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Poster of Steamboat Bill Jr.
Poster of Steamboat Bill Jr.
7.9 IMDb Rating: 7.8
2 posters

Steamboat Bill Jr.

Steamboat Bill, Jr. 18+
Напомним о выходе в прокат
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 11 minutes
Production year 1928
World premiere 5 April 1928
Release date
9 May 1928 Denmark
8 April 1970 France
1 July 1928 Great Britain
17 September 1928 Italy
20 May 1928 USA
Also known as
Steamboat Bill, Jr., El héroe del río, Wasser hat keine Balken, Пароходный Билл, Apofoitos kollegiou, Armastus ei tunne piiri, Az ifjabb gőzös, Bill'in Buharlı Gemisi, Buster Keaton - Dampfer-Willis Sohn, Cadet d'eau douce, Capitão Bill, Jr., Cơn Bão, De jonge kapitein, De nieuwe kapitein, De schout bij nacht, El loco Bill, Hans son på galejan, Io... e il ciclone, L'heroi del riu, Laiva-Kalle Nuorempi, Laivakalle nuorempi, Mand over Bord, Marinar de apă dulce, Marinheiro de Encomenda, Marynarz słodkich wód, O Marinheiro de Água Doce, Parobrod Bil mlađi, Parobrod Bil mladji, Plavčík na sladkej vode, Steamboat Bill Junior, Stürmische Zeiten, Wasser hat Balken, Пароплав Білл молодший, キートンの船長(キートンの蒸気船), 船王之子, 船长二世
Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 14 votes
7.8 IMDb
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