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Poster of Sahara
Poster of Sahara
5.8 IMDb Rating: 6.1
2 posters


Sahara 18+
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Country Great Britain / USA / Spain / Germany
Runtime 2 hours 7 minutes
Production year 2005
Online premiere February 1, 2022
World premiere April 4, 2005
Release date
April 8, 2005 Russia Централ Партнершип 12+
June 2, 2005 Argentina
April 7, 2005 Australia
June 3, 2005 Austria
April 14, 2005 Belarus
June 15, 2005 Belgium
May 26, 2005 Brazil
April 22, 2005 Bulgaria
June 16, 2005 Croatia
June 3, 2005 Cyprus
June 9, 2005 Czechia
July 8, 2005 Denmark
April 20, 2005 Egypt
July 22, 2005 Estonia
July 8, 2005 Finland
June 1, 2005 France
June 2, 2005 Germany
April 8, 2005 Great Britain
April 15, 2005 Greece
July 7, 2005 Hong Kong
July 28, 2005 Hungary
April 15, 2005 Iceland
April 8, 2005 Ireland
August 25, 2005 Israel
April 22, 2005 Italy
June 11, 2005 Japan
April 14, 2005 Kazakhstan
May 7, 2005 Kuwait
July 8, 2005 Lebanon
May 13, 2005 Mexico
July 14, 2005 Netherlands
July 15, 2005 Panama
April 8, 2005 Philippines
April 14, 2005 Poland
April 21, 2005 Portugal
September 23, 2005 Romania
April 14, 2005 Singapore
June 24, 2005 South Africa
June 24, 2005 South Korea
April 22, 2005 Spain
July 6, 2005 Sweden
April 6, 2005 Thailand
September 16, 2005 Turkey
May 25, 2005 UAE
April 8, 2005 USA
April 14, 2005 Ukraine
Budget $130,000,000
Also known as
Sahara, Сахара, 2005撒哈拉, Sahāra, Sahara - Abenteuer in der Wüste, Sahara: Con Tàu Tử Thần, Szahara, Σαχάρα, सहारा: रोमांच की एक नई मंजिल, サハラ 死の砂漠を脱出せよ, 撒哈拉, 撒哈拉奇兵, 撒哈拉沙漠阻击战, 沙漠夺宝
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Film rating

Rate 12 votes
6.1 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
darthkim April 2, 2015, 12:51
Цитата (Артём, 04/04/2005 - 23:10:02):Книга просто супер, как и вся серия про Дирка Пита, броненосец времён гражданской войны с казной Конфедерации… Read more…
Мира April 2, 2015, 12:51
Вчера посмотрели этот фильм.Как нестранно, всем понравилось.
Такое легкое, забавное кино с веселым саундреком - то что надо под конец рабочей… Read more…
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