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Poster of Jane Eyre
Poster of Jane Eyre
Poster of Jane Eyre
7.7 IMDb Rating: 7.5
3 posters

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre 18+
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After a harsh childhood, orphan Jane Eyre is hired by Edward Rochester, the brooding lord of a mysterious manor house, to care for his young daughter.
Country USA
Runtime 1 hour 37 minutes
Production year 1943
World premiere 24 December 1943
Release date
24 December 1943 Great Britain
24 December 1943 Ireland
20 January 1948 South Korea
7 April 1944 USA
Budget $1,705,000
Also known as
Jane Eyre, Die Waise von Lowood, A lowoodi árva, A Paixão de Jane Eyre, Alma rebelde, Dziwne losy Jane Eyre, Et vajsenhusbarn, Jana Eyrová - sirotek Lowoodský, Jane Eyre - Die Waise von Lowood, Jane Eyre - Kvinnen i tårnet, Jane Eyre - Sirota iz Lowooda, Kotiopettajattaren romaani, Kvinnen i tårnet, La porta proibita, Sirotica iz Louvuda, Tuyo es mi destino, Ο πύργος του πόνου, Τζέιν Έιρ, Джейн Еър, Джейн Эйр, ジェーン・エア(1944)
Orson Welles
Orson Welles
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

Rate 11 votes
7.5 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
zaica 2 April 2015, 12:51
Сходила вчера посмотрела, вдохновившись восторженными отзывами и привлекательной рецензией на Взгляде". Ну и что? А ничего. Хорошего в… Read more…
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