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Poster of Downfall
Poster of Downfall
Poster of Downfall
7.1 IMDb Rating: 8.2
3 posters


Der Untergang 18+
Напомним о выходе в прокат
Country Germany / Italy / Austria
Runtime 2 hours 30 minutes
Production year 2004
World premiere September 8, 2004
Release date
July 6, 2005 Russia Централ Партнершип 16+
June 2, 2005 Argentina
April 21, 2005 Australia
September 17, 2004 Austria
July 6, 2005 Belarus
January 12, 2005 Belgium
May 6, 2005 Brazil
September 9, 2005 Bulgaria
August 5, 2005 Colombia
March 24, 2005 Croatia
March 31, 2005 Czechia
March 11, 2005 Denmark
April 12, 2006 Egypt
April 29, 2005 Estonia
January 28, 2005 Finland
January 5, 2005 France
September 16, 2004 Germany
April 1, 2005 Great Britain
March 18, 2005 Greece
March 17, 2005 Hong Kong
January 20, 2005 Hungary
July 4, 2006 India
April 1, 2005 Ireland
May 19, 2005 Israel
April 29, 2005 Italy
July 9, 2005 Japan
July 6, 2005 Kazakhstan
January 4, 2006 Kuwait
April 29, 2005 Latvia
May 6, 2005 Lithuania
November 4, 2004 Netherlands
February 4, 2005 Norway
January 20, 2006 Panama
November 5, 2004 Poland
April 21, 2005 Portugal
June 10, 2005 Romania
March 31, 2005 Slovakia
April 7, 2005 Slovenia
June 13, 2013 South Korea
February 18, 2005 Spain
February 25, 2005 Sweden
April 29, 2005 Switzerland
March 25, 2005 Turkey
April 8, 2005 USA
July 6, 2005 Ukraine
February 17, 2006 Venezuela
Budget €13,500,000
Also known as
Der Untergang, Downfall, La caída, La chute, Бункер, A bukás - Hitler utolsó napjai, A Queda: Hitler e o Fim do Terceiro Reich, A Queda! As Últimas Horas de Hitler, Allakäik, Çöküş, Der Untergang - Det tredje rikets siste dager, Der Untergang (3 disc Special Extended Edition), El hundimiento, Ha'nefila, Hitler: Konačni pad, Hitorâ: Saigo no 12nichi kan, I ptosi, L'enfonsament, La caduta - Gli ultimi giorni di Hitler, La caída - Los últimos días de Hitler, La Chute, Ngày Tàn Của Hitler, Pád Tretej ríše, Pád Třetí říše, Perikato, Propad, Sakāve, Trečiojo Reicho žlugimas, Ultimele zile ale lui Hitler, Undergången, Undergången - Hitler och Tredje rikets fall, Upadek, Η πτώση, Крахът на Третия Райх, Хитлер, последњи дани, ヒトラー 最期の12日間, 帝国的毁灭, 帝國毀滅
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Film rating

Rate 10 votes
8.2 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
fanbunga April 2, 2015, 12:51
Это не тот ли фильм, где одна хорошенькая девушка устраивает офигенную внезапность сначала себе самой, а потом другой хорошенькой девушке? Там дело… Read more…
Swi4e1 April 2, 2015, 12:51
Ребята ! ФИЛЬМ ОЧЕНЬ КРУТОЙ !!!!!!!!!! даже не ожидал , что так понравится. Изначально не хотел на него идти из-за того , что этот фильм сгяли… Read more…
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