A rich man's daughter is held captive in an abandoned apartment by two former convicts who abducted her and hold her ransom in exchange for her father's money.
The Disappearance of Alice Creed, Agoniodis apagogi, Alice Creed eltűnése, Eifo Alice?, Elis Kryd dingimas, La desaparición de Alice Creed, La disparition d'Alice Creed, La scomparsa di Alice Creed, Nestanak Alice Creed, O Desaparecimento de Alice Creed, Otmica Alice Creed, Spurlos - Die Entführung der Alice Creed, Uprowadzona Alice Creed, Vụ Bắt Cóc Alice Creed, Αγωνιώδης απαγωγή, Зникнення Еліс Крід, Изчезването на Алис Крийд, Исчезновение Элис Крид, Нестанак Алис Крид/Nestanak Alis Krid, アリス・クリードの失踪