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Poster of 1492 – Conquest of Paradise
Poster of 1492 – Conquest of Paradise
6.2 IMDb Rating: 6.4
2 posters

1492 – Conquest of Paradise

1492: Conquest of Paradise 18+
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Country France / Great Britain / Spain
Runtime 2 hours 34 minutes
Production year 1992
Online premiere 1 February 2022
World premiere 8 October 1992
Release date
8 October 1992 Russia 12+
29 October 1992 Australia
19 February 1993 Czechia
27 November 1992 Denmark
12 October 1992 France
15 October 1992 Germany
23 October 1992 Great Britain 15
19 February 1993 Hungary
16 October 1992 Italy
8 October 1992 Kazakhstan
15 October 1992 Netherlands
20 November 1992 Portugal
24 December 1992 South Korea
9 October 1992 Spain
18 December 1992 Sweden
9 October 1992 USA
8 October 1992 Ukraine
Budget $47,000,000
Also known as
1492: Conquest of Paradise, 1492, 1492 - Die Eroberung des Paradieses, 1492: Christophe Colomb, 1492: Conquista del Paraíso, 1492: La conquête du paradis, 1492: La conquista del paraíso, 1492 - A Paradicsom meghódítása, 1492 - Cucerirea paradisului, 1492 - Den stora upptäckten, 1492 - Erobring af Paradis, 1492 - Erobringen av Paradis, 1492 - Hristoforos Kolomvos, 1492 - La conquista del paradiso, 1492 - La scoperta del Paradiso, 1492 - Paratiisin valloitus, 1492 : Christophe Colomb, 1492- M'Ever La'Offek, 1492・コロンブス, 1492: A Conquista do Paraíso, 1492: Conquista del paraíso, 1492: Cristóvão Colombo, 1492: Paradīzes Iekarošana, 1492: Rojaus užkariavimas, 1492: Wyprawa do raju, 1492: Χριστόφορος Κολόμβος, 1492: Завладяването на рая, 1492: Завоевание рая, 1492: Освајање раја, 1492. Paradiisi vallutamine, 1492征服天堂, Christopher Columbus, Columbus, Krištof Kolumb
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
6.4 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2024, USA, Thriller
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
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