Ashley J. Ward For episode "XX"
Penny Dreadful
Greg Astles, James Cooper, Bill Halliday, Sarah McMurdo, Mai-Ling Dydo, Matt Ralph, Kyle Yoneda, Alexandre Scott, Ricardo Gomez For episode "And They Were Enemies"
The Man in the High Castle
Jeffrey Edward Baksinski, Curt Miller, Terry Hutcheson, Sean Tompkins, Nathan Overstrom, Daniel Kruse, Jim Hawkins, Christina M. Murguia Episode "The New World"
Mike Borrett, Paul Wishart, Jeremy Dineen, Bill Halliday, Jim Maxwell, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Thomas Grant Morrison, Kieran McKay For episode "the Last Ship"
Black Sails
Aladino V. Debert, Erik Henry, Paul Stephenson, Greg Teegarden, Jeremy Hattingh, Terron Pratt, Olaf Wendt, Yafei Wu, Ashley J. Ward For episode "XX"
Penny Dreadful
Greg Astles, James Cooper, Bill Halliday, Sarah McMurdo, Mai-Ling Dydo, Matt Ralph, Kyle Yoneda, Alexandre Scott, Ricardo Gomez For episode "And They Were Enemies"
The Man in the High Castle
Jeffrey Edward Baksinski, Curt Miller, Terry Hutcheson, Sean Tompkins, Nathan Overstrom, Daniel Kruse, Jim Hawkins, Christina M. Murguia Episode "The New World"
Mike Borrett, Paul Wishart, Jeremy Dineen, Bill Halliday, Jim Maxwell, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Thomas Grant Morrison, Kieran McKay For episode "the Last Ship"
Joe Bauer, Stuart Brisdon, Steve Kullback, Derek Spears, James Kinnings, Eric Carney, Jabbar Raisani, Matthew Rouleau, Adam Chazen Episode: "The Dance of Dragons (2015)"
Game of Thrones
Joe Bauer, Stuart Brisdon, Steve Kullback, Derek Spears, James Kinnings, Eric Carney, Jabbar Raisani, Matthew Rouleau, Adam Chazen Episode: "The Dance of Dragons (2015)"
All nominees
Mike Borrett, Julian Parry, Paul Wishart, Jeremy Dineen, Bill Halliday, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Engin Arslan, Ken MacKenzie Episode: "To the Gates! (2015)"
Black Sails
Erik Henry, Kevin Rafferty, Paul Stephenson, Annemarie Griggs, Ken Mitchel Jones, Lari Karam, Mitch Claspy, Whitman Lindstrom, Charles Baden Episode: "XVIII. (2015)"
Mike Borrett, Julian Parry, Paul Wishart, Jeremy Dineen, Bill Halliday, Ovidiu Cinazan, Dominic Remane, Engin Arslan, Ken MacKenzie Episode: "To the Gates! (2015)"
Black Sails
Erik Henry, Kevin Rafferty, Paul Stephenson, Annemarie Griggs, Ken Mitchel Jones, Lari Karam, Mitch Claspy, Whitman Lindstrom, Charles Baden Episode: "XVIII. (2015)"
The Flash
Keith Hamakawa, Armen V. Kevorkian, Jason Shulman, James Baldanzi, Stefan Bredereck, Andranik Taranyan, Gigi Babityan, Lorenzo Mastrobuono, Kurt Smith Episode: "Grodd Lives (2015)"
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Briana Aeby, Gary D'Amico, Mark Kolpack, Kevin Lingenfelser, Tracy Takahashi, Matt von Brock, Mitch Gates, Sabrina Arnold, Kevin Yuille Episode: "The Dirty Half Dozen (2015)"
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Briana Aeby, Gary D'Amico, Mark Kolpack, Kevin Lingenfelser, Tracy Takahashi, Matt von Brock, Mitch Gates, Sabrina Arnold, Kevin Yuille Episode: "The Dirty Half Dozen (2015)"
Joe Bauer, Stuart Brisdon, Doug Campbell, Steve Kullback, Sven Martin, Jabbar Raisani, Jรถrn Groรhans, Adam Chazen, Tobias Mannewitz For episode: "Valar Dohaeris".
All nominees
Falling Skies
Dan Keeler, James David Hattin, Andrew Orloff, Curt Miller, Leah Orsini, Graeme Baitz, Dylan Yastremski, Suzanne MacLennan Foster, Julian Fitzpatrick For episode: "Worlds Apart".
