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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 18+
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Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 46 minutes
Production year 2005
World premiere July 10, 2005
Release date
August 25, 2005 Russia КароПрокат 12+
August 4, 2005 Argentina
September 1, 2005 Australia
August 11, 2005 Austria
August 25, 2005 Belarus
July 13, 2005 Belgium
July 22, 2005 Brazil
August 26, 2005 Bulgaria
July 15, 2005 Canada
August 18, 2005 Czechia
September 23, 2005 Denmark
August 31, 2005 Egypt
August 12, 2005 Estonia
September 16, 2005 Finland
July 13, 2005 France
August 11, 2005 Germany
July 29, 2005 Great Britain
October 13, 2005 Greece
August 11, 2005 Hong Kong
August 18, 2005 Hungary
September 9, 2005 Iceland
July 29, 2005 Ireland
July 21, 2005 Israel
September 23, 2005 Italy
September 10, 2005 Japan
August 26, 2005 Kazakhstan
August 24, 2005 Kuwait
September 2, 2005 Lithuania
July 29, 2005 Mexico
July 20, 2005 Netherlands
July 22, 2005 Panama
July 27, 2005 Peru
August 3, 2005 Philippines
September 9, 2005 Poland
August 11, 2005 Portugal
August 5, 2005 Romania
August 4, 2005 Singapore
August 18, 2005 Slovakia
July 22, 2005 South Africa
September 16, 2005 South Korea
August 12, 2005 Spain
September 16, 2005 Sweden
September 23, 2005 Switzerland
August 5, 2005 Taiwan, Province of China
August 12, 2005 Turkey
August 10, 2005 UAE
July 15, 2005 USA
August 25, 2005 Ukraine
July 15, 2005 Viet Nam
Budget $150,000,000
Also known as
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate, Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik, Kalle och chokladfabriken, Чарли и шоколадная фабрика, A Fantástica Fábrica de Chocolate, Cabbage, Carli in tovarna cokolade, Çarli və şokolad fabriki, Čārlijs un šokolādes fabrika, Čarlis ir šokolado fabrikas, Chârî to ChokorêtoKoujou, Charli va shokolad fabrikasi, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Charlie a továreň na čokoládu, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX Experience, Charlie aur Chocolcate Ka Kaarakhaana, Charlie dan Pabrik Cokelat Ajaib, Charlie e a Fábrica de Chocolate, Charlie és a csokigyár, Charlie et la chocolaterie, Charlie et la Chocolaterie, Charlie i fabryka czekolady, Charlie i la fàbrica de xocolata, Charlie i tvornica čokolade, Charlie ja šokolaadivabrik, Charlie og chokoladefabrikken, Charlie og sjokoladefabrikken, Charlie și fabrica de ciocolată, Charlie va Karkhane-ye Shokolat Sazi, Charlie Và Nhà Máy Sô-cô-la, Charlie'nin Çikolata Fabrikası, Jali ja suklaatehdas, Karlík a továrna na čokoládu, La fabbrica di cioccolato, Sjakie en de Chocoladefabriek, Ο Τσάρλι και το εργοστάσιο σοκολάτας, Чaрли и шоколадовата фабрика, Чарли және шоколад фабрикасы, Чарли и фабрика чоколаде, Чарлі та шоколадна фабрика, चार्ली और चॉकलेट का कारखाना, 찰리와 초콜릿 공장, チャーリーとチョコレート工場, 巧克力冒險工廠, 朱古力獎門人, 查理和巧克力工厂
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Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
mamba April 2, 2015, 12:51
Фильм просто супер!!!!!!!!!!!!! Не могу не поделится радостью. Ходила 2 раза, сначала утром в колизей, а потом не смогла удержатся и сходила ещё раз… Read more… April 2, 2015, 12:51
Цитата (tmg, 22/09/2005 - 23:23:26):[quote]И показалось, что Депп сыграл как-то слишком пресно. Мне кажется - Вилли Вонка довольно экстравагантный… Read more…
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
2024, USA / Colombia / Spain, Thriller
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
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