After witnessing the murder of his father by a renegade as a boy, the grown-up Brandon helps to realize his father's dream of a transcontinental railway.
Runtime2 hours 13 minutes
Production year1924
World premiereAugust 24, 1924
Release date
January 1, 1925
April 17, 1928
August 24, 1924
Also known as
The Iron Horse, Das Feuerross, El caballo de hierro, Gvozdeni konj, O Cavalo de Ferro, A tűzparipa, Das eiserne Pferd, Il cavallo d'acciaio, Ildhesten, Järnhästen, Jernhesten, Le cheval de fer, Le Cheval de fer, Ocel'ový tátos, Ognisty potwór, The Iron Trail, The Trans-continental Railroad, Żelazny koń, Железный конь, アイアン・ホース