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Poster of Silent Souls
Poster of Silent Souls
Poster of Silent Souls
6.3 IMDb Rating: 6.6
3 posters

Silent Souls

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Present days. A man and his companion go on a journey to cremate the dead body of the former beloved wife, on a riverbank in the area where they spent their honeymoon.
Country Russia
Runtime 1 hour 15 minutes
Production year 2010
World premiere 6 June 2010
Release date
6 June 2010 Russia Апрель МИГ Пикчерс 16+
28 October 2010 Belarus
3 November 2010 France
20 January 2011 Greece
28 October 2010 Kazakhstan
10 October 2010 USA
28 October 2010 Ukraine
Also known as
Ovsyanki, Silent Souls, Le dernier voyage de Tanya, Almas mudas, Almas Silenciosas, Csendes lelkek, Hiljaiset sielut, Milczące dusze, Silent souls, Spurvene, Stíchnuté duše, Stille Seelen, Tanyas sista resa, Tiché duše, Ztichlé duše, Σιωπηλές ψυχές, Овсянки
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Film rating

Rate 18 votes
6.6 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
Тома 2 April 2015, 12:51
Спасибо Вам ILM и Андрей133! Благодаря Вашим отзывам я пошла на этот фильм и по-моему, это один из самых тонких и умных фильмов, которые я видела за… Read more…
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