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300: Rise of an Empire

300: Rise of an Empire 18+
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Greek general Themistokles leads the charge against invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes and Artemisia, vengeful commander of the Persian navy.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 42 minutes
Production year 2013
Online premiere 5 March 2014
World premiere 4 March 2014
Release date
6 March 2014 Russia КАРО Премьер 16+
6 March 2014 Argentina
6 March 2014 Australia
6 March 2014 Belarus
5 March 2014 Belgium
7 March 2014 Brazil
6 March 2014 Czechia
6 March 2014 Denmark
7 March 2014 Estonia
7 March 2014 Finland
5 March 2014 France
6 March 2014 Germany
7 March 2014 Great Britain
6 March 2014 Greece
6 March 2014 Hong Kong
6 March 2014 Hungary
7 March 2014 India
7 March 2014 Ireland
6 March 2014 Israel
6 March 2014 Italy
20 June 2014 Japan
6 March 2014 Kazakhstan
7 March 2014 Lithuania
6 March 2014 Netherlands
7 March 2014 Norway
6 March 2014 Portugal
6 March 2014 Slovakia
6 March 2014 South Korea
7 March 2014 Spain
7 March 2014 Sweden
6 March 2014 Thailand
7 March 2014 USA
6 March 2014 Ukraine
Budget $110,000,000
Also known as
300: Rise of an Empire, 300: El nacimiento de un imperio, 300: el nacimiento de un imperio, 300 - L'alba di un impero, 300 : La Naissance d'un empire, 300 2, 300 Chiến Binh: Đế Chế Trỗi Dậy, 300 спартанцев: Расцвет империи, 300 спартанців: Відродження імперії, 300 スリーハンドレッド 帝国の進撃, 300: A Ascensão do Império, 300: A birodalom hajnala, 300: Aliyat ha'Imperia, 300: Ascensiunea unui imperiu, 300: Battle of Artemisium, 300: Bir İmparatorluğun Yükselişi, 300: El naixement d'un imperi, 300: El origen de un imperio, 300: I anodos tis aftokratorias, 300: Impeeriumi sünd, 300: Imperiis agzeveba, 300: Impērijas dzimšana, 300: Imperijos gimimas, 300: Imperiumin nousu, 300: La naissance d'un empire, 300: O Início de Um Império, 300: Początek imperium, 300: Uspon carstva, 300: Vzestup říše, 300: Vzostup impéria, 300: Η άνοδος της αυτοκρατορίας, 300: Възходът на Империята, 300: Успон царства, 300壯士:帝國崛起, El nacimiento de un imperio, Untitled 300 Sequel, Xerxes
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Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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Listen to the
300: Rise of an Empire
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2025, USA, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
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