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Laureates of the awards Primetime Emmy Awards in the category “Outstanding Technical Direction, Camerawork, Video for a Series”

Primetime Emmy Awards 2008
Dancing with the Stars
Dancing with the Stars
Larry Heider, Dave Hilmer, David Levisohn, Mike Malone, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Chuck Reilly, Damien Tuffereau, Easter Xua, Bettina Levesque, Charles Ciup, James Karidas For episode 502A.
All nominees
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Night with Conan O'Brien
James Mott, Gregory Aull, Vincent Demaio, Rich Carter, Pat Casey, Chris Matott, Eugene Huelsman, James Palczewski, Kurt Decker, Carl Henry III, Ed Wallace For episode "Episode 2585".
The 80th Annual Academy Awards The 80th Annual Academy Awards
Theodore Ashton, Rob Balton, Danny Bonilla, John Burdick, Dave Eastwood, John B. Field, Dean Hall, Marc Hunter, Charlie Huntley, David Levisohn, Lyn Noland, Rob Palmer, Bill Philbin, David Plakos, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Chuck Reilly, Mark Sanford, Allan Wells, Mark Whitman, Kris Wilson, Keith Winikoff, Easter Xua, Kenneth Shapiro, Steve Martyniuk, Keith Dicker
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Dan Flaherty, Jack Young For episode "Episode 2827".
Jimmy Kimmel Live! Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Parker Bartlett, Randy Gomez, Erv Hurd, Ritch Kenney, Gary Taillon, Kris Wilson, Garrett Hurt, Greg Grouwinkel, Chris Gray For episode "After The Academy Awards".
Primetime Emmy Awards 2007
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Eric Eisenstein, Barry Frisher, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox For episode with host Alec Baldwin and musical guest Christina Aguilera.
All nominees
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Gregory Aull, Rich Carter, Pat Casey, Greg Kasoff, Chris Matott, Eugene Huelsman, James Palczewski, Kurt Decker, Carl Henry III For episode #2424.
Jimmy Kimmel Live! Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Parker Bartlett, Randy Gomez, Marc Hunter, Erv Hurd, Guy Jones, Ritch Kenney, Mike Malone, Kris Wilson, Mark Gonzales, Garrett Hurt, Greg Grouwinkel For episode "Jay Z Show".
Dancing with the Stars
Dancing with the Stars
Diane Biederbeck, Danny Bonilla, Dave Hilmer, David Levisohn, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, Chuck Reilly, John Repczynski, Damien Tuffereau, Easter Xua, Charles Ciup, James Karidas For episode #310.
American Idol American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Bert Atkinson, Danny Bonilla, Bill Chaikowsky, Ken Dahlquist, Dave Eastwood, Bob Highton, Allen Merriweather, George Prince, John Pritchett, John Repczynski, Mark Sanford, Damien Tuffereau, Ed Horton, Manny Bonilla, Danny Webb, Alex Hernandez For episode "Bon Jovi".
Primetime Emmy Awards 2006
Dancing with the Stars
Dancing with the Stars
Danny Bonilla, David Levisohn, John Pritchett, Hector Ramirez, Brian Reason, John Repczynski, Easter Xua, Chris Gray For episode #204.
All nominees
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Kevin Bailey, Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, John Pry For episode #2472.
American Idol American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Diane Biederbeck, Danny Bonilla, Dave Eastwood, Suzanne Ebner, Bob Highton, Kenneth Patterson, George Prince, John Pritchett, John Repczynski, Mark Sanford, Easter Xua, Ed Horton, Manny Bonilla, Steve Martyniuk For episode #530.
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, John Rosenblatt, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Eric Eisenstein, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox, Eugene Huelsman For episode with host Jack Black, musical guest Neil Young.
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Jim Scurti, Keith Winikoff, Gregory Aull, Ken Decker, Rich Carter, Eli Clarke, Greg Kasoff, Chris Matott, Eugene Huelsman, James Palczewski, Kurt Decker, Carl Henry III, Mark Sofil For episode #2226.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2005
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Joseph DeBonis, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, John Pry For episode #2269.
All nominees
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Gregory Aull, Ken Decker, Rich Carter, Chris Matott, Eugene Huelsman, James Palczewski, Kurt Decker, Carl Henry III For episode #2014.
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Eric Eisenstein, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox For episode with host Jason Bateman and musical guest Kelly Clarkson.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2004
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Eric Eisenstein, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox For episode with host and musical guest 'Janet Jackson'.
All nominees
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Kevin Bailey, Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Joseph DeBonis, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, Dean Meierfeld For episode #2048.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Les Atkinson, David N. Banks, William Gardhouse, Thomas Geren, Hank Geving, Rob Palmer, Michael Stramisky, Kurt Tonnessen, Kevin Fraser, Jack Gagne For episode #2625.
