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Poster of Shakespeare in Love
Poster of Shakespeare in Love
Poster of Shakespeare in Love
7.1 IMDb Rating: 7.1
3 posters

Shakespeare in Love

Shakespeare in Love 18+
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A young Shakespeare, out of ideas and short of cash, meets his ideal woman and is inspired to write one of his most famous plays.
Country USA / Great Britain
Runtime 2 hours 3 minutes
Production year 1998
World premiere 29 January 1998
Release date
1 October 1999 Russia 16+
11 February 1999 Australia
12 March 1999 Brazil
11 December 1998 Canada R
11 March 1999 Czechia U
9 March 1999 France
13 February 1999 Germany
29 January 1999 Great Britain
4 March 1999 Greece
29 January 1998 Ireland
26 February 1999 Italy
1 May 1999 Japan
1 October 1999 Kazakhstan
25 February 1999 Netherlands
12 March 1999 Norway
5 March 1999 Portugal
12 March 1998 Romania
6 March 1999 South Korea
11 March 1999 Spain A
12 March 1999 Sweden
11 December 1998 USA
1 October 1999 Ukraine
Budget $25,000,000
Also known as
Shakespeare in Love, Shakespeare apasionado, Rakastunut Shakespeare, Zaljubljeni Shakespeare, Zamilovaný Shakespeare, 莎翁情史, A Paixão de Shakespeare, Armunud Shakespeare, Âşık Shakespeare, Erotevmenos Shakespeare, Įsimylėjęs Šekspyras, Shakespeare Apaixonado, Shakespeare Đang Yêu, Shakespeare et Juliette, Shakespeare in love, Shakespeare in Love - Viel Aufregung um die Liebe!, Shakespeare in Love (Shakespeare enamorado), Shakespeare îndrăgostit, Shekspear-e ashegh, Szerelmes Shakespeare, Zakochany Szekspir, Ερωτευμένος Σαίξπηρ, Влюбеният Шекспир, Влюбленный Шекспир, Закоханий Шекспір, Заљубљени Шекспир, शेक्सपियर इन लव, 恋におちたシェイクスピア
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Film rating

Rate 11 votes
7.1 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, USA / Colombia / Spain, Thriller
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
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