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Poster of The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Poster of The Pink Panther Strikes Again
7.1 IMDb Rating: 7.1
2 posters

The Pink Panther Strikes Again

The Pink Panther Strikes Again 18+
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Charles Dreyfus, who has finally cracked over inspector Clouseau's antics, escapes from a mental institution and launches an elaborate plan to get rid of Clouseau once and for all.
Country USA / Great Britain
Runtime 1 hour 43 minutes
Production year 1976
World premiere December 15, 1976
Release date
December 15, 1976 Russia 6+
January 2, 1977 Australia
February 23, 1977 France
February 24, 1977 Germany
February 25, 1977 Greece
December 17, 1976 Ireland
March 12, 1977 Japan
December 15, 1976 Kazakhstan
July 13, 1977 Portugal M/12
December 31, 1978 South Korea
December 15, 1976 USA
December 15, 1976 Ukraine
Budget $6,000,000
Also known as
The Pink Panther Strikes Again, La pantera rosa ataca de nuevo, Quand la panthère rose s'emmêle, Růžový panter znovu zasahuje, Vaaleanpunainen pantteri iskee jälleen, Розовая пантера наносит ответный удар, A Nova Transa da Pantera Cor-de-Rosa, A Pantera Volta a Atacar, A Rózsaszín Párduc újra lecsap, De Pink Panther slaat weer toe, De rose panter slaat weer toe, Den lyserøde panter slår igen, Den Rosa Panteren slår til igjen, Den Rosa Pantern slår igen, Der rosarote Panther kehrt zurück, Inspector Clouseau and the Doomsday Machine, Inspector Clouseau Strikes Again, Inspector Clouseau Strikes Back, Inspektor Clouseau - Der beste Mann bei Interpol, Inspektor Clouseau, der beste Mann bei Interpol, Inspektor Kluzo u akciji, La Pantera Rosa Ataca de Nuevo, La pantera rosa sfida l'ispettore Clouseau, La Pantera Rosa torna a atacar, O Roz Panthiras xanaktypa, Pantera roz atacă din nou, Pembe Panter Coşuyor, Pembe Panter'in İntikamı, Pink Panter uzvraća udarac, Pink Panther ponovno napada, Rosa Pantern slår igen, Rosa Pantern slår till igen, Rožinė pantera puola, Różowa Pantera kontratakuje, Ružový panter opäť zasahuje, The Pink Panther Strikes Back, Ο Ροζ Πάνθηρας ξανακτυπά, Рожева пантера знову завдає удару, Розовата пантера поразява отново, ピンクパンサー3, 探長的對決, 活寶
Peter Sellers
Peter Sellers
Lesley-Anne Down
Lesley-Anne Down
Cast and Crew
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Film rating

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7.1 IMDb
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