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Poster of Scent of a Woman
Poster of Scent of a Woman
Poster of Scent of a Woman
8.0 IMDb Rating: 8
3 posters

Scent of a Woman

Scent of a Woman 18+
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A prep school student needing money agrees to "babysit" a blind man, but the job is not at all what he anticipated.
Country USA
Runtime 2 hours 37 minutes
Production year 1992
Online premiere February 1, 2022
World premiere December 23, 1992
Release date
September 17, 1993 Russia 16+
February 18, 1993 Argentina
March 11, 1993 Australia
March 5, 1993 Brazil
March 18, 1993 Czechia 15+
March 24, 1993 France
March 4, 1993 Germany
March 11, 1993 Great Britain
March 24, 1993 Greece
March 12, 1993 Ireland
September 17, 1993 Kazakhstan
March 4, 1993 Netherlands
March 18, 1993 Norway
March 5, 1993 Portugal
March 20, 1993 South Korea 15
February 26, 1993 Sweden
March 12, 1993 Turkey
December 23, 1992 USA
September 17, 1993 Ukraine
Budget $31,000,000
Also known as
Scent of a Woman, Perfume de mujer, Der Duft der Frauen, Naisen tuoksu, Perfume de Mulher, 女人香, Aroma gynaikas, Boo-ye Kosh-e Zan, Boye Khoshe Yek Zan, Duften av kvinne, Egy asszony illata, En duft af kvinde, En kvinnas doft, Esencia de mujer, Hương Đàn Bà, Kadın Kokusu, Le Temps d'un week-end, Miris žene, Moters kvapas, Naise lõhn, Parfum de femeie, Parfum de femme, Qadın ətri, Scent of a Woman - Profumo di donna, Vôňa ženy, Vonj po ženski, Vůně ženy, Zapach kobiety, Άρωμα γυναίκας, Әйелдің иісі, Запах женщины, Запах жінки, Мирис жене, Усещане за жена, 여인의 향기, セント・オブ・ウーマン 夢の香り, 闻香识女人
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Film rating

Rate 15 votes
8 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
fanbunga April 2, 2015, 12:51
Буквально на днях посмотрела, валяясь с простудой дома. Голливудский вариант плохо помню, скучный он вроде был, с Томом Крузом.
Итальянский… Read more…
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