American Idol American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Diane Biederbeck, Danny Bonilla, Dave Eastwood, Suzanne Ebner, Thomas Geren, Bob Highton, George Prince, John Pritchett, John Repczynski, Mark Sanford, Ed Horton, Danny Webb, Wade Samul For show #318.
Late Night with Conan O'Brien Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Brian Tyson, Keith Winikoff, Gregory Aull, Ken Decker, Rich Carter, Chris Matott, Eugene Huelsman, James Palczewski, Kurt Decker, Carl Henry III, Wojciech Kozlowski For show #1855.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2003
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, James Mott, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox For episode with host Christopher Walken, musical guest: "Foo Fighters".
All nominees
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Mark Ogden, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, Jim Masi, Michael Carlucci For show #1912.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Les Atkinson, William Gardhouse, Hank Geving, David Levisohn, Rob Palmer, Brian Reason, G. John Slagle, Michael Stramisky, Kurt Tonnessen, Kevin Fraser For show #2279.
American Idol American Idol: The Search for a Superstar
Diane Biederbeck, Danny Bonilla, Dave Eastwood, Bob Highton, Kenneth Patterson, John Pritchett, John Repczynski, Mark Sanford, Ed Horton, Manny Bonilla, Steve Martyniuk For show #210.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2002
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Jan Kasoff, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Carl Eckett, Richard B. Fox For episode with Britney Spears.
All nominees
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Kevin Bailey, Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Mark Ogden, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Claus Stuhlweissenburg, Jim Masi For episode #1668.
Greg Acosta, Rocky Danielson, Suzanne Ebner, David Hallmark, Les Nourse, Tom Tcimpidis, Gordon T. Sweeney, Scha Jani, Joe Bohman, Brad Zerbst, Jesse Acosta, Rodger Harbaugh, Terry Clark, Timothy J. Heinzel, Joseph Vicens For episode "Finale and the Reunion".
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Les Atkinson, William Gardhouse, Thomas Geren, Larry Heider, Brian Reason, G. John Slagle, Michael Stramisky, Kurt Tonnessen, Kevin Fraser, Hugo Morelli For episode #2230.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2001
Late Show with David Letterman Late Show with David Letterman
Al Cialino, John Curtin, Dan Flaherty, Dave Dorsett, Timothy Kennedy, George Rothweiler, Fred Shimizu, Jim Masi For episode "#1527".
All nominees
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Carl Eckett, Brian Phraner, Richard B. Fox For episode with host Christopher Walken and musical guest Weezer.
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Theodore Ashton, Les Atkinson, William Gardhouse, Thomas Geren, David Levisohn, Michael Stramisky, Kurt Tonnessen, Mike Tribble, Kevin Fraser, Hugo Morelli, Ann Bergstrom For show #2057.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Theodore Ashton, Sam Drummy, Larry Heider, Bob Keys, John O'Brien, John Pritchett, Brian Reason, Easter Xua, Brad Zerbst For show #313.
Primetime Emmy Awards 2000
Politically Incorrect Politically Incorrect
Richard W. Davis, Rick Labgold, Michael J. Schwartz, Donna Stock, Jimmy A Velarde, Terry Clark, Paul Johnson, Thomas Luth For episode "Sp-05". Tied with Saturday Night Live (1975), episode host Christopher Walken.
Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live
Michael Bennett, Steven Cimino, Jan Kasoff, Susan Noll, Frank Grisanti, John Pinto, Carl Eckett, Richard B. Fox For episode with host Christopher Walken. Tied with Politically Incorrect (1993), episode "Sp-05".
All nominees
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Les Atkinson, David N. Banks, William Gardhouse, Rob Palmer, G. John Slagle, Michael Stramisky, Kurt Tonnessen, Kevin Fraser, Hugo Morelli For episode "Show #1785".

Other awards and film festivals

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BAFTA Awards
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts
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Venice Film Festival
Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica
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Razzie Awards
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MTV Movie + TV Awards
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Sundance Film Festival
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St. Petersburg Message to Man Film Festival
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Berlin International Film Festival
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin
Berlin International Film Festival
Sochi International Film Festival
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Screen Actors Guild Awards
Screen Actors Guild Award
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Sochi Open Russian Film Festival
Sochi Open Russian Film Festival (Kinotavr)
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Moscow International Film Festival
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Window to Europe
Window to Europe
Toronto International Film Festival
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Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival
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