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Poster of Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
Poster of Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
6.6 IMDb Rating: 6.6
2 posters

Mr. & Mrs. Bridge

Mr. & Mrs. Bridge 18+
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Set during World War II, an upper-class family begins to fall apart due to the conservative nature of the patriarch and the progressive values of his children.
Country USA / Great Britain
Runtime 2 hours 6 minutes
Production year 1990
World premiere 1 November 1990
Release date
1 November 1990 Russia 16+
1 November 1990 Kazakhstan
23 November 1990 USA
1 November 1990 Ukraine
Budget $7,200,000
Also known as
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge, Cenas de uma Família, Cuando los hijos se alejan, Esperando a Mr. Bridge, Herra ja rouva Bridge, Mar V'Geveret Bridge, Mr & Mrs Bridge, Mr. & Mrs. Bridge - Cenas de uma Família, Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, Mr. e Mrs. Bridge, Mr. és Mrs. Bridge, O kyrios kai i kyria Bridge, Pan i pani Bridge, Paret Bridge, Sr. y Sra. Bridge, Господин и госпожа Бридж, Мистер и миссис Бридж, ミスター&ミセス・ブリッジ, 未路英雄半世情
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Blaze (1989)
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The Object of Beauty (1991)
Little Dorrit 7.2
Little Dorrit (1988)
The Morning After 6.3
The Morning After (1986)
The First Deadly Sin 5.9
The First Deadly Sin (1980)
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Film rating

Rate 13 votes
6.6 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Action, Drama
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, Great Britain, Thriller
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
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