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Poster of The Rescuers Down Under
Poster of The Rescuers Down Under
Poster of The Rescuers Down Under
6.7 IMDb Rating: 6.8
3 posters

The Rescuers Down Under

The Rescuers Down Under 18+
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The R.A.S. agents, Miss Bianca and Bernard, race to Australia to save a boy and a rare golden eagle from a murderous poacher.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 17 minutes
Production year 1990
World premiere 16 November 1990
Release date
16 November 1990 Russia 6+
4 July 1991 Australia
29 November 1991 Denmark
27 November 1991 France
4 December 1991 Germany
11 October 1991 Great Britain
25 October 1991 Ireland
16 November 1990 Kazakhstan
6 December 1991 Netherlands 6
6 November 1991 Spain
29 November 1991 Sweden
16 November 1990 USA
16 November 1990 Ukraine
Budget $30,000,000
Also known as
The Rescuers Down Under, Bernard och Bianca i Australien, Bernando y Bianca en Cangurolandia, Bernard ja Bianca Australiassa, Bernardo y Bianca en Cangurolandia, Спасатели в Австралии, Avstraliyada xilasedicilər, Avstraliyadagi qutqaruvchilar, Bernard & Bianca - SOS fra Australien, Bernard & Bianca Australiassa, Bernard & Bianca i Australien, Bernard & Bianca: Peripeteies stin akri tis Gis, Bernard et Bianca au pays des kangourous, Bernard et Bianca en Australie, Bernard i Bianka w krainie kangurów, Bernard og Bianca i Australia, Bernard und Bianca im Känguruland, Bernardo e Bianca na Cangurulândia, Bernardo e Bianca na Terra dos Cangurus, Bianca e Bernie nella terra dei canguri, De reddertjes in Kangoeroeland, De Reddertjes in Kangoeroeland, Đội Cứu Hộ 2, Gelbėtojai Australijoje, Los rescatadores en Cangurolandia, Mentőcsapat a kenguruk földjén, Resitelji iz Avstralije, Spasioci u Australiji, Μπερνάρ και Μπιάνκα: Περιπέτειες στην άκρη της Γης, Австралиядағы құтқарушылар, Рятувальники. Операція Австралія, Спасителите: В Австралия, ビアンカの大冒険 ゴールデン・イーグルを救え!, 救難小英雄澳洲歷險記
Cast and Crew
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6.8 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
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2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
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2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
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