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Poster of The Omen
Poster of The Omen
Poster of The Omen
Poster of The Omen
7.6 IMDb Rating: 7.5
4 posters

The Omen

The Omen 18+
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Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
Country Great Britain / USA
Runtime 1 hour 51 minutes
Production year 1976
Online premiere 23 February 2021
World premiere 6 June 1976
Release date
6 June 1976 Russia 18+
4 January 2028 Austria 16
25 June 1976 Brazil
5 November 1992 Czechoslovakia
25 June 1976 Denmark 15
25 June 1976 Finland K-18
17 November 1976 France
25 September 1976 Germany
6 June 1976 Great Britain
5 November 1976 Greece
11 February 1977 Ireland
29 September 1976 Italy
2 October 1976 Japan G
6 June 1976 Kazakhstan
18 March 1977 Mexico C
11 November 1976 Netherlands 16
25 June 1976 Norway 18
1 December 1977 Poland 16
3 August 1977 Portugal
3 June 1977 South Korea
8 November 1976 Spain
15 February 1980 Turkey
25 June 1976 USA
6 June 1976 Ukraine
Budget $2,800,000
Also known as
The Omen, Omen, La profecía, Das Omen, Омен, Pretkazanje, A Profecia, De vervloeking, Đứa Con Của Quỷ Satan, Ennustus, Il presagio, Kehanet, La malédiction, La Malédiction, La profecia, O Génio do Mal, Ómen, Omen - Il presagio, Omen I, Omen I: The Antichrist, Omen I: The Birthmark, Prevestirea, Prichádza Satan!, Přichází Satan!, Spådom, Talee Nahs, Tegnet, The Antichrist, The Birthmark, Ženklas, Η προφητεία, Поличбата, Предсказање, ओमेन, オーメン(1976), 凶兆, 天魔
Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck
Lee Remick
Lee Remick
David Warner
David Warner
Cast and Crew
Similar films for The Omen
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Joshua 5.9
Joshua (2007)
Paranormal Activity 6.7
Paranormal Activity (2007)
Whisper 6.1
Whisper (2006)
Exorcist: The Beginning 5.7
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)
Godsend 5.7
Godsend (2004)
Omen IV: The Awakening 4.4
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Film rating

Rate 12 votes
7.5 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2025, USA / Germany, Adventure, Drama, Family
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, USA, Thriller
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