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Poster of Veronika Decides to Die
Poster of Veronika Decides to Die
6.4 IMDb Rating: 6.3
2 posters

Veronika Decides to Die

Veronika Decides to Die 18+
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After a frantic suicide attempt, Veronika awakens inside a mysterious mental asylum. Under the supervision of an unorthodox psychiatrist who specializes in controversial treatment, Veronika learns that she has only weeks to live.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 43 minutes
Production year 2009
World premiere 16 May 2009
Release date
11 March 2010 Russia Парадиз 16+
18 November 2010 Austria
11 March 2010 Belarus
16 May 2009 France
30 September 2010 Germany
8 February 2011 Greece
11 March 2010 Kazakhstan
13 September 2012 Portugal
21 August 2009 USA
11 March 2010 Ukraine
Budget $9,000,000
Also known as
Veronika Decides to Die, Veronika decide morir, Veronika Decide Morrer, Veronika se rozhodla zemřít, I Veronika apofasizei na pethanei, Veronika beschließt zu sterben, Veronika beslutter sig for at dø, Veronika bestämmer sig för att dö, Veronika décide de mourir, Veronika decide di morire, Veronika je odlučila umrijeti, Veronika meg akar halni, Veronika päättää kuolla, Veronika ryztasi mirti, Veronika se hotaraste sa moara, Veronika se odloči umreti, Veronika vil dø, Weronika postanawia umrzeć, Η Βερόνικα αποφασίζει να πεθάνει, Вероника је одлучила да умре/Veronika je odlučila da umre, Вероника решава да умре, Вероника решает умереть, Вероніка вирішує померти, ベロニカは死ぬことにした, 薇若妮卡想不開
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Film rating

Rate 16 votes
6.3 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
Богиня 2 April 2015, 12:51
Ребят,фильм плучился!!!согласна с тем что риск снять фильм по книге П.Коэльо большой,но удалось и оч даже.ожидала будет ужасно. тема раскрыта,… Read more…
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