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Poster of North by Northwest
Poster of North by Northwest
Poster of North by Northwest
7.8 IMDb Rating: 8.3
3 posters

North by Northwest

North By Northwest 18+
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A hapless New York advertising executive is mistaken for a government agent by a group of foreign spies, and is pursued across the country while he looks for a way to survive.
Country USA
Runtime 2 hours 11 minutes
Production year 1959
Online premiere July 1, 2020
World premiere July 1, 1959
Release date
October 19, 1959 Argentina
November 27, 1959 Australia
December 25, 1959 Austria 12
July 8, 1959 Belgium 12
September 2, 1959 Brazil
October 31, 2024 Canada PG
December 18, 1959 Finland K-16
October 21, 1959 France
December 18, 1959 Germany
July 8, 1959 Great Britain
December 15, 1959 Greece
November 12, 1959 Hong Kong
February 19, 1960 Ireland
November 27, 1959 Italy
September 17, 1959 Japan
June 26, 2008 Netherlands
July 8, 1959 Norway 15
March 8, 1960 Portugal
October 1, 1960 South Korea 12
October 4, 2000 Spain A
October 19, 1959 Sweden
August 6, 1959 USA
March 17, 1960 Uruguay
Budget $3,101,000
Also known as
North by Northwest, Intriga internacional, Der unsichtbare Dritte, Intriga Internacional, На север через северо-запад, Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest, La mort aux trousses, Na sever severozápadní linkou, Sjever-sjeverozapad, Bắc Tây Bắc, Breathless, Bugbugseolo Jinloleul Dollyeola, Con la muerte en los talones, De dood op de hielen, De man die verdwijnen moest, Észak-északnyugat, Észak, északnyugat, Farlig romans, Gizli Teşkilât, Hokuhokusei ni shinro wo tore, Į šiaurę per šiaurės vakarus, I sista minuten, In a North West Direction, In a Northwesterly Direction, Intrigo internazionale, La Mort aux trousses, La nord prin nord-vest, La nord, prin nord-vest, Med hjertet i halsen, Menneskejagt, Na sever severozápadnou dráhou, Perseguit per la mort, Północ - północny zachód, Sever-severozahod, Sever-severozapad, Shimoli-g'arbiy orqali shimolga, Shomal az shomal-e gharbi, Şimal-qərbdən şimala, The CIA Story, The Man in Lincoln's Nose, Vaarallinen romanssi, Στη σκιά των τεσσάρων γιγάντων, На північ через північний захід, Север-северозапад, Север-северозапад/Sever-severozapad, Солтүстік-батыс арқылы солтүстікке, 北北西に進路を取れ, 北西北, 奪魄驚魂, 西北偏北
Cary Grant
Cary Grant
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

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8.3 IMDb
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North by Northwest
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2025, Russia, Detective, Action
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2025, Russia, Romantic
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