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Poster of A Fish Called Wanda
Poster of A Fish Called Wanda
Poster of A Fish Called Wanda
Poster of A Fish Called Wanda
7.5 IMDb Rating: 7.5
4 posters

A Fish Called Wanda

A Fish Called Wanda 18+
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In London, four very different people team up to commit armed robbery, then try to doublecross each other for the loot.
Country USA / Great Britain
Runtime 1 hour 48 minutes
Production year 1988
World premiere July 7, 1988
Release date
July 7, 1988 Russia 16+
November 10, 1988 Australia
December 22, 1988 Brazil
July 15, 1988 Canada
February 3, 1989 Finland
January 17, 1989 France
January 25, 1989 Germany
October 14, 1988 Great Britain
January 27, 1989 Greece
June 8, 1989 Hungary
October 21, 1988 Ireland
September 2, 1988 Italy
July 7, 1988 Kazakhstan
January 12, 1989 Netherlands 6
December 31, 1988 Poland 18
January 21, 1989 Spain
January 27, 1989 Sweden
January 20, 1989 Switzerland 16
July 15, 1988 USA
July 7, 1988 Ukraine
Budget $7,500,000
Also known as
A Fish Called Wanda, Los enredos de Wanda, Ein Fisch namens Wanda, En fisk som heter Wanda, Kala nimeltä Wanda, Um Peixe Chamado Wanda, Рыбка по имени Ванда, A hal neve: Wanda, Die vis was Wanda, Dug Oo'Shmo Wanda, En fisk ved navn Wanda, Ena psari me to onoma Wanda, Ena psari pou to elegan Wanda, Fish Called Wanda, Fisken de kaldte Wanda, Kala nimega Wanda, Nàng Chạch Wanda, Riba zvana Wanda, Ryba jménem Wanda, Ryba menom Wanda, Rybka zwana Wandą, Un ange dénommé Wanda, Un peix anomenat Wanda, Un pesce di nome Wanda, Un pestisor pe nume Wanda, Un pez llamado Wanda, Un poisson nommé Wanda, Vanda adlı balıq, Vanda ismli baliq, Wanda adında bir balık, Wanda to Daiya to Yasashii Yatsura, Žuvelė vardu Vanda, Ένα ψάρι με το όνομα Γουάντα, Ένα ψάρι που το έλεγαν Γουάντα, Ванда есімді балық, Риба звана Ванда, Риба, наречена Уанда, Рибка на ім'я Ванда, ワンダとダイヤと優しい奴ら, 一条叫旺达的鱼, 笨賊一籮筐
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Film rating

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7.5 IMDb
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A Fish Called Wanda
2024, Russia, Adventure, Drama
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2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
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2025, USA, Horror
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