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Poster of Peggy Sue Got Married
Poster of Peggy Sue Got Married
7.2 IMDb Rating: 6.4
2 posters

Peggy Sue Got Married

Peggy Sue Got Married 18+
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Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 43 minutes
Production year 1986
Online premiere 10 November 1986
World premiere 5 October 1986
Release date
5 October 1986 Russia 16+
30 April 1987 Brazil
10 October 1986 Denmark 15
7 January 1987 France
22 January 1987 Germany
18 October 1990 Hungary 18
6 March 1987 Ireland 15
18 April 1987 Japan G
5 October 1986 Kazakhstan
8 January 1987 Portugal
10 October 1986 USA
5 October 1986 Ukraine
Budget $18,000,000
Also known as
Peggy Sue Got Married, Peggy Sue, su pasado la espera, Peggy Sue hat geheiratet, Peggy Sue s'est mariée, Пегги Сью вышла замуж, Előre a múltba, I Peggy Sue pantreftike, Peggy Sue ble gift, Peggy Sue blev gift, Peggy Sue Casou-se, Peggy Sue es va casar, Peggy Sue Evlendi, Peggy Sue gifte sig, Peggy Sue meni naimisiin ...Vai menikö, Peggy Sue sa Vydala, Peggy Sue se casó, Peggy Sue se udala, Peggy Sue se Vdala, Peggy Sue se vdává, Peggy Sue si è sposata, Peggy Sue wyszła za mąż, Peggy Sue, seu Passado a Espera, Pegi Sju se udala, Pegi Sju vedybos, Pegii Su no kekkon, Η Πέγκυ Σου παντρεύτηκε, Пеґґі Сью вийшла заміж, Пеги Сю се омъжи, ペギー・スーの結婚, 佩姬蘇要出嫁
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Film rating

Rate 12 votes
6.4 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, USA, Thriller
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
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