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Poster of Ashes and Diamonds
Poster of Ashes and Diamonds
7.8 IMDb Rating: 7.7
2 posters

Ashes and Diamonds

Popioł i Diament 18+
Напомним о выходе в прокат
Country Poland
Runtime 1 hour 43 minutes
Production year 1958
World premiere 3 October 1958
Release date
1 September 1965 Russia 18+
7 November 2008 Argentina
18 February 1960 Denmark
5 February 1960 Finland
6 November 1959 France
9 May 1968 Germany
24 October 2010 Greece
8 July 1961 Hong Kong
27 September 1959 Italy
27 November 2012 Japan
3 October 1958 Poland
2 November 1959 Sweden
7 December 2012 Taiwan, Province of China
29 May 1961 USA
13 October 1965 USSR
Budget 6,070,000 PLN
Also known as
Popiól i diament, Ashes and Diamonds, Cenizas y diamantes, Pepeo i dijamant, Asche und Diamant, Aske og diamanter, Pepel in diamant, As en diamanten, Aska och diamant, Aska och diamanter, Cendres et diamant, Cenere e diamanti, Cenuşă şi diamant, Cinza e Diamantes, Cinzas E Diamantes, Cuţitul în apă, Hamu és gyémánt, Küller ve Elmaslar, Popel a démant, Popiół i diament, Popol a diamant, Tuhkaa ja timantteja, Tuhkaa ja timanttia, Στάχτες και διαμάντια, Пепел и алмаз, Пепел и диамант, Попіл і діамант, 재와 다이아몬드, 灰とダイヤモンド, 灰烬与钻石, 灰燼與鑽石
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 11 votes
7.7 IMDb
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