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Poster of To Kill a Mockingbird
Poster of To Kill a Mockingbird
Poster of To Kill a Mockingbird
Poster of To Kill a Mockingbird
7.8 IMDb Rating: 8.3
4 posters

To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird 18+
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Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his children against prejudice.
Country USA
Runtime 2 hours 9 minutes
Production year 1962
World premiere 20 December 1962
Release date
10 July 1963 Argentina
31 May 1963 Australia
10 October 1963 Austria
24 May 1963 Belgium
11 February 1963 Brazil
25 December 1962 Canada
8 October 1963 Denmark
6 September 1963 Finland
29 May 1963 France
27 June 1963 Germany
20 December 1962 Great Britain
8 August 1963 Hong Kong
6 March 1963 India
12 July 1963 Ireland
18 July 1963 Italy
8 June 1963 Japan
6 January 2025 Lithuania N13
13 December 1963 Mexico
17 May 2018 Nepal
22 August 1963 Netherlands
14 April 1965 Poland
14 April 1965 Portugal
16 April 1964 Spain
2 March 1964 Sweden
2 May 1965 Turkey
16 March 1963 USA
12 December 1966 USSR
Budget $2,000,000
Also known as
To Kill a Mockingbird, Matar a un ruiseñor, Wer die Nachtigall stört, Ubiti ptico oponašalko, Ubiti pticu rugalicu, Убить пересмешника, ¿Cómo matar a un ruiseñor?, Ako zabiť vtáčika, An taghtol-a ta'eran bari'an, Arabama monogatari, Bülbülü Öldürmek, Bülbülü öldürmək, De onbekende in de schaduw, Dræb ikke en sangfugl, Drep ikke en sangfugl, Du silence et des ombres, Du silence et des ombres..., Du silence... et des ombres, Giết Con Chim Nhại, Il buio oltre la siepe, Jako zabít ptácka, Jako zabít ptáčka, Koshtan-e morgh-e moghalled, Kuin surmaisi satakielen, Matar a un Ruiseñor, Matar un ruiseñor, Mazaxchini o'ldirish, Na Sombra e no Silêncio, Ne bántsátok a feketerigót!, Nežudyk strazdo giesmininko, O Sol é para Todos, Para matar a un ruiseñor, Quand meurt le rossignol, Să ucizi o pasăre cântătoare, Skuggor över södern, Skuggorna över södern, Spaar de spotvogels, To Kill a Mocking Bird, Ubistvo jednog drozda, Uğursuz Kuş, Zabić drozda, Σκιές και σιωπή, Вбити пересмішника, Да убиеш присмехулник, Күлдіршінді өлтіру, Убити птицу ругалицу, アラバマ物語, 杀死一只知更鸟, 梅崗城故事
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 12 votes
8.3 IMDb
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To Kill a Mockingbird
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2025, USA / Germany, Adventure, Drama, Family
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, USA, Thriller
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