Last Resort
Tiffany Smith Llorens, David Altenau, Tim Jacobsen, Matt von Brock, Brian D. Williams, Jason Fotter, Aldo Ruggiero, Ignacio Garcerรณn, Bruce Coy For episode: "Captain".
Hemlock Grove
Chris John Jones, Michael Kirylo, Colin Feist, Jon Massey, Sean Tompkins, Chris Barsamian, Jacob Long, Kyle Spiker, Sallyanne Massimini For episode: "Children of the Night".
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
Doug Drexler, Gary Hutzel, David R. Morton, David Takemura, Kyle Toucher, Michael Gibson, Derek Ledbetter, Heather McAuliff, Jesse Siglow
Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
Doug Drexler, Gary Hutzel, David R. Morton, David Takemura, Kyle Toucher, Michael Gibson, Derek Ledbetter, Heather McAuliff, Jesse Siglow
Doug Drexler, Gary Hutzel, Sean M. Jackson, David R. Morton, Neal Sopata, Kyle Toucher, Michael Gibson, Derek Ledbetter, Douglas E. Graves For episode: "Pilot".
Hemlock Grove
Chris John Jones, Michael Kirylo, Colin Feist, Jon Massey, Sean Tompkins, Chris Barsamian, Jacob Long, Kyle Spiker, Sallyanne Massimini For episode: "Children of the Night".
Doug Drexler, Gary Hutzel, Sean M. Jackson, David R. Morton, Neal Sopata, Kyle Toucher, Michael Gibson, Derek Ledbetter, Douglas E. Graves For episode: "Pilot".
Falling Skies
Dan Keeler, James David Hattin, Andrew Orloff, Curt Miller, Leah Orsini, Graeme Baitz, Dylan Yastremski, Suzanne MacLennan Foster, Julian Fitzpatrick For episode: "Worlds Apart".
Rainer Gombos, Steve Kullback, Sven Martin, Juri Stanossek, Chris Stenner, Thilo Ewers, Jan Fiedler, Adam Chazen, Tobias Mannewitz For episode "Valar Morghulis"
Game of Thrones
Rainer Gombos, Steve Kullback, Sven Martin, Juri Stanossek, Chris Stenner, Thilo Ewers, Jan Fiedler, Adam Chazen, Tobias Mannewitz For episode "Valar Morghulis"
All nominees
The Walking Dead
Martin Hilke, Darrell Pritchett, Victor Scalise, Spence Fuller, Jason Sperling, Michael Cook, Valeri Pfahning, Jon Rosenthal, Eddie Bonin For episode "Beside the Dying Fire"
Falling Skies
Jacob Bergman, Barbara Genicoff, Roberto Biagi, Scott Fritts, Andrew Orloff, Renaud Talon, Curt Miller, Michael Kirylo, Sean Tompkins For episodes "Live and Learn" and "The Armory"
Inside the Human BodyInside the Human Body
Jonas Ussing, Grant White, Sophie Orde, Chris Rosewarne, Paul Herbert, Philip Dobree, Matt Chandler, Dan Upton, Nick Ward For episode #1
Once Upon a Time
Jacob Bergman, Dale Fay, Philip Edward Jones, Kevin Struckman, Andrew Orloff, Nathan Matsuda, Laura Jones Turner, Dayna Mauer, Sallyanne Massimini For episode "The Stranger"
Pan Am
William L. Arance, Martin Hilke, Sam Nicholson, Anthony Ocampo, Diego Galtieri, Christopher D. Martin, Michael Cook, Matt Robken, Daniel Kumiega For episode "Pilot"
Falling Skies
Jacob Bergman, Barbara Genicoff, Roberto Biagi, Scott Fritts, Andrew Orloff, Renaud Talon, Curt Miller, Michael Kirylo, Sean Tompkins For episodes "Live and Learn" and "The Armory"
Inside the Human BodyInside the Human Body
Jonas Ussing, Grant White, Sophie Orde, Chris Rosewarne, Paul Herbert, Philip Dobree, Matt Chandler, Dan Upton, Nick Ward For episode #1
Once Upon a Time
Jacob Bergman, Dale Fay, Philip Edward Jones, Kevin Struckman, Andrew Orloff, Nathan Matsuda, Laura Jones Turner, Dayna Mauer, Sallyanne Massimini For episode "The Stranger"
Pan Am
William L. Arance, Martin Hilke, Sam Nicholson, Anthony Ocampo, Diego Galtieri, Christopher D. Martin, Michael Cook, Matt Robken, Daniel Kumiega For episode "Pilot"
The Walking Dead
Martin Hilke, Darrell Pritchett, Victor Scalise, Spence Fuller, Jason Sperling, Michael Cook, Valeri Pfahning, Jon Rosenthal, Eddie Bonin For episode "Beside the Dying Fire"
Larry Detwiler, Adam Ealovega, Richard O. Helmer, Steve Melchiorre, Sam Nicholson, Dan Schmit, Tom Sindicich, Jaison Stritch Tied with The Odyssey (1997).
The OdysseyThe Odyssey
Mike McGee For part II. Tied with Asteroid (1997).
All nominees
3rd Rock from the Sun
Patrick Shearn, Chris Staves, Glen Bennett For episode "A Nightmare on Dick Street".
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Adam Howard, Judy Elkins, Adrian Hurley, Gary Hutzel, Gregory Jein, Don Lee, Laurie Resnick, Kevin Bouchez, Davy Nethercutt, Steve Fong, Paul Maples For episode "Trials And Tribble-ations".
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Adam Howard, Judy Elkins, Adrian Hurley, Gary Hutzel, Gregory Jein, Don Lee, Laurie Resnick, Kevin Bouchez, Davy Nethercutt, Steve Fong, Paul Maples For episode "Trials And Tribble-ations".
3rd Rock from the Sun
Patrick Shearn, Chris Staves, Glen Bennett For episode "A Nightmare on Dick Street".
Adam Howard, Joshua Cushner, Judy Elkins, Dennis Hoerter, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Glenn Neufeld, Scott Rader, Jim Rider, Joshua D. Rose, Steve Fong, Fredric Meininger For episode "The Way Of The Warrior".
The Tuskegee AirmenThe Tuskegee Airmen
Fred Cramer, David Fiske, Ray McIntyre Jr., Michael Muscal
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Attack of the HawkmenThe Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Attack of the Hawkmen
Joseph Brattesani, Eric Chauvin, Bill Mather, Kristine Hanna, Susan Davis, Danielle Ciccarelli
Space: Above and BeyondSpace: Above and Beyond
Karl Denham, Glenn Campbell, Justin Hammond, David Jones, Tim McHugh, Matthew Merkovich, Skott Viler, Wayne England, Genevieve Lovitt For episode "Never No More".
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Adam Howard, Joshua Cushner, Judy Elkins, Dennis Hoerter, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Glenn Neufeld, Scott Rader, Jim Rider, Joshua D. Rose, Steve Fong, Fredric Meininger For episode "The Way Of The Warrior".
Family MattersFamily Matters
Kelly Sandefur For episode "Send In The Clone".
Space: Above and BeyondSpace: Above and Beyond
Karl Denham, Glenn Campbell, Justin Hammond, David Jones, Tim McHugh, Matthew Merkovich, Skott Viler, Wayne England, Genevieve Lovitt For episode "Never No More".
The Tuskegee AirmenThe Tuskegee Airmen
Fred Cramer, David Fiske, Ray McIntyre Jr., Michael Muscal
Craig Barron, Bill Mather, Charlie Mullen, Michael Pangrazio Tied with Miracle Landing (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
The OrchestraThe Orchestra
Paul Bachmann, Zbigniew Rybczynski, Richard Welnowski Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and Miracle Landing (1990)
Miracle LandingMiracle Landing
John Coats, Tim Donahue, William Mesa, David B. Sharp, Anton Tremblay Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
Miracle LandingMiracle Landing
John Coats, Tim Donahue, William Mesa, David B. Sharp, Anton Tremblay Tied with By Dawn's Early Light (1990) and The Orchestra (1990) (_"Great Performances" (1972)_).
All nominees
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Don Greenberg, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Robert Legato, Erik Nash, Michael Okuda, Stephen L. Price For Tin Man (1990)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Don Greenberg, Gary Hutzel, Don Lee, Robert Legato, Erik Nash, Michael Okuda, Stephen L. Price For Tin Man (1990)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dan Curry, Don Lee, Ronald B. Moore, Peter W. Moyer, Stephen L. Price For Deja Q (1990)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Dan Curry, Don Lee, Ronald B. Moore, Peter W. Moyer, Stephen L. Price For Deja Q (1990)