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Poster of Chaplin
Poster of Chaplin
Poster of Chaplin
7.6 IMDb Rating: 7.5
3 posters


Chaplin 18+
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A film about the troubled and controversial life of the master comedy filmmaker Charlie Chaplin.
Country Great Britain / USA / France / Italy
Runtime 2 hours 23 minutes
Production year 1992
Online premiere May 11, 2016
World premiere December 16, 1992
Release date
December 18, 1992 Russia 16+
September 30, 1993 Argentina
February 18, 1993 Australia
March 24, 1993 Belgium
February 19, 1993 Brazil
January 8, 1993 Canada PG
March 19, 1993 Czechia
March 19, 1993 Denmark
February 19, 1993 Finland
February 17, 1993 France
October 28, 1993 Germany
December 17, 1992 Great Britain
March 12, 1993 Hong Kong
September 17, 1993 Hungary
February 12, 1993 Ireland
April 24, 1993 Japan
December 18, 1992 Kazakhstan
April 15, 1993 Netherlands
December 31, 1992 Poland
June 25, 1993 Portugal
May 14, 1994 South Korea
April 7, 1993 Spain
February 19, 1993 Sweden
February 26, 1993 Switzerland
January 21, 1994 Turkey
January 8, 1993 USA
December 18, 1992 Ukraine
January 1, 1995 Uruguay
Budget $31,000,000
Also known as
Chaplin, Чaплин, Čaplinas, Chaplin - Das Leben der unsterblichen Filmlegende, Charlie, Charlot - Chaplin, Τσάρλι, Чаплін, चैपलिन, チャーリー, 卓別林與他的情人, 卓别林
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
7.5 IMDb
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