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War of the Worlds

War Of The Worlds 18+
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Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 57 minutes
Production year 2005
Online premiere 18 May 2020
World premiere 13 June 2005
Release date
29 June 2005 Russia UPI 12+
29 June 2005 Argentina
29 June 2005 Armenia
29 June 2005 Australia
29 June 2005 Austria
29 June 2005 Bahrain
29 June 2005 Belarus
6 July 2005 Belgium
29 June 2005 Brazil
29 June 2005 Bulgaria
29 June 2005 Cameroon
29 June 2005 Canada
29 June 2005 Chile
11 August 2005 China
29 June 2005 Croatia
29 June 2005 Cyprus
29 June 2005 Czechia
29 June 2005 Denmark
29 June 2005 Egypt
1 July 2005 Estonia
29 June 2005 Finland
6 July 2005 France
29 June 2005 Georgia
29 June 2005 Germany
1 July 2005 Great Britain
29 June 2005 Greece
29 June 2005 Hong Kong
29 June 2005 Hungary
29 June 2005 Iceland
1 July 2005 India
1 July 2005 Ireland
29 June 2005 Italy
29 June 2005 Japan
29 June 2005 Kazakhstan
28 June 2005 Kuwait
8 July 2005 Latvia
30 June 2005 Lebanon
8 July 2005 Lithuania
29 June 2005 Malaysia
29 June 2005 Mexico
29 June 2005 Netherlands
29 June 2005 Norway
29 June 2005 Panama
29 June 2005 Peru
29 June 2005 Philippines
8 July 2005 Poland
7 July 2005 Portugal
29 June 2005 Puerto Rico
29 June 2005 Romania
29 June 2005 Singapore
30 June 2005 Slovakia
29 June 2005 Slovenia
8 July 2005 South Africa
7 July 2005 South Korea
29 June 2005 Spain
29 June 2005 Sweden
29 June 2005 Switzerland
29 June 2005 Taiwan, Province of China
29 June 2005 Thailand
1 July 2005 Turkey
29 June 2005 UAE
29 June 2005 USA
29 June 2005 Ukraine
1 July 2005 Uruguay
Budget $132,000,000
Also known as
War of the Worlds, War of the Worlds 3D, Guerra de los Mundos 3D, Guerra de los mundos, Planetary War, harb aleawalim, Krieg der Welten, La guerra de los mundos, Planetary War 3D, Planetary War: The IMAX Experience, Válka světů, Vojna svetov, Война миров, Ashkharhneri paterazm, Dünýä söweşi, Dünyaların Müharibəsi, Guerra dos Mundos, Krieg der Welten 3D, Maailmade sõda, Olamlar urushi, Perang Dunia, Rat svjetova, Samkarota omi, Världarnas krig, Vojna svetov 3D, Әлемдер соғысы, Вайна светаў, Війна світів, Војна на световите, Дүйнөлөрдүн согушу, Рат светова, Ҷанги ҷаҳониён, 世界之戰, Älemder soğısı, Biśbēra yud'dha, Đại Chiến Thế Giới, Donya Ki Jang, Dünyalar Savaşı, Dünyalar Savaşı 3D, Guerra dos Mundos 3D, Jang e Donyaha, Klodenes kamp, Klodenes Kamp 3D, Klodernes kamp 3D, La Guerra de los mundos, La guerra de los mundos 3D, La guerra dei mondi, La guerra dei mondi 3D, La guerra dels mons, La guerre des mondes, La Guerre des mondes, Lufta e botëve, Maailmade sõda 3D, Maailmojen sota, Maailmojen sota 3D, O polemos ton kosmon, Oorlog van de werelden, Out of the Night, Party in Fresno, Pasaulių karas, Pasauļu karš, Planetarni rat, Prapanncala Yud'Dham, Rat svjetova 3D, Razboiul lumilor, Svetová vojna, Te Pakanga o nga Ao, The World in War, Ulakaṅkaḷiṉ pōr, Vaar off di Worlds, Válka světů 3D, Világok harca, Világok harca 3D, Viśvanuṁ yud'dha, Voyna Mirov, War of the Worlds - Digmaan ng mga Mundo, War of the Worlds: The IMAX Experience, Wojna światów, Wojna światów 3D, Ο πόλεμος των κόσμων, Ο πόλεμος των κόσμων 3D, Війна світів 3D, Война миров 3D, Война на световете, Война на световете 3D, Дэлхийн дайн, Рат светова 3D, Светови у рату, ग्रहों का महायुद्ध, जगाचे युद्ध, वर ऑफ ठे वर्ल्ड, 우주 전쟁, 世界之战, 世界之戰3D, 世界大战, 世界大戰, 太空戰爭, 宇宙戦争, 宇宙戰爭, 強戰世界, 強戰世界3D, 星际战争, 星际战争3D
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Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
JrLocb 2 April 2015, 12:51
Значит так-с...
Первое, что хочу сказать, фильм - супер! И не просто супер, а шикарно супер ибо таких, как это, увидишь не каждый год.
Кто-то… Read more…
Тоник 2 April 2015, 12:51
1. Моя несчастная психика с большим напряжением переваривала происходившее на экране – из-за огромной дистанции между моим коллективистским… Read more…
Listen to the
War of the Worlds
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, USA / Colombia / Spain, Thriller
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
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