A powerful statement against war, Barefoot Gen is a disturbing story about the effect of the atomic bomb on a boy's life and the lives of the Japanese people.
Runtime1 hour 23 minutes
Production year1983
Online premiereJuly 21, 2017
World premiereJuly 21, 1983
Release date
July 21, 1983
July 21, 1983
Also known as
Hadashi no Gen, Barefoot Gen, Gen d'Hiroshima, Barfuss durch Hiroshima, Barfuß durch Hiroshima, Barfuß Gen, Bobik gen, Boso przez Hiroszimę 1, Desculț Gen, Gen de los pies descalzos, Gen di Hiroshima, Gen Pés Descalços, Hadashi No Gen, Hiroshima, maenbal-ui gen, Mezítlábas Gen, Paljasjalgne Gen, Босоногий Ген, Босоногий Гэн, बेयरफुट जनरल, はだしのゲン
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