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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 18+
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Scott Pilgrim must defeat his new girlfriend's seven evil exes in order to win her heart.
Country USA / Canada
Runtime 1 hour 52 minutes
Production year 2010
Online premiere August 12, 2010
World premiere July 27, 2010
Release date
August 19, 2010 Russia UPI 16+
August 12, 2010 Australia
August 19, 2010 Belarus
August 13, 2010 Brazil 12
September 24, 2010 Estonia
October 1, 2010 Finland
December 1, 2010 France
October 21, 2010 Germany
August 25, 2010 Great Britain
October 14, 2010 Greece
August 25, 2010 Ireland 12A
November 19, 2010 Italy
August 19, 2010 Kazakhstan
December 31, 2010 Lithuania
November 5, 2010 Mexico
November 25, 2010 Netherlands
August 12, 2010 New Zealand M
August 12, 2010 Norway 15
November 12, 2010 Spain
August 13, 2010 USA
August 19, 2010 Ukraine
Budget $60,000,000
Also known as
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Scott Pilgrim vs. los ex de la chica de sus sueños, Scott Pilgrim Contra o Mundo, Скотт Пилигрим против всех, Haeksim Shel Hahavera Sheli, O Scott Pilgrim enantion ton 7 proin, Scott Pilgrim, Scott Pilgrim a világ ellen, Scott Pilgrim Chống Lại Cả Thế Giới, Scott Pilgrim contra el mundo, Scott Pilgrim Dünyaya Karşı, Scott Pilgrim gegen den Rest der Welt, Scott Pilgrim împotriva tuturor, Scott Pilgrim kontra świat, Scott Pilgrim mod verden, Scott Pilgrim proti celému svetu, Scott Pilgrim proti vsem, Scott Pilgrim protiv svijeta, Scott Pilgrim terve maailma vastu, Scott Pilgrim vastaan maailma, Scott Pilgrim vs le monde, Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life, Skotas Pilgrimas pries pasauli, Skots Pilgrims pret pasauli, Skott Piligrim hamıya qarşı, Skott Piligrim hammaga qarshi, Sukotto Pirugurimu vs. Jaaku na Moto Kare Gundan, Ο Σκοτ Πίλγκριμ εναντίον των 7 πρώην, Скот Пилгрим против целог света, Скот Пилгрим срещу света, Скотт Пилигрим барлығына қарсы, Скотт Пілігрим проти світу, スコット・ピルグリム VS. 邪悪な元カレ軍団, 歪小子史考特
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Showtimes Currently, the movie is not shown in the cinema, but we can send you a message when this movie appears again at the box office
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О господи... посмотрела вчера комментарии к фильму и решила сходить... пожалела сотни раз. Впервые ушла с сеанса, не досмотрев фильм, потому что… Read more…